Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.
"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for responsible freedom more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the June 21, 1788 preamble:  We the civic citizens of nine of the thirteen United States commit-to and trust-in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services to us by the USA. I want to collaborate with other citizens on this paraphrase, yet would always preserve the original text.   

Our Views (

The Advocate is egregious in its failure to report Louisiana history within American history and help readers identify the American dream: personal liberty with civic morality. The Advocate either erroneously or unjustly nourishes social democracy like Gov. John Bel Edwards' imposition of Medicaid expansion.
An opponent of my opinion could say, “But Phil. The Advocate personnel are all new hires.” I’d respond, that’s only an excuse emerging from freedom of the press to be irresponsible, a travesty that has been codified for 227 years.

Why did Barack Obama make a Middle East and European tour before his election in 2008? See I posit that it is because the rest of the world opposes the American republic and wants it to regress to social democracy or worse. Social democracy is chaos, as we may observe across Europe and in the USA in 2018. The Advocate personnel are not too young to read about 2008 events or about the supporting development of Alinsky-Marxist organizing (AMO) beginning before 1967.

But The Advocate could authority. The 1787 American was well aware of higher powers: God (unlikely)  or physics controls actual reality and government controls either civic justice or tyranny. The 1787 American had experienced relief from European Gods and European kingship; they had discovered freedom-from oppression and the liberty-to live according to personal opinion as to what happiness is rather than bow to the dictates of others. The signers of the 1787 constitution for the USA offered a path to statutory justice, and that path can be restored.

The 1787 American had discovered that every human has the authority to behave according to his or her fidelity and to develop judgement on which to pursue personal happiness. Neither God nor government can usurp human authority to behave according to personal preference. Government can constrain or execute a person but cannot usurp their human authority. The preamble to the constitution for the USA expresses these principles.

Social democracy is a voluntary enslavement in the nanny state, now in the USA the administrative state. The socialist says, “Government must take care of me. I will stand in line, fill out forms, and subjugate to the bureaucracy’s demands: I relinquish my authority to behave for my personal happiness.”

However, the agreement that is offered by the preamble to the constitution for the USA has no such provision. The social democrat is a dissident to American republicanism.
Both The Advocate and Gov. John Bel Edwards nourish American dissidence. They may reform as soon as they perceive the opportunity.

To JT McQuitty: How does this 38-page article impact opinion about the tyranny of Gov. John Bel Edwards and The Advocate's complicity?

And what, if anything, does it teach us about what Bobby Jindal, for whom I never voted, was trying to accomplish? (I noticed that for a change, The Advocate did not seem to try to use Jindal's actions as an excuse for Edwards' cheerful tyranny.)

To Stephen Richard: I agree. The Advocate personnel, often cute as they can be, may focus on substance any time they perceive incentives to become responsible.

Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Leviticus 23:22 CJB), The Advocate, February 26, 2018, 5B.

"When you harvest the ripe crops produced in your land, don’t harvest all the way to the corners of your field, and don’t gather the ears of grain left by the harvesters; leave them for the poor and the foreigner; I am Adonai your God.”

Dean says, “Don’t spend all that you have on yourself. Think of others. Help others.”

This may be the most insidious advice the Church included when it canonized the Holy Bible, in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. Today, we see its egregious consequences. Social democrats accuse civic people of using the Holy Bible to victimize the poor. Many elites support social democracy, thinking their wealth is so far above the fray that they are exempted from justice---antinomian.

In a civic culture, many individuals accept their human authority to behave for personal well-being; earn the living they perceive will make them happy---according to personal preferences; collaborate for statutory justice in public, or at least conform to the discoveries a civic people accomplish. For example, it is well known that the earth is 4.6 billion years old and like a globe rather than flat. Also, liars remove themselves from the civic debate; civic people do not aid liars. In a civic culture, those who actually cannot take care of themselves receive assistance; those who can but do not suffer; criminals and worse whose harm is discovered suffer statutory justice.
Churches construct assumptions about what is yet to be discovered, instill fears in people who will listen, concoct doctrine for relieving those fears, and sell the doctrine for profit. Their sales are chiefly for power. Their most egregious practice is to sacrifice the poor in order to build institutional wealth. If asked to justify their lies with discovery, the Church retreats. Only a dreamer would imagine that Church wealth and power could be so dissipated that no individual would imagine earning a living as a clergyman. I am a dreamer.

Only a dreamer would imagine The Advocate discontinuing support of G.E. Dean’s egregious solicitations on behalf of the Church. I am that dreamer.


Inciting lawyers (Bonin) (

It’s lawyerly to imagine big buck profits stirred by school shootings. I think I prefer the cryptic Bonin to his explicit inspiration.
A civic culture constrains its judicial branch including its hubris.

An impossible cultural union? (Mohan) (

Robinson and Mohan seem in agreement about the 2nd Amendment for differing, erroneous reasons.

Robinson randomly bloviates like any liberal democrat, hitting a few points, but mostly missing. See

I see no reason to market armament like the gun Cruz had; there’s nothing to justify hunting or personal protection with military power, and a civic people no longer support militia. I hope states if not the USA will ban weapons of war.
A civic people do not coddle bad behavior, as this country has done, especially since the 1949 Kinsey report, exacerbated by black power, black theology, and Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO), accelerating after 1965. Readers including Robinson may consider John Rosemond’s book, “The Diseasing of America’s Children,” 2008, mentioned in his recent post, “Mental health disorders are not tangible realities”;

I think Robinson and my friend Brij Mohan have in common a religious affinity for social democracy rather than American republicanism; a unique civic order vs chaos. The UN statement of human rights is so extensive and impractical as to be meaningless except for social democratic tyranny: Robinson and Mohan could each could soften zeal by trying to understand the view I have acquired, reaching the midpoint of my eighth decade. A couple decades ago, I was living in America without understanding the preamble.

The American colonists imagined escaping two evils: European kingships and Christian tyrannies, but got saddled with an opportunity: resolving an erroneous Christian opinion. Initially, being commoners, with no training in hunting and fishing (only Lords could so use European lands), they got help for sustenance from indigenous experts: native Americans. The mastery of hunting, fishing, and self-defense is part of the American meme if not gene, for survival more than sport. I’m not Swiss, but I understand owning a gun and knowing how to use it for self-defense is part of their culture; There were 45 Swiss homicides in 2016.

The colonists were too busy settling to realize the colonizers were empowering the agricultural economy with the African commodity still in play in 2018: black slaves. The Europe-Africa slave trade to America started in 1620 and continued until 1808. Frederick Douglass asserted that the 1787 constitution for the USA and its preamble was intended for black inhabitants; Blacks extol Douglass, but do not collaborate to effect the agreement in the preamble.

Both Robinson and Mohan have educated themselves in social democracy and thereby miss the unique promises offered by the agreement that is state in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. It was a consequence of the events surrounding settlement of the eastern seaboard by Europeans, predominantly English settlers. Moreover, it was the discovery of freedom-from and liberty-to that the settlers experienced starting in 1607, codified in 1787, and passed on from generation to generation since then. As demonstrated by the Civil War, fought to settle a “more erroneous religious belief” (see the Declaration of Secession): black people are inferior and suffer God’s punishment. Most Americans deny this, because they want to. However, the record speaks.

The American republic holds promise for both the USA and for a world infected with ignorance, social democracy and communism. Its promise is stated in one sentence: the preamble. The preamble promises civic citizens private liberty with civic morality to develop statutory justice to constrain dissidents whether by innocence, arrogance, criminality or evil.

Philanthropy or staking BREC-tyranny? (Andrea Gallo) (
More and more I perceive philanthropy as a grubstake for public tyranny and graft. Consider the pope’s world-wide wealth-building operations and their effects in each locale; see him condone China’s operations, for example.

McKnight’s reminds me of a Chicagoan’s frustration: "I've been spending the best years of my life as a public benefactor. I've given people the light pleasures, shown them a good time. And all I get is abuse." See

Perhaps we'll see all BREC tax-votes fail until long after she resigns.
Phil Beaver does not “know” the actual-reality. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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