Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 6, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening to other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with dashes in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, the writer expresses his “belief,” knowing he could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.

The Advocate:  See online at

Our Views. To JT McQuitty: I commend The Advocate for wonderful coverage---if not creation of the story through their investigations---for over a year now, including tacit suggestions that Gov. Edwards should fire LeBlanc.
However, does The Advocate’s stab at humor get Gov. John Bel Edwards off the LeBlanc hook? No.

Today’s thought. Jeremiah 17:9. Jeremiah's 2600 year old thoughts don't ring true. With what may be understood today, appetites are deceitful and whetting them is "desperately wicked."

Once a person experiences civic justice, he or she will begin to work on personal perfection according to his or her abilities. The principle is illustrated in William Faulkner's "Barn Burning." A 10 year old boy benefits from both a grocery-store-circuit judge and  a conscientious neighbor, then walks away from an evil family.

Pity Dean and other predator-ministers who disparage the human heart. Persons may be coached to be civic. A civic culture may suppress religious predators and improve quality of life.

Single payer (Hale). To Philip Zachariah: The USA is a republic. Rather than patriotism, real-no-harm pursuit of personal preferences is the object of living. The real-no-harm constraint addresses mutual justice rather than submission to the tyranny of liberal democracy. When a person lives recklessly, he or she may pay the risks.

Froma Harrop column. I appreciate the phrase “endogenous opioids,” which beforehand I would have thought “endorphins.”

I look forward to your sequel to follow up on “Obviously . . . the problem goes deeper than” legislation regarding smartphone practices. 
James Gill column. There’s no place for foxy, fallacious writing when the issues are so great: Shame on you, Mr. Gill. Where were you when DNA news hit the British scene?
You’ll like the Google statement that DNA “first made its way into the courts in 1986, when police in England asked molecular biologist Alec Jeffreys . . . to use DNA to verify the confession of a 17 year-old boy in two rape-murders in the English Midlands.
That was only 31 years ago, so it is time for England to re-consider their 50 year-old decision to abolish the death penalty. The three week period from conviction---by evidences complete with DNA---seems good.
This review in Louisiana is a good time for a civic legislator to author bills that save the $100 million/year claimed by giving victims and the people the benefit of DNA.

Charles Krauthammer column. Single payer that requires reckless people to pay for their risks would be good. 
But dear Mr. K. You seem to be off track. Does President Trump have you brain-tied?

E. J. Dionne column. How can a columnist write such fake evidence for opinion? 
Hillary Clinton was sufficient to derail the Hillary Clinton campaign. Civic people could hardly bear her arrogance and abrasiveness let alone her presence. What Putin-fake news about Hillary Clinton got beyond tabloid news?
Trump presents a warm attitude toward every person and every nation as his best hope. He always ends with the idea that it depends on how the other behaves---we’ll see. I bet if he met Dionne he’d ask, “Wanna communicate today?” Liars cannot communicate with Trump, so Trump would be waiting to see if integrity followed.
Liberal democrats try to promote “our democracy.” The USA is a republic under the rule of statutory law that covers both criminal and civil issues.

COA (Page 1B). Withdrawal is insufficient.
W. T. Sherman (Page 1B). Renaming the Parade Ground is good, and perhaps even more should be done---maybe a monument.
Cycles of abuse (Page 3B). It is a civic duty to teach children how to form beneficial human bonds.
Such education is part of the proposal found by Googling [phil beaver + child incentives] and choosing the URL that starts cipbr.
Congratulations to DA Hillar Moore III, the Star 2017 Champion of Change.

Gender pay (online). Polls are designed subjectively or for a purpose. In this case, propaganda to support Gov. John Bel Edwards sinister ambitions. Legislators should continue to support families rather than yield to liberal-democracy-coercion.
What’s important to a civic people is the economically viable family. Balancing the twenty years a couple may dedicate to child rearing with the thirty-five years a corporation needs for competitive service leads to an economic dilemma for a state or nation as well as each couple. If couples collaborate for one to dedicate 35 years to corporate benefits and the other 20 years to family-rearing, one spouse can serve a corporation only 57% of the time. The corporation, to be competitive needs that spouse who will be available for 35 years, whether male or female. Paying the 20-year employee the same as the 35-year employee hurts families.
Political polls coerce respondents with subjective questions. Subjective answers lead to subjective evaluations of the collected numbers. The response to the subjective question is subjective; evaluation of the collected data is subjective. 
I agree to answer polls, because I want to express my opinion. However, the moment a pollster does not respond to my custom reply to represent my opinion---insists that I reply to the coercive choices, I stop responding. The pollster presses for the next robo-call. Some people who would express opinion but do not respond to coercion decided long ago to refuse to be interviewed. MWW is like that. Thus, the survey sample is biased to the responders who cooperated with the subjective coercion. 
Liberal university professors pretend that the tool of the process---statistics---is science. They label themselves “political scientist” or “social scientist.” However, scientists are students of the-objective-truth, and their method is discovery of repeatable evidence. Students know that statistics is a powerful yet subjective tool, which the student can use to support opinion. Students who seek the-objective-truth do not rely on statistics.
According to pollsters, Hillary Clinton is president of the USA, and Donald Trump stole the election. This gender-salary poll has worse credibility, and legislators should continue to vote “No” on liberal coercion to ruin the economic viability of the Louisiana family.
To Mark Perkins: Throughout recorded history, the stories witness that men are emotional brutes who can be stirred to take great risks for a cause. Women are care-takers with more dedication to the-objective-truth of Security. It is illustrated many times.
Sophocles has Antiogne burry her brother Polyneices despite her uncle Creon’s ban. Euripides has Clytemnestra discovering and working to defeat husband Agamemnon’s plan to sacrifice daughter Iphigenia on priestly advice from Calchas. Anton Chekhov, in “Rothscild’s Fiddle” has Martha suffer clueless Yakov during forty-five years of grief over the death of their daughter. Rudyard Kipling has the women of the village cut “The Man Who Would Be King” for blood to show the emotional men that the man is not a god. The list goes on and on.
Children balance mom’s constant care with dad’s supporting discipline. Edwards is allowing emotional, political ambition tempt him to run roughshod over the families of Louisiana. I cannot account for Mrs. Edwards’ witness, but don’t feel it is a factor: I am not impressed by it.

Embarrassment in Congress(Page 1A). Thank goodness possible Vatican-Edwards-partnership meeting did not come up.
Embarrassment on LA1 (online). Finally, a legislative leader who speaks for the people of Louisiana.

"steps are needed to restore voter confidence in how road and bridge dollars are spent, possibly before any push to raise the state's gasoline tax." That's House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Neil Abramson, D-New Orleans. Thank you.

I conspiracy-theorize the LA 1 bridge neglect is another Gov. Edwards sinister ploy like "LSU football may have to be put on hold." But this time, it's real neglect and real loss. Of course, I hope I am wrong, but there must be some explanation for such poor DOTD maintenance responsibility.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood.

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