Sunday, March 12, 2017

March 12, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. If you like the wok, share with people who may be interested.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views.  To JT McQuitty. Your reference from US National Library of Medicine informs mortality is caused by bad behavior four times as frequently as lack of medical services. That’s consistent with Louisiana tops in the country for HIV aids and obesity.
It’s ironic that The Advocate’s conclusion, was “Let’s eat!”

Today’s thought. I learned that Pelagius (360-418 AD) may be the second man to say humans can perfect their person. Later, it was Ralph Waldo Emerson, in 1838.

Jeff Sadow column. I was shocked by Sadow's "resist the Islamic State model of blighting a cultural heritage to advance a political agenda."
However, I worked today to try to understand "40 killed near religious sites in Syria" and "500 bodies at prison near Mosul," Page 2A. Its Sunni vs Shiites! The media ought to write it that way instead the vague “religious sites.”
The Civil War was white church vs white church: a necessary reform made so by ministers in the South. The war on the monuments is black church vs white church. See to read about a black-theology-minister right here in Baton Rouge.
I agree: "removing these statues will wound New Orleans," and the city should reconsider.
E. J. Dionne column. Thanks for mentioning President Trump’s counter to President Obama’s fabricated idea that Russia either convinced me not to vote for Hillary or persuaded my Secretary of State to count my vote for Hillary as a vote for Trump. Thanks for disengaging from that issue.
Now, as to GOP fumbling Obamacare reform, GOP fumbling is the reason I could vote for Donald Trump. None of those fumblers could defeat candidate Trump.
I think you should be celebrating my vote, Dionne. After all, I am a fiscal conservative and civic liberal. What are you?

George Will column.  Will extends Murray’s eugenics thought to Will’s assertion, no reason “to permit government regulation of procreation.”

The USA is a republic by the people. IMO, lessening overall procreation in order to pause while a civically moral correction is made, should be available to the people. For example, children should not be born to face no job opportunity; or an intolerable atmosphere; or a culture of conflict.
I think Will went too far in attributing Will ideas to Murray. And I don’t think Will made his case, because I could not relate all those people he cited to progressivism without some serious research I ain’t gonna do.

Dialogues by racists ( 

If LSU history professor Jonathan Earle (as Louisiana State University) is not thorough, they’ll instill misinformation, false guilt, and conflict that students will increasingly resent as they discover the-objective-truth.

The 1787 preamble to the constitution for the USA is for all the people, including those then counted as 60% for demographic purposes in the democratic republic. Only 5% of free citizens could vote, but the preamble tacitly states that willing people iteratively collaborate for civic justice.
The story of slavery began before the Code of Hammurabi, was condoned by the Christian God with Bible canonization in the 4th century AD, and turned into the Atlantic Slave Trade by papal bulls in the 15th century.

Slavery was imposed on the Americas by western European countries trading for Africa’s shameful commodity: black people. As rugged, colonial independence grew into a demand for freedom from Europe, the long-term burden of slavery became obvious and termination a demand. The colonies changed their style to “states” and declared independence.
After freedom from European oppression was won, the people in the thirteen independent states realized they must form a nation in order to practice liberty in the world. They needed union by eight slave states and five free states. Abolition of slavery was desired but not feasible so they created a plan to end the slave trade twenty years after ratification of the constitution for the USA and depend on future people for the ultimate justice of emancipation.
The first opportunity to abolish slavery came with the Civil War. It was a war waged by white Christian churches (bodies of believers), with ministers in the south interpreting the Bible as condoning slavery and some ministers in the North relying on the physics of slavery: chains, whips, guns, brutality and rape to slaves, both physical and psychological burdens to masters, and guilt to owners. But the practicality was a superior military ratio, 19 non-slave states to 15 slave states. Only 7 states formed the CSA. 
White soldiers defeated white soldiers, all “praying to the same God.” (Abraham Lincoln, 2nd inaugural address.)
Then came the sense of oppression---victimization---by whites in the south with lynching’s and Jim Crow laws. This era was ended by civil rights demonstrations leading to the civil rights and voting acts. But those years ushered in black power and black theology, also false ideologies.
Today, the debate on Christian victimization has a new life in black theology. The only way a white can achieve salvation is to collaborate for black-American supremacy, according to Bible interpretation available from Jeremiah Wright in Chicago and perhaps at Shiloh Baptist Church, here in Baton Rouge.
A documented timeline may be found by Googling ["history of slavery"+"a civic people of the united states"].
Taxing Louisiana (Page 1A). The state has abundant money to spend on children, persons whose futures are now being ruined for adult satisfactions. We propose $1 billion/yr to encourage each feral newborn to take charge of his or transition into civic young adult---possessing the understanding and intent to live a full life according to his or her unique potential. That’s only 14.7% of exemptions currently being used to satisfy adults.
Google [phil beaver + child incentives brief] to learn about this program that could solve the state’s criminal neglect of the persons called children. “Criminally misled” is expressed by Chester E. Finn, Jr. in “The Fog of ‘College Readiness,’” National Review, No. 30, Winter, 2017, online at . Each week, we read local confirmation of Finn’s first sentence, “Our K-12 education system has a transparency problem, and our higher-education system is complicit.” It’s a case of adults protecting adults at the expense of children.
How can the legislature and the administration allow BESE to quibble (last week) and forego over $0.042 billion for education of 700,000 children and adolescents when the Department of Revenue reports collecting only $7.2 billion of $14 billion if there were no exemptions? The BESE need is 0.62% of the $6.8 billion exemptions! In other words, BESE goes along with politically pressuring the public to maintain $162 in exemptions to adults for each $1 taken from education! I understand Finn’s language: criminal.
Somebody please confirm that “only $2 million in corporate taxes during the first eight months of the current fiscal year,” should be “billion” rather than “million”.
The article refers to Michael Olivier, president of the Committee of 100 for Economic Development, the legislature’s Task Force on Structural Changes in Budget and Tax Policy, the legislature’s Sales Tax Streamlining and Modernization Commission, Barry Erwin president of the Council for a Better Louisiana and member of the aforementioned task force, and non-profit Louisiana Budget Project (LBP).
LBP’s statement that on average a poor family ($17,000/yr income) spends 10% in sales taxes compared to 4.2% for a rich family ($470,000/yr) is mind-boggling when stated in sales tax dollars. The rich family pays $19,740 sales tax, or $2,740 more than the poor family earns! The American free-enterprise system, perhaps the best in the world, needs reform, and Louisiana can lead the way with the child incentives program.
The report of 7% drop in spending from tax revenues since 2009 refers to what recent year---2015? The budget increase from 2014-5 to 2016-7 (proposed) is 19%---increase. See .

Toy gun bill (Page 1A). A human being’s body does not complete wisdom-building parts of the brain until age 23-25. To fine or jail a child for possession of a toy is immoral. Fine or jail the parents or care-takers.

Mid-Barataria diversion gates (Page 1A). I don’t understand how a corporation can spend the money to design a reliable system without knowing the money to build the system is available.

School growth (Page 1A). The rumors reported here are not re-assuring: Mayfair expansion for 400 students (Corey Delahoussaye recommends current service and Wade Smith of LSU Lab school wants to help expansion) and a high school at 931 Dean Lea Drive.
A nonprofit, New Schools for Baton Rouge sponsored BASIS charters, represented by Peter Bezannson, CEO. Kenilworth languishes with a D rating yet is attractive to parents.  McKinley and Woodlawn get C’s while Tara gets a D.

Bharara fired (Page 2A). One who holds that justice requires absolute independence has not accepted that he or she cannot independently cross the street.

40 killed at Shiite sites (Page 2A). Extremist Sunni groups view Shiites as apostates. Both Shittes and Sunni’s regard me as an apostate. If either type wants political asylum here, I want them to paraphrase the preamble to the constitution for the USA to my satisfaction, and sign a pledge that they trust and commit to the civic agreement stated therein.
I do not trust Associated Press writers, because they do not make the issue of civic immorality of killing people over religious opinion plain to the reader. They obfuscate the-objective-truth that Islam opposes the preamble.

President Trump is not influenced by the Associate Press, nor am I.

Most liberal Holland rejects IS influenced Turkey (Page 2A).To understand why Holland is our ally in this suddenly alarming dispute see Islamic State vortex at and restrictions on private opinion as religion at .
MWW and I visited Istanbul in 1973 but in 2017 may read about it with regret.

ACLU turns publically identified AMO agent (Page 10A). Recall AMO is acronym for Alinsky-Marxist organizers.

D.L. Adams covers the historical development and influencers through 2010 at . The dots are Al Capone, Saul Alinsky, and Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton.
ACLU Exec. Dir. Anthony Romero lists opposition to President Trump in areas including illegal-immigration support by philanthropists, speech suppression through civic-disruption, suppression of religious opinion (see Turkey issues in Holland), and demands for un-civic lifestyles.
I want to iteratively collaborate with Romero, Faiz Shakir, ACLU national political director, and speaker Padma Lakshmi their understanding of the aims and purpose of the USA as stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA.

Tillerson (Page 12A). Don’t let media writers influence personal thought. Tillerson is his own person, or he would not be Secretary of State.

Panel want evidence (Page 12A). President Trump asked Congress to produce evidence. My vote for Trump is working well. Meanwhile, let the media chew Russian ties.

Qualifications to vote (Page 14A). I propose a constitutional amendment that requires a citizen to paraphrase the preamble to the constitution for the USA for current living then sign a commitment to trust and collaborate for that agreement, as a condition for voting. If the paraphrase does not make sense to the registrar of voters, the citizen is given a tutorial and future chances at meeting the requirement.
As an example, commitment of the states to both serve their citizens and preserve the USA is a given. Also, unity among the people would mean stagnation. Therefore, the first stated goal might be interpreted as “establish public-integrity” rather than “form a more perfect union.”

Free cribs (Page 14A). Is this the nanny state or what? The “Classic Box” is for sale on Amazon at $115 each. With 4 million live births a year, the market is $460 million/year. 
It seems to me the information at the end of the article is sufficient. To save 3700 infants a year, place infants on their backs to sleep; no bumpers in cribs; no stuffed animals or blankets in sleep space; avoid sleeping in same bed with infants.

Georgia not my state, but the US Congress is of interest (Page 15A). I oppose Jon Ossoff and Daily Kos to favor either Karen Handel, Dan Moody, David Abroms, or Judson Hill.

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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