Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening to other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with dashes in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, the writer expresses his “belief,” knowing he could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.

The Advocate:  See online at

Our Views. This graph: , with oil & gas employment dropping from 11,000 to 3,000 causes lament for our neighbors in that industry and for the state.

Trump voters like me may be quick to notice the peak in 2008 and the overall linear decline to end 2016. It gives hope that Trump’s dismantling of social engineering to favor expensive “renewables” will bring that curve back up sooner than it would have.

Citizens who might be inclined to volunteer their own income to shore up a state on the way back---that is, go along with higher taxes rather than reduced spending may consider a possible better future.

Also, The Advocate’s point, that Louisiana is more diversified than some states that are “too dependent on extraction industries,” may be a rare chance for them and us to recognize one of Bobby Jindal’s achieved goals: a more diversified economy and expanded petro-chem corridor.

I never voted for Jindal, but am able to thank him for any good he accomplished. So far, Trump has made my votes, in the primary and in the election, seem successful. He defeated the institutional GOP before defeating the Democrats, winning 84% of the nation’s counties.

I appreciate all peaceful neighbors and hope all but civic-dissidents will begin to enjoy what is happening in the USA: Governance for the people rather than for a special interest, such as the GOP, the self-righteous republicans, the DNC, black caucuses, or liberal democrats.

The preamble to the constitution for the USA, a civic sentence, invites willing citizens to collaborate for public-integrity. We think 2/3 of members of every no-harm association may already collaborate, but they just don’t realize their common goal is broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security. We think volunteers for We the People of the United States have been a supermajority ever since 2/3 of states representatives ratified the preamble on June 21, 1788. Thus, there has always been 1/3 dissidents.
Collaborating for public-integrity, at last, with a possibility to approach the totality We the People of the United States can begin in Baton Rouge.

Today’s thought. 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22. This passage strengthened my doubt: “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.

Experience (unbearable woe, yet I am alive) taught me that my thoughts are not reliable. I cannot trust them. Therefore, I trust and commit to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is both understood and used to civic benefit.

For examples, we explore the universe but do not attempt to communicate with extraterrestrials.


N. O. priorities (Hugel). The reality check has more to do with five decades enslavement of many Americans to separate as “African-Americans” based on skin-color.

It happened under legislative black caucuses, black power, and black liberation theology, originating in 1968-9. Springing from the civic-justice of the civil rights movement, the aforementioned three movements found disruptive power in Saul Alinsky's rules, the collective, enslaving force I call Alinsky-Marxist organizing (AMO). See for information about AMO history and leaders.

Know the rules, e.g., online at . If you find a group you are in is following such rules, intentionally or not, consider dropping out if you doubt the cause. The AMO method is to persuade recruits to sacrifice time, fortune, criminal record, even life, in a cause that has no future beyond conflict-for-disruption. See Adams about that point.

In New Orleans, the reported crime concern is primarily black on black gun attack. In Baton Rouge, it is also black on black financial-predatory-entitlement, such as in operation of the Council on Ageing. See . Some Metro-Council members express that CAO is entitled to operate without oversight: .

It is important for citizens to recognize that the claim “I am an African-American,” may be voluntary enslavement when “I am an American,” is inclusive and positions each person to collaborate for civic justice rather than black division or white separation. Any legislation proposed by a member of a black legislative caucus may oppose citizens of all other skin-colors and voted out as unconstitutional.
As an American, I am very interested in American history: black contributions to the promises stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA but little to no interest in the African-Atlantic slave trade or the Catholic tyranny that authorized it or the Protestant competition that expanded colonization with slaves. I welcome people of other skin colors but hope they join a civic people as defined by the preamble.
I want to imagine how our common slavery-victimization through the Atlantic Slave Trade can be a power for establishing public-integrity in the USA. Civic-justice here, as stated in the preamble, holds promise for the world.

Single-payer facts (Richard). To Mike Russo: I agree.

Also, was unfriendly for my skill level. Yet there I found phrases which led to articles I could access, like about Vermont’s single-payer experiment proved unsustainable and threatening prosperity in the state.

Maybe Hebert will reply with the URL to the article about the Medicare-efficiency-opinion he wanted to refute. “Medicare efficiency” was not an effective search phrase at .
To JT McQuitty: "Dr Mark Holland, the president of the Society for Acute Medicine, said: “For a long time we have been saying that the NHS is on the edge. But people dying after long spells in hospital corridors shows that the NHS is now broken."
The article is 3 months old, so a current emergency notice in England.
A single-payer system can work if it includes personal-responsibility provisions, like priority for non-smokers and such.
Froma Harrop column. “Revolution” is a bold claim. But let’s see how things turn out in Georgia.

Clarence Page column. I think “politeness” is the wrong take: it’s a matter of subjugation of women ostensibly to control male appetites . . . as though male appetite is all that is required to breach fidelities.
It goes back to Jimmy Carter’s talk of lust.
An authentic man committed to fidelity to the-objective-truth and his person long before he fell in love with a woman and committed to share fidelity with her. If they agreed to conceive children, they extended their bond for life to their posterity---children, grandchildren and beyond for life. An authentic man assumes female colleagues have similar fidelities and does not allow intimacy to enter professional contact.

Neither a conversation, a meal, a beer, nor a ride to the airport can threaten fidelity as it should be practiced.

These ideas seem unattainable to some people only because we have been indoctrinated in social morality rather than civic-morality. We work for public-integrity.
Rich Lowry column.Trumpism” is a construct in some writers’ minds. President Trump is reinventing himself every moment, and what will have emerged after eight years may be a writer’s topic, but to comment at this time is folly. Worse folly is pretense to advise Trump.
China firm (online). "Like the other builders of megaprojects, Wanhua picked Louisiana because of the access to an abundant supply of natural gas and other feedstocks, along with deepwater transportation provided by the Mississippi River."
These are the incentives, and the people should not be taxed for the incentives that draw companies to Louisiana. Louisiana government negotiates bad deals that volunteer the people's fortunes for the investors’ benefits.

Gov. Edwards made the announcement. Who picked the people’s pockets to help the investors? Did he act on his own? Is it a legislative act? Why is the legislature involved in reviewing past tax incentives for corporations?
Beyond Christianity (Page 1B). Citizens have in common the pursuit of broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security; civic-morality; public-integrity. When Christianity---hope for salvation of the soul---interferes with public-integrity, Christianity should be set aside.

Flood victim hotel (Page 1B). Extension through May 10 for 250 households.

Medical marijuana (Page 1A). The medical research angle seems good, but won’t other states be competing for that too?
I hope one of the companies will consider and propose a low-cost, high-volume, over-the counter approach. That approach is amenable with doctor recommendations, faster help for children and adults with actual need, and faster accumulation of experience.
Best wishes to the home team, Southern Roots Therapeutics LLC.

Divisions expected (Page 1A). There is ample evidence that five decades of black-entitlement hurt citizens, especially those who adopt the distinction “African-American” when they could be American.

I hope the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus will start the transition to commitment-to-and-trust-in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. It was intended for emancipated slaves when it was ratified on June 21, 1788, and the generations since then have left to our generation the privilege of establishing voluntary public-integrity. Every willing citizen can use the preamble to guide civic-justice.

This proposal to start the transition originated in EBRP libraries and in privacy by discussion among fifty people. The proposal for voluntary public-integrity is being shared world-wide, but the idea and theory are here for use by willing people.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood.
Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit. See online at

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