Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening to other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with dashes in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, the writer expresses his “belief,” knowing he could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.

The Advocate:  See online at theadvocate.com/baton_rouge

Our Views. The Advocate is candid about Broome's failures regarding Bell, COA, and Metro-Council democrats walking out. 
But what about Broome’s stated intention to defeat Civil Service’s protection of the people from an incompetent leader or tyrant? That intention should be grounds for her removal from office if she does not admit, apologize and reform.

Today’s thought, Psalms 101:3. David reflected on his commitment against evil behavior. 

Dean refers to “holy and good.” 

Plato reports that Socrates asked what invokes holy: goodness? Plato focused on goodness rather than mystery.


Sentencing Carville (Berry). It took Lincoln a long time to realize he was at war and death was mounting, as he tolerated reluctant generals. 
Grant and Sherman ended it at perhaps 750,000 killed. That’s proportional to 8 million dead at today’s population. 
The erroneous party was the CSA’s seven states against 27 states when they fired on Fort Sumter. Such military folly causes misery and loss.

N.O. darkness (Bullock). I wonder what’s next for Landrieu. 
Black caucuses don’t allow white membership, but maybe a double exception is in order: white and unelected.

Rich Lowry column (south border). 17,000 arrests in March compared to 60,000 in December a 350% improvement. Still far to go to get arrests to zero.

Billy Nungesser column. I appreciate your message, Lt. Gov. Nungesser.
Roberts column. To the liberal democrat, everything but labor-feasibility---people's lives---must be funded. 
Labor: that’s the hours, days, weeks, years, and decades a person spends in an endeavor. 
Looking at 2016 labor data at bls.gov/Oes/current/oes_nat.htm#00-0000, the annual mean wage for anesthesiology is 13.2 times the mean wage for a food worker. In a way, it takes 13 to pay one, but those 13 can't live on their income. Labor feasibility is out of balance.
Federal largess based on liberal-media scare tactics contribute to the problem. President Trump intends to lessen the gap. It’s the same thing as challenging Boeing to make planes more efficiently.
Writers write passions with no clue as to the-objective-truth: "Oh look! Here's some emotion. Let's stir it."
Clarence Page column. Voters in 84% of US counties wanted Donald Trump to win, because they perceive chances for a better future with Trump rather than with his opponents, like liberal-democrat writers.
The media and North Carolina are not in such good fortune. They are subject to the dominant opinion of sponsors.

Turns out, O’Reilly has the same advantage as Trump: Neither the Murdochs, the sponsors nor the NBA can control on a whim: it’s up to the people. They’re tuning into O’Reilly podcasts at billoreilly.com .
Trump’s frankness, even about his mistakes, is a threat to all media, as Trump establishes reliability the media has neither the will nor the means to mimic. The media is in serious trouble.

Guest column on “science” (April 21).  To GM King: Quoting you, "Civic" doesn't refer to connections between two "living" people (is there another kind?)." Of course: there are connections to people who are dead---at least in my case, maybe not yours.

Tradition is intended to bind us to the past. People all the time argue that I should conform to the founding fathers or follow Jesus, etc. The civic connections I speak of are between persons in a place and time for mutual justice and freedom from arbitrary power. Neither of them is trying to conform to religion, civilization, government, society, an ideology, or personal opinion, yet both persons are striving to talk or trade or carry on some other public transaction, both conforming to the-objective truth yet each seeking and achieving the personal aim they had when they approached the transaction. With this kind of freedom, both persons may strive for fidelity to the-objective-truth and achieve it. Both parties may perfect their unique beings.

To GM King: I seek input from readers in order to eliminate failures. Few readers grant the effort, but you did. Thank you for convincing me that “civic” does not work for “public-integrity.”

If there are no objections, the first time I revise "civic-morality" to "public-morality," I will footnote "Revised from “civic-morality” after dialogue with GM King, April 24, 2017."

I think it will be in these two sentences: “Voluntary public-integrity expresses a way of living wherein most people mutually discover public-morality using the-objective-truth rather than submit to dominate-opinion or political-power. Thus, most people conform to public-integrity not by force or coercion but by personal will.”

Merriam-Webster supports my use of “civic”:  Legal Definition of civic: of or relating to a citizen, a city, citizenship, or civil affairs. I use “civic” as relating to a citizen. Meaning of “citizen” is also controversial. I think it first means “born here,” and I apply it to citizen of humankind. I use “civic” to represent collaboration by two parties for justice where they are at the time of their transaction. Thus, it is not limited to the city, state, country, even the world or setting, urban or rural—can be in outer space. This way of living rises above civilizations, laws, opinion, pure-reason, regulation, etc., and can only conform to the-objective-truth, which I neither know nor can discover. By all means, the-objective-truth does not conform to imagination. Humankind is in the process of discovering the objective truth and each person should benefit from the leading edge throughout their lifetime rather than being bound to past opinion or tradition. My usage is not wrong, and may be developed.

While the above paragraph is mine, I would not have written it except to respond to you. Thank you.

Worst monument gone (Page 1A). I hope the other three survive.

Arkansas civil justice (Page 2A). Humankind is responsible for statutory justice, and DNA, now three decades in the judicial system may be used to expedite termination of offenses against public-integrity. 
Responsibilities beyond public-integrity reside where-ever the-beyond may be.

Afghan resignations (Page 2A). This decisiveness is by Trump’s administration; Secretary of Defense James Mattis.

Public school (Page 7A). The adults in charge are so discombobulated that it makes no sense for a civic person in his eighth decades to spend time on reporting.

Other forums.

I confirmed that O’Reily is podcasting online:  billoreilly.com . I will not take time for his voice now and did not before.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood.
Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit. See online at promotethepreamble.blogspot.com.

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