Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening to other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with dashes in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, the writer expresses his “belief,” knowing he could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.

The Advocate:  See online at

Our Views. The Advocate never fails to poke the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump: "After a presidential campaign that cast a dark view of global trade," my foot. Good grief! What do you hope to gain?
But it's not the president The Advocate rebukes: It's the people who voted for Trump twice. We voted because he said the US negotiates bad trade deals and he wants to change that. He said he wants to restore the cities by providing high-paying jobs for urban dwellers. That's about 20% of the population, rather than the reported 4.5% unemployed. Already, illegal immigration is down 60%! He ends every public address with the refrain that he wants to provide safety and security for the American people.
MWW once pinched our children when they misbehaved during mass. They promptly reformed their behavior. I urge The Advocate to pinch each other out of the stupor of liberal democracy. America is leaving the past five decades behind, and it is not too late to grab a bar on the caboose and get steady footing on the back platform.

Today’s thought, Jeremiah 29:13. Today, it’s “the Lord.” The other day it was the Spirit. Often it is Jesus. Dean is not mixed up, though, he advocates a trinity, confident that Exodus 20:7 does not apply to him. To go along with Dean means rejecting other imaginings. That’s a leap of faith I cannot take. I wait for more discovery.
I trust and am committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood and in use. We continue to explore the universe but do not talk to extraterrestrials. I’m comfortable with that, but am also comfortable with other no-harm people’s hopes. I just don’t want their concerns imposed against public-integrity.
For public-integrity, The Advocate may publish a daily thought to counter the doctrine of Dean.

Erroneous children (Womack). I agree.

I understand the concern: Children playing with a toy gun have been shot by emotional policemen. However, jailing the child is no way to curb this threat to the child.

Perhaps a bill that fines the child’s parent makes sense.

If concerns intensify beyond toy guns to real guns, perhaps create the possibility of placing the child in court custody until the child’s permanent-home-life is more promising.

Board of regents (Rallo & Lipsey). Damn the people; lift up the liberal white tower. I hope not.

Robert Samuelson column. The USA started operating 228 years ago under a representative republic, fashioned to overcome the constitution for England, with its Parliament.

During the period 300 years ago to 243 years ago, loyal Englishmen in the N. American colonies hotly debated issues like national organization; propriety; rights to life, liberty, and property; consent to be governed; representation as direct or by the superior abilities of the representative. Such issues were vital to the homeowner.

Today’s majority expects either their personal god or governments to provide. The preamble to the constitution for the USA, signed by 2/3 of states representatives and ratified on June 21, 1788 with nine states forming a nation, has been neglected by the people.

Not only may a person earn a living, he or she may either collaborate for or cooperate with civic-morality. Few Americans pay attention to public-integrity.

Charles Krauthammer column. It is tragic that one of our best writers is off on the kick of democracy when this country is a representative republic.

And to trash Gorsuch as the outcome of appropriate punishment is unbecoming a civic person.

The-objective-truth responds to neither raw-political-power, nor tradition, nor religion. The Congress is in a bad way but improving. The Supreme Court is out on a limb of opinion about dominant-opinion, but who knows where it’s going; just look at how badly Chief Justice John Roberts has behaved---creating a tax on a non-purchase in order to make Obamacare viable. Perhaps the administration is on a better track; we’ll see.

What’s in trouble is the people, because of 229 years of neglecting the preamble to the constitution for the USA. The necessary reform can happen very fast, because most people want broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security, hereafter civic-security. Civic-security is the commonality that can establish public-integrity, with dissidents subject to statutory law that is continually reformed to the-objective-truth rather than dominant-opinion.
Ron Faucheux column. I see three follies in this report.
First, Faucheux thinks public opinion polls are a worthy topic. Don’t forget, according to polls, Hillary Clinton did not need to campaign for president. President Trump won 84% of counties in the USA.
Second, whether its Faucheux or the polls making the mistake, it’s all about “the issue” rather than whether or not it is feasible for humankind to control the earth’s atmosphere.
Third, Faucheux may have noticed the title without reading Oren Cass, “How to Worry About Global Warming,” National Affairs, No. 30, Winter 2017.
JBE tax plan (online). I do not trust the report.

A couple complaints: First, in many graphs, impact percentages change by pairs of income brackets, which opposes common sense. Second, the overall chart in the conclusions section seems to be for the current taxation "fairness." I did not see the comparison chart assuming that 1) the legislature passes the JBE plan and 2) the people approve those parts that must be presented to the people.
Lastly, both Gov. Edwards and the Budget Project seem to be liberal democrats, and I do not trust liberal democrats for anything but trying to pick my pocket.
Nevertheless, I'd like to see an update of this study that responds to my two specific complaints.

Nungesser (April 10). To John Grey:  OK.
Your black friends may be un-American. Mine are not: Every one I know and talk to is a good person with employment, property, family, and has life-dreams like mine but according to their preferences. They know that yielding to skin-color-political-power is an act of personal enslavement in opposition to the rest of the population.

(Of course, learning a person's true preferences respecting such a hot topic is doubtful. Only a dreamer would even talk about such subjects.) Not only that, after 228 years national management under theism, many blacks see no hope beyond finding a god that can beat the enemy's god, so they vote for the god they imagine delivering victory. The Confederate States of America made the same mistake.
Black-caucuses strive to overthrow America rather than admit that the preamble to the constitution for the USA does and always did include blacks, on June 21, 1788, both slave and free. The nation's recovery from 1700 years of Christian affirmation of slavery hinges on blacks considering and adopting the preamble. That's not all.
Not only blacks may pay attention to the neglected preamble. Most people don't even know why it exists. Many people think their personal god will redeem the nation. Nevertheless, the preamble is the most promising political proposal ever written.

The preamble proposes voluntary public-integrity or open-minded-civic-independence or broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security. Most people collaborate for this way of living but recognize each other in divisive categories: non-theist, rich, ethnic, female, aged, Yankee, etc. We can think of ourselves as Americans who use the preamble and the-objective-truth to establish public-integrity.

Overhaul COA (Page 3B). The growing evidence is that the Metro-Council needs reform.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood.
Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit. See online at

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