Saturday, April 22, 2017

Raciism empowers political elites

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening to other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with dashes in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, the writer expresses his “belief,” knowing he could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.

The Advocate:  See online at

Our Views. The Advocate has done a yeoman’s job trying to convince me that it’s me the personnel at Angola do not respect. It’s me the State of Louisiana abuses.
I want statutory law that does two things 1) protects the public in civic justice when a dissident really causes misery and loss to others and 2) takes advantage of discovered crime to teach the criminal voluntary public-integrity. I want the criminal to join the human quest for fidelity to the-objective-truth.
With the Department of Corrections’ illegal activities and graft, the State of Louisiana actually works against the possibility of reform for dissidents to civic morality. In fact, the department represents the State of Louisiana as a dissident to civic justice.

One other point. Allowing religion, which has no voluntary public integrity, to tyrannize the minds of captive people is civic immorality. The objective of the justice system is civic justice, a reality that operates only on the-objective-truth respecting harm to others. 
Religion constructs theories pertaining to imaginary afterdeath in heaven, which is not a civic topic. 
Let any clergyman come to the Louisiana State Capitol and collaborate with a civic people about the clergyman's God. I've heard Jesus invoked there many times. Let's have a Senate-Floor debate on Jesus. I'll be there to champion the-objective-truth whatever it is. 
Religious motives do not inspire public-integrity.

Thank you, The Advocate, for keeping the pressure on Gov. Edwards to stop stonewalling a state-sponsored hornets' nest of crime.

Our Views (April 21). To SandraandMichael Evans:

Children K-12 are being abused like never before by adults who are focused on adult satisfactions. I do not want to support growth of the practice and the industries and non-profits that support it. Read the work of Marci Hamilton to glimpse understanding.

If you really care about K-12 children, advance "Child incentives." See .

Today’s thought, Proverbs 26:11. 
Dog logic is pretty good, but Solomon wrote mystery and perhaps contradiction. Consider verses 4-5:

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.
I listen to the other person’s experiences and observations so as to learn. If they are that generous, and I hear what I humbly think is error, I say so, merely to share rather than coerce.

I modify Socrates’ paradox: The earth is like a globe rather than flat. However, I admit to myself then publicly: I do not know what I do not know.

Pipeline (Reynolds). No no. It's politically-correct code for messaging black entrepreneurs. Gov. Edwards is searching for a Navajo code-breaker to help his administration understand how to help.
DAs (Mordock). Mordock, you have it backwards.

The legislature needs to cooperate with the DA’s and the sheriffs’ association, who I think communicate with and therefore represent the police. These are the very special officials who carry the civic people’s monopoly on force when martial law is not needed.

We the [Civic] People of the United States---in order to establish public-integrity---authorize statutory law on which to organize, govern, and monopolize force, maintain both state and federal constitutions. Everyone wants broadly-defined-civic-safety-&-security, but some are either criminally or civilly dissident to public-integrity, so force is required.

The first line of enforcement, or closest to bodily harm, is the first responders---policemen, sheriffs, firemen, EMS, homeland security and others. The second, also enforcers but with less exposure to harm, is investigators and DA’s. The third is lawyers and judges. The fourth is the administration. The fifth is legislators.

Everyone who applies for a job has the civil right to support from the institution that hired the employee. The hierarchy from first responders up are protecting first responders in the application of force when called to a criminal scene. Everyone else, both the public and the hierarchy above first and second responders, is shielded from that public function: force.
I am dismayed that the committee Gov. Edwards put together did not recommend revisions of laws so that DNA evidence could expedite convictions, sentencing, and executions without appeal after a few weeks opportunity. To a lesser extent, I am disappointed that they did not recommend something for people who are not able to discern right from wrong.

I urge the Legislature to not stonewall the DA’s, sheriffs and police, as Mordock suggests. If necessary for legislative convenience, incorporate every idea these first and second people authorized in the monopoly on force into your bills and correct any unintended/unforeseen errors later.
Kathryn Jean Lopez column. Christianity does not work “for peace in the face of terror.”

It tries to operate Chapter XI Machiavellianism, the church-state-partnership, based on support by believers. You, Ms Lopez are delusional, and I am a dreamer.
I think within our lifetimes you will contribute to voluntary public-integrity, wherein every civic believer’s religion or none flourishes. “Civic” refers to public connections and transactions wherein both parties experience civic justice.
In a civic society, your writing for believers may be separate from your writing for voluntary public-integrity.
Froma Harrop column. You were eloquent with it, and sometimes I did not care to explore your statements, like the one with uber-mensch, even though I think “uber” means “super.”

However, using Alinsky rules marks you as an AMO radical. Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. See

Bannon never had the role “short rule.” He helped Trump win the election then served for life with good behavior. You, Ms Harrop exaggerate at will.

May I borrow your words to say, “Sorry, but it’s impossible to find redeeming [civic] value” in Froma Harrop, let alone her writing. "Civic" means public connections or transactions wherein both parties experience justice according to the-objective-truth rather than dominant-opinion or civilization or society.
Robert Bendick and Keth Ouchley guest column (saving gulf). Your article has “scientist” too much; too much focus on the student. We’re students, too.
Science is only a study, and the student needs to sell the public on the object of his or her study. If it is the-objective-truth and targeted evidence will help establish broadly-defined-civic-safety-&-security and the chances of discovery are good, maybe. 
If the student has a hypothesis he or she wants to prove, maybe not. If that is the honest truth, integrity may be challenged and the public may get pseudo-science.
You are writing to a civic people---people who want to understand and benefit from the-objective-truth. Ask yourself: Will a civic people benefit from my study? Yes, convince us. No, consider other candidates for study.
I think that is the challenge the people present through their spokesperson: President Trump. At least, that's what I wanted when I voted for him.

Broome’s liar (Page 1B). Thank you, Andrea Gallo, Steve Hardy, and The Advocate.
This is the kind of journalism the hometown people pay for and are grateful for. Ms. Broome and her entourage of dialogues on racism and church advisors including F. King Alexander and his civil boss Raymond Jetson may reform to voluntary public-integrity on meeting The Advocate at its best.
Who is in charge if Ms Broome does the right thing and resigns? Anyone outside her team will do.
I would nominate MWW, but she would not accept: she's too busy living.

More Edwards problems with LeBlanc (Page 1A). It seems time for Gov John Bel Edwards to step down for incompetence.

Edwards (Page 1A). The commercial activity tax shrinks. Gov. Edwards seems incompetent.

La. DA group too (Page 1A). Incorporate their suggestions as well as those of the sheriffs. They are the people’s second and first responders, respectively. Lawyers, judges, and legislatures often deny the people’s direct responders their civil rights to a job with institutional support.

Syria’s chemical weapons (Page 3A). Public caution about foreign threat is an act of defense.

US rig count up, not La. (Page 6A). Why do we seem to lag the nation in energy activity?

Jewish center threats (Page 7A). Have the threatening calls stopped? What about desecration of graves?

Arkansas executions (Page 8A). Did a federal judge try to interfere and fail on appeal by the state? I hope so. It should be a state issue.

Other forums
If you honor work and workers, you may enjoy this populism-propaganda:
I am supportive and hope civic-goodness keeps rolling.
I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We had a black mayor for twelve years who built an inclusive spirit by apparently strong public-integrity and the energy to attend special events for all ethnic groups who invited or included him, save one: the non-religious civic people, who in these parts account for perhaps 18% compared to 23% nationwide.
When radical black leaders visited here, and he was included, Mayor Kip Holden prayed conventional Christian prayer for Baton Rouge. Under his watch, Baton Rouge suffered Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO) protests in the summer of 2016 with no property damage and two injuries, one to a police officer and one to a protester. The financial cost was high, but our police did a magnificent job.
Recently, a new mayor came into office with a platform of dialogues on racism and church. Very few people realize that many of the black radicals who visit here preach a black god, perhaps olive-skinned Jesus, or Nation of Islam. They come from the North, but the people they influence are here. I don’t care to guess what the current mayor thinks or record the name. I just want relief.
I think the black sections here are accustomed to vigilante justice and call in the police only to clean up the blood, bodies, and bullets. However, I also think 2/3 of the black citizens have civic morality: in public connections and transactions, they want both parties to enjoy civic justice. In other words, I think 2/3 of citizens here live with voluntary civic-honesty. Honesty is insufficient, but the leading edge practices voluntary public-integrity.
I think racism is rampant among elected officials, but not so much among most of the people.
As soon as men mutate so as to produce eggs, conceive, gestate, and deliver infants (and have the support of the mutated woman who impregnated him in order to have the time to rear the child he bore), the world should go all the way.
The purpose of government is to support broadly-defined-civic-safety-&-security, hereafter civic-security, or freedom from oppression, so that each person may earn the liberty to pursue the happiness he or she discovers as personal preference. For example, the person who discovers he or she wants to fly to the moon should be able to do so if he or she provides civic-security.
Providing freedom from oppression does not guarantee the person will earn the liberty to pursue personal happiness. There are many dissidents to civic-security for reasons they may or may not understand.
For detail, please read “Voluntary public-integrity” at A Civic People (ACP) .

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood.
Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit. See online at

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