Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. If you like the wok, share with people who may be interested.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. You’d think eventually the Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO) crowd for civic disruption would accept the election results and The Advocate would lead the way.

The fiscal-conservative-with-civic-republic-voters expressed themselves by joining the vote for Donald Trump in 2626 US counties compared to the liberal democrats, AMO, and others who gave Hillary Clinton victories in 487 counties. That 5.4 ratio or 84% majority of counties produced the customary Electoral College victory specified by the republic that is the USA. The people, as defined by the constitution for the USA, have spoken. May The Advocate accept and embrace the facts and help establish a civic culture.

A person could say, “If you don’t like the urban vote, move to the country.” For example, if you don't like a California senator representing 600,000 voters, move to Wyoming were its more like 130,000. But an immediately progressive possibility is to help establish a civic culture. Google [phil beaver + March 16, 2017] to read more.

“Civic” as used in civic culture does not refer, as usual, to the “good of the community” according to its civilization but rather to the good of the individuals in the community according to the-objective-truth and each person’s real-no-harm private preferences among possible best practices.
To arrive at best civic practices persons must listen and speak to each other with mutual commitment to discover the-objective-truth; no stonewalling. For example, a person can be a far-right conservative and still talk to a liberal democrat about what to do to reduce abortion rates without subjugating women and abusing children to be born. Civic issues cannot be decided by religious or other ideological coercions. 
A person who is coerced by special-interest-associations may research the-objective-truth diligently in order to claim the fierce personal liberty this country defends; to proclaim “I do not know,” whenever the-objective-truth has not been discovered. Together, members of divided political groups may discover that they must not lie to each other so that they can communicate. 
For example, a member of the NAACP and a member of any white-supremacy-group may admit first to selves then to each other that the now unfathomable Civil War, was waged by white-Christian-church against white-Christian-church over “more erroneous religious belief”---Bible interpretation. Shockingly, one of 34 states convinced 6 states to join, then forsaking theretofore permanent commitments attacked the USA. That was representatives for a 3% political minority leading a 20% minority against the 80% military power! Unbelievable nonsense right here in the USA!
The preamble to the constitution for the USA, a civic agreement by persons in their states was signed by 2/3 of states representatives on September 17, 1787. The signers knew both that only 5% of free citizens could vote and that reality was far from the aims and purpose of the preamble, so they made provisions for the articles to be amended so as to accommodate the aims and purpose in forming the nation. The 1/3 who did not sign were dissenters.
Returning to abortion rates, 2/3 of citizens today do not support abortion for fun as a public responsibility. A super-majority holds that abortion to satisfy adult appetites and risks is uncivic and a personal responsibility. 
On this and other evidence, we hold that a super-majority is today tacitly practicing the preamble. We think understanding and promoting the preamble’s aims and purpose would help the people understand that the 1787 signers envisioned the people iteratively-collaborating to discover the-objective-truth and thereby establish public-integrity. In 1861, Abraham Lincoln called it ultimate-justice.

Today’s thought. Isaiah 41:4-10.Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the Lord—with the first of them and with the last—I am he . . . So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.”
May I interpret this passage to assume that I may instruct the Lord in how to be with me? I don’t think so. I think I may simply have faith in the-objective-truth and behave accordingly.
Dean may have other practices, but they cannot be imposed on me.

Judicial review (Goyeneche). The MCC report is published online at , Jan 10, 2017. It refers to the home site, . There, there is mention of coverage for Baton Rouge, but I saw no reference to reports.

The Metropolitan Crime Commission seems like an excellent contribution to a civic people. Law enforcement that explicitly distinguishes a civic people (perhaps 2/3 of the people) from dissenters is essential to justice. First responders' excellent work may be enhanced by judges who efficiently uphold the state constitution and the constitution for the USA rather than dominant opinion.

By clarifying that perhaps 2/3 of citizens represent We the Civic People of the United States (those who understand and practice the aims and purpose stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA), there may emerge reform of the regression from civic morality We the People of the United States seem to demonstrate with widespread civic disruption in 2017.

 Civic voters (Schell). Ray, I think what you urge is civic voters, where “civic” refers not to the good of the community but to the private good of each real-no-harm person living in this place.

For this civic reform to happen, most voters must 1) know the civil issues that by dominant opinion oppress his or her freedom and 2) vote to unlock his or her real-no-harm liberty so he or she may pursue private dreams, hopes, and comforts.
How can someone who is caught up in an organization’s cause for dominant opinion collaborate for private liberty? For example, if someone insists on restoring Scots-Irish rule (one of my heritages), how can he or she be an American? This first principle is lost in neglect of the 1787 preamble for 2017 living.
A civic culture practices public-integrity rather than democratic-unity.
I looked for data respecting this topic and found more than I can handle online. See , an Annie E. Casey Foundation product. See .
Rich Lowry column. President Trump is misrepresented by the GOP and conservative writers, whom he defeated as candidate for president. Asked if he would support the nominated GOP candidate, Trump said, “We’ll see.” Turns out he did and left the GOP behind. They won’t catch up, because they want to curry the president’s favor rather than think and act.

Foster Campbell column.  To Chris McLindon:  I like your comment but suggest a change in wording. "Ask scientists" seems authoritative or definitive.
I prefer ask "students or "researchers," leaving conclusions open for consideration. You make the point that older studies are not as instructive as new ones, and that trend will hold in the future, according to the scientific method, a study process. What's thought today may be disproven in a few decades.
It makes no sense for the people of Louisiana to brook lawsuits on partial truths. It’s not all oil’s fault, and oil is currently taking remedial action.
Stopping 7,000 years of alluvial depositing by jettisoning the Mississippi River power into the Gulf of Mexico stopped ruinous flooding and exposed delta subsidence. Stopping deposits revealed subsidence.
Moving to higher ground seems attractive, but creating ways for lawyers to take money makes no civic sense.

Michael Gerson column.  Even if the GOP had something correct, the people could not tell it. But that is not new.

Sergeant disciplined (Page 1B). It is difficult to understand the mentalities in the public sphere of the USA.
Deputy’s force (Page 1B). Maybe Mom should show the deputy how she disciplines the boy.

Eating meat (Page 1B). It’s nice to know that a hypothetical soul can be saved whether the person eats meat Friday or not. However, I think it is an imposition for them to need to read the newspaper to learn of the opportunity for surrogate dispensation.

Deviant photos (Page 3B). What is the culture in Ville Platte that attracts 7,000 people to support the system? I’d move away from that culture.

Edmonson (Page 1A). Apparently I’m not the only one who perceives the tip of an iceberg of corruption.

Proposal for $500 M (Page 1A). I thought they needed $700 M. What gives? Muddling room for government spending too?

I found racism in the sections I scanned but so far have missed church, the other part of Mayor Broome's promises.
However, I will continue to urge Baton Rouge residents to establish a civic culture, where "civic" implies mutual good for two real-no-harm parties in a transaction or connection rather than common good of the city, the traditional “civic good.” Civic justice requires collaboration to discover the-objective-truth rather conflict to impose a dominant opinion. This way of living is unheard of in the world and can originate in Baton Rouge.

Deported in 2012 (Page 1A). Good grief! Build the wall and identify and discourage the philanthropist who support illegal immigration.

Federal judge (Page 3A). Does anyone else find religion a curse to civic morality?

Fuel standards (Page 3A). Standards are good but need to be viable. I would not ride in some of the economy vehicles I see about town.

Wiretapping claims (Page 6A). Just one in a claims-class.
Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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