Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 16, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening to other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with dashes in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, the writer expresses his “belief,” knowing he could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.

The Advocate:  See online at

Our Views. The Advocate seems desperate to preserve a dominant-civic-opinion when public-integrity is emerging in our hometown, Baton Rouge. 
In public-integrity, persons, even strangers, in public-connections-&-transactions, collaborate for mutual civic-justice, keeping private-pursuits private and statutory law immaterial. Civic-morality transcends civil authority and constrains religious morality, such as doctrine for the afterdeath . . . doctrine for reincarnation.
In America, it is customary to claim that, heretofore undefined civic-morality, is the “Christian thing to do.” Citizens often ask, “What would Jesus do?” Non-Christians counter, “Live and let live.” Some thieves claim, “I am born again.” In today’s unexamined tradition, The Advocate would divide us: “. . . not only Christians but secular society, too.” Social morality conflicts civic-morality.
Collaboration for or cooperation with broadly-defined-civic-safety-&-security, hereafter civic-security, divides the people: for vs against civic-security; a civic people vs dissidents. In a civic culture, every real-no-harm religion both flourishes and conforms to civic-morality. Associations of people---believers---collaborate so that their religious institution or other group conforms to civic-justice.
The Advocate would renew erroneous mysteries: “. . . our basic faith that love can transcend aggression, that miracles are possible.” It is past time to consider appreciation as a precursor to---an originator for---love. An intelligent being cannot be adored merely because it exists, and perpetrators of atrocity cannot be appreciated. Love grows as persons appreciate each other. Persons rather than personal Gods are involved in the connections & transactions. Appreciation is invoked by positive action rather than mysteries and miracles.
Writers like E. B. White, perhaps with good intentions but perhaps for political power, bemuse readers by converting the awe of the-objective-truth into constructs of his imagination. Believers pass through life converting what-is into what-may-be according to their hopes, in some cases, waiting with great expectation for the afterdeath.
Spring is indeed a time of personal renewal for a civic people, the super-majority of inhabitants whose religious institutions would divide them: Christian vs secular. 
The Advocate may collaborate for or cooperate with voluntary public-integrity, which is emerging in Baton Rouge, anytime The Advocate perceives public-integrity aids their business plan.
In public-integrity, the monument debate may be resolved so as to preserve the education and memory of a terrible world event: The consequences of the Catholic Church canonizing, as God’s word, literary affirmation of slavery. 
The erroneous literature covers both before and after Jesus said: “Be perfect.” The Church buried that civic message in mystery and miracles.
It matters not that Mitch Landrieu ignores that infamous African commodity for whatever market will buy, in 2017, sex slaves. What matters is that he and his friends erroneously commandeer the American quest to recover from the slavery imposed on the nation by Africa and white church. It matters not that black church may bias white church, the customer, rather than Africa, the supplier, to be Satan, as long as both churches conform to statutory law.
What matters is public-integrity or civic-justice. The monument debate may help establish public-integrity in Louisiana and the USA. With the right plaques on existing monuments, the whole world may visit New Orleans and Louisiana and reflect on the-objective-truth. That noble, civic-option today is Mayor Landrieu’s.

Mark Ballard column. I’d like to see each legislator personally commit to legislation that would justify the civic-appreciation of the people of Louisiana. “Civic” refers to voluntary mutual justice in public connections & transactions among the people. 
Willing rather than forced/coerced transactions are grounded in the-objective-truth rather than dominant-opinion. With collaboration or cooperation from the administration, the consequence may be a new way of living that gradually establishes public-integrity. 
Although it has never been tried, public-integrity seems achievable, because civic-morality transcends both civil morality and religious morality; correction of civic injustice may quickly emerge.

Sadow column. Sadow, thank you for sharing as much of the story as you wanted to research; it isn't easy.
Another concern I have is Gov. Edwards working on the Vatican-Edwards-partnership--whatever that enterprise may be---when he should have, during the week of January 20, been working for flood victims.
There's no place for religious-institution-civic-official-partnerships in public-integrity. That immoral partnership taints Graves, too, but not as severely or directly as Edwards.

Greece v Galloway (2014) unleashed a lot of factional-Christian hubris, but the politician who takes advantage of blatant Supreme Court error is responsible for personally rebuking the-objective-truth. When it comes to misleading people, “the boss told me to” is no excuse, especially when the boss is a mystery in your own mind.

President Trump seems to invite the woe of the religion-official-partnership, and if so, I commend him to reform. All who participate in Chapter XI Machiavellianism beg woe. See I would not try to advise Trump, so I appeal to the people spoken of in Chapter XI.

John Legend in town (Page 1B). I’ve heard him sing and like what I heard.

Success in life is founded on respective and collective fidelity: Fidelity to the-objective-truth, to self, to immediate family, to extended family, to the people, to the nation, to the world, and to the universe.

Liberal democracy and fidelity are in conflict. I hope Legend is aware that the USA promises a republican form of government---the rule of statutory law with institutional discovery and reform of civil injustice rather than liberal-democratic-conflict without goals beyond chaos. See .

I have not heard enough about reform by more effective use of DNA in the judicial process. I will try to attend and learn, hoping to hear of such interest.
Police records (Page 1A). Thank you, The Advocate, for taking legal action to get the information readers need in order to stay active for public-integrity.
Also, we appreciate your records of past offense-discoveries and outcomes. Also, current hiding of public-affairs information. “Spokespeople for the Division of Administration and Secretary of State’s Office both said their agencies do not have specific retention schedules for text messages.” The AG’s office did not respond.
It reminds me of Hillary’s Clinton’s infamous line: What difference does it make.
In this case, responsibility rests with Gov. Edwards.
Restricting paddling (Page 1A). I’d like to see a study of types of child abuse, frequency of occurrence, and category of perpetrator, by reporting, by resolution of the report, and by estimation of unreported incidents by experts in each field of abuse.

N. Korea (Page 1A). With such bungling of tests, this nation cannot be allowed to develop effective weapons.

DNA (Page 2A). DNA taken from the body of the August 7 victim led to identity of the perpetrator.
There is no civic reason for the execution of the perpetrator to wait beyond a couple weeks of conviction. Let the judicial system be in charge of protecting other lives from a convicted predator while whatever-is continues responsibility for the perpetrator’s afterdeath.
I hope the Louisiana legislature and administration agree with my view.

African refugees (Page 3A). For all my life, there have been a constant stream of African refugees.
Our hearts are broken with the memory of a starvation-bloated baby with a fly drinking from his or her large, well photographed tear. There are other photos online with flies swarming on both eyes. Why can’t population growth and adaptation to the African continent find balance? How is simply feeding them more an exacerbation than a cure? (See US Sen Bob Corker perhaps erroneous view on aid constraints, Page 5 A).
Of course, my question extends to the world. My concerns are too egocentric I suppose, yet I prefer to work toward public-integrity in my hometown, where it seems each level of government is dysfunctional.

Trump tax forms (Page 7A). Who can forget the Obama birth certificate? 
When it finally came out, the reader could not find grounded evidence to decide it was real. What could be known boiled down to opinion. How futile to this day!
Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) recruit people to sacrifice lifetime for someone else’s cause, and there’s nothing to be gained from the sacrifices.
One of the greatest fallacies in Western thought is “the overall good.” The only worthy collaborative cause is broadly-defined-civic-safety-&-security, hereafter civic-security. Thereby, each inhabitant has the freedom to exercise the liberty to pursue personal happiness according to private opinion. Dissidents my tag along unless they cause real-harm, in which case they may be constrained by either criminal law or civil law and may suffer misery and loss.
AMO goals are conflicts for the sake of chaos: There’s nothing in it for the person.

Tribes fear (Page 8A). Readers cannot trust the Associated Press. In this case, James Nord did not share with us why this tribe does not benefit from casino revenues, or perhaps that it does but does not recognize some members.

Valdez disaster and CO2 emissions (Page 10A). Readers like me are dismayed at publication of such pseudo-science.
An inebriated captain navigating a super-tanker caused collision with an outcropping of Bligh Reef. Perhaps the owner of the vessel should have equipped years earlier for rivers of ice they routinely encountered.
That is the lessen I glean from this article: Aware of hazards, equip yourself for civic-security.

Israel’s dilemma shared (Page 13A). “. . . our heart is breaking to see the innocent suffer” the atrocities of Syria, Iran, and Russia.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood.
Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit. See online at

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