Thursday, March 2, 2017

Beware Obama's Organizing for Action, (OFA). It may be an AMO.

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

I escorted MWW for breakfast at Street Breads on Perkins. She had the Cajun and I had the SW breakfast, both delicious!

The manager visited the upstairs office, drawing my attention to an employee’s poster in the corner. It reads:
  1. Don’t say anything bad about anyone . . . ever.
  2. Help others before they ask for help.
  3. If you say you are going to do something, do it with all your heart.
  4. We trust everyone implicitly.
Our service was that good, too. BTW: their story is worth reading: see .

Our Views. For attention to the crashes consider promoting sobriety and risk aversion for Security.

Louisiana-tourist-authorities may encourage visitors to enjoy Mardi Gras. Often, bad holiday events are perpetrated by outsiders who are drawn to the mystic of the famous party. Perhaps advertise: Louisianans party sober for more than two weeks, year after year.

But sometimes local adolescents take risks. Also, I am not the only citizen who mourns Nielsen Rizzuto’s losses after 25 years’ preparation to live. Do most people know the male body completes the wisdom-building parts of the brain at age 25 (23 for females)? Do parents inform their children? Awareness of age 25 could help constrain the risk-abundance of youth.

In a way, Security for life is like sobriety for Mardi Gras: To experience life, each person must constrain risk long enough for their wisdom to kick in. (I’m working on it.)

Today’s thought. Ecclesiastes 7:9. Solomon's message perhaps 500 years old at the time, may not have reached Mark and John. See . (Was David referring to Solomon?)
Constructive solution (Normand). A suggestion: iterative collaboration involves parties that mutually want a solution that meets both party’s needs: the parties neither compromise nor submit. Both parties persevere to discover the-objective-truth, knowing from experience and observations that each “your truth,” “my truth,” and the commission’s truth may be in error.

In iterative collaboration, Norman explicitly expresses the problem and a well-grounded solution that may satisfy the other party. The other listens and clarifies any word choices or phrases that blocked clarity. Once both parties are satisfied that Norman’s suggestion is mutually understood, the other party may have an alternative suggestion that expresses his or her experiences and observations and has the possibility of meeting Norman’s needs. They collaborate for mutual understanding of this second proposal. The process continues until both parties feel that the problem has been explicitly stated and the collaborated solution meets both party’s needs: Neither party compromises or submits.

Just now, though, public discourse in the USA is in a bad place, after five decades of Alinsky-Marxist organizing (AMO), often for faulty causes. For example, Norman tacitly complains about AMO Rule 5: Bemuse the other citizen by ridiculing his or her person.

The problem is exacerbated by a counter radicalization: Know the rules and use them against the radicals. See .

(BTW: A special-interest, especially powerful AMO has re-emerged as Organizing for Action, (OFA). Beware.)
Town halls (Glatt-Holtz). Statistically, "professor" indicates liberal democrat (I know best, so you'd better meet my demands). I don't know this person but think about what is written.
Calling the staff daily for two weeks is pretty demanding. In fact, it seems like attempted force.
Habitual offender (Fossey). Statistically, "professor" indicates liberal democrat (I know best, so you'd better meet my demands). I don't know this person but think about what is omitted.

Fossey unfortunately starts with a falsehood or at best hyperbole: “10 years . . . for stealing a toolbox.” He’s not embarrassed to add the other two thefts and estimate the total value as $500. The costs to the victims due to the discovered absence of their property may have been thousands of dollars, even loss of health/life, but Fossey does not regard the three victims. Liberals choose the victim they’ll lobby for.

The object of statutory law is to constrain misery and loss. Perhaps judges should spend more time at conviction No. 1, and twice more at No. 2 to get that message across to the criminal. Perhaps after three practices, the three victims should be consulted respecting the 10 years (I don’t think so). If so, perhaps the question should be, should this petty criminal be given a fourth chance if he or she seems convinced that petty crime does not pay?
I oppose liberal democracy. I favor statutory law and statutory law enforcement.

However, I think education should be “repealed and replaced.” Instead of educating “the workers we need,” the USA should assure that feral infants have the best opportunity for transitioning to civic adult with both understanding and intent to live a full life, full meaning both humanly collaborative and long.
Walter Williams column. I’m going to suggest, for the sake of communications to the reader, the use of charts like this for important columns with statistics:

Passing Percentage


2015-12 grade

2015-12 grade


D. C.

Williams’ data shows that the USA is barbaric in its neglect of persons who are children. We need reform fast, and groups who want adult satisfaction at the expense of children may be shamed by We the Civic People of the United States (those who trust and commit to the preamble to the constitution for the USA). Some philanthropists for special-interests are enemies of the children.

E. J. Dionne column. I decided to see if there’s any freshness about Dionne’s approach, so checked his Nov 21 column.
“Democrats and all other friends of freedom must make clear that if Trump abandons the basic norms of our democracy, all the roads in the world won’t pave over his transgressions.” See ,

The constitution guarantees a republican form of government. Dionne cares not about us, and rallies Democrats for “our democracy” under his banner “From the left.”
I would like to experience public-integrity in iterative-collaboration for private-liberty-with-civic-morality rather than competition-for-dominant-opinion. The USA may establish broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security, hereafter Security, wherein every real-no-harm group may flourish.

George Will column. Will’s prose is bewildering. Here’s a table with which to read the prose:

 ----------------Millions of people involved in the USA----------------





EPA 2017


CMS 2017


Law enforcement



Defense Dept




Iraq, 2006




In 2017, federally supported employees seem to be 4% of the population compared to 5.6% in 1960. I guess I got lost in the prose.

Regardless of the correct prose or erroneous table, it seems to me Will has lost his way; not an event I want or wanted.
Federal expenditures in 1960, $97.5 billion, would inflate to $800 billion or $4444/person in 2017. The expected 2017 expenditures are $3650 billion or $11,265/person, a 250% increase.
The real problem is that We the Civic People of the United States, those who trust and commit to the civic agreement stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA never established their influence.

James Gill column. That’s about as humorous ad one can expect with such harmful stupidity.
Vouchers (Page 1B). The Dept of Ed scheme to make information available bemuses me. See . Is the tax rebate program for parents only?
I google Cristo Rey and my question and this URL was helpful: . Tuition $28,000/yr, state won’t approve $9,000/yr, and if they did, there are not many nearby places to use it.
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking for children—the persons who have no voice in adult brutality long in the making.

Mixed message (Page 1A). Citizens hear what they want to hear. The media report what they want to report. The Associated Press understands and pursues its business plan.

Ukraine (Page 2A). Is NATO interested?

What European country is next? Last year, Latvia and Estonia started arming and training citizen militia against Russian threat.
Countries off the Russian border advise citizens to arm themselves against terrorism. See .
I own guns, but never imagined militia in the USA.

Baltimore officers (Page 1A). Does Baton Rouge have this kind of problem?
GOP (Page 3A). The DNC taking the position they oppose President Trump no matter what he does belies their opportunity to take action for the people of the USA. They are President Trump’s only favorite.

Dreamer (Page 3A). Facing illegal status is the first step toward reform.

Confirmation (Page 3A). With 16 of 22 in 42 days, President Trump’s cabinet may be complete after 58 days.

FEMA denial (Page 3A). Can any decisions be made without a judge or more courst?

Pipeline gains (Page 7A). That’s good for N.D. How will Louisiana fare?

Memphis (Page 7A). Memphis “has said the police department consider the listed people a potential security risk but they are not banned from city hall.”

There is confusion about how to deal with aggressiveness and hatred. There are pledges of respect out there, for example, online at . Quoting one intended to promote self-respect:
Pledge of Respect
I am a smart, special, valuable person.
I respect myself and I respect others.
My words and actions are kind and honest.
I accept only my best in all I do.
Here’s another one, at, that is suitable for connections with no threat of real harm:
1.     I will treat other people the way I want them to treat me.
2.    Even if I disagree with someone, I will respect them and not call them names.
3.    I will not harm or hurt another person with my hands or my words.
4.    I will not spread lies, rumors or hurtful comments on the Internet, Facebook, MySpace, texting or e-mail.
5.    I will not insult or make fun of people who are different from me.
6.    I will defend every person’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness regardless of who they are.
7.    If I am a child, I will do everything I can to live this pledge at home, at school and with my friends.
8.    If I am a parent or guardian, I will do everything in my power to live this pledge with my family and as an example for my children.
Items 1, 2, and 6 are judgmental and must not confuse the practitioner when the other party intends real harm.
For example, citizens who disrespect the police should not expect “respect” according to personal opinion. Rules like 1, 2, and 6 should not be assumed by people whose behavior has put them on a police security-suspect list.

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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