Friday, March 17, 2017

March 17, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. If you like the wok, share with people who may be interested.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

There’s so much pseudo-news it’s hardly worth trying to comment. Fed budget, state budget, “smart crime,” Broome panel opinion report, etc. But comment I will.

Our Views. “Obamacare’s fatal flaw: its passage without a bipartisan consensus.”

“Obamacare has resulted in health care roulette.”
When The Advocate is quotable, the editors don’t seem to notice that what they have written approaches the-objective-truth, despite their wishes and purpose.

To Brian Durbin: And when the GOP challenged the ACA’s imposition of fines if young, healthy people did not sign up, the morally challenged Supreme Court delivered the redefinition of fine to tax. Thus, a tax was created on a non-purchase!
President Trump has already removed this tax by instructing IRS not to pursue filers who do not report the tax claim on the non-purchase. See , Feb 14, 2017.

Today’s thought. Isaiah 40:31. When my body feels bad from inactivity, I spend about 90 minutes stretching, exerting, walking and enjoying life. It took me a long time to become convinced of my body’s message: use me. At last, I perceive one secret for living another 48 good years. I also don’t overeat, over-drink, or oversleep.

Oil sector anxious (Smith). I hope Smith’s vast information resources are correct, but I don’t feel un-negative. Too much resource is going into political disputes over imaginary rights---locally, nationally, and globally. Some people claim the right to be respected even though there is nothing in their practices to appreciate.
Good grief, for example! Our own mayor has produced a platform-document that proposes imaginary remedies for mendacious “white privilege.” She has the right to her opinion, but in no way can she impose her racism and religion on me. I study the past but live now in this place with these neighbors, including the erroneous Ms. Broome.

N.O. IG (Quatrevaux). I am glad to learn of this function for New Orleans and wonder if Baton Rouge has an IG. I think a civic people is not well represented here and an IG would help.
Robert Samuelson column. Samuelson is too vague for my understanding. 
For example, did CBO account for the fact that ACA depended on young, healthy people accepting the coercion to enroll for insurance and they rebuked the coercion, wisely or not? Does ACA accept Obama’s responsibility for those young people being at risk? Humans have the psychological power to resist arbitrary force and coercion (yet take advantage of the-objective-truth), and I consider that a good aspect of human awareness.
President Trump offers a civic people relief from both the Democrats and the Republicans. It will take time.

Byron York column. Thank you for the review of the case. It will help us understand the coming court decision and whether the judge upholds the constitution or temporal emotions.

Bernard Goldberg column.  When my perception of civic morality causes me to question President Trump, my experience tells my person to wait. Goldberg and others who portray their speculations as the-objective-truth need a timeout, too.
I guess some writers ignore expect-able reactions to their word-jumble.

Broome transition reports (Page 1B). Good grief! Our elected mayor produced an uncivic platform document that proposes imaginary remedies for mendacious “white privilege.” 
She has the right to her opinion, but in no way can she impose 1) dialogues on racism and 2) church on a civic people. 
Also, “African American,” cannot be imposed on Americans who prefer to collaborate for the aims and purpose stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. Civic persons want freedom from associations that would oppress their liberty to live with real-no-harm according to their personal preferences. 
I study the past but live now in this place with these neighbors, including the erroneous Ms. Broome. African kings and the erroneous Catholic Church initiated the Atlantic slave trade to shores that are now our property and our opportunity to defend and share.
These 560 years later the consequences of the Atlantic Slave Trade can be good for us today and the future world IF a civic people collaborate to maintain both the constitution for the State of Louisiana and the constitution for the USA---the obligations of Ms. Broome’s elected office, whether she accepts the responsibility or not.
The preamble to the constitution for the USA is intended for everyone who will trust and commit to its aims and purpose: collaborate for civic-morality, public-integrity. Always, there are dissidents to civic morality, and statutory law intends to constrain their harms.
In this land, people who beg woe may anticipate woe. Mayor Broome may do herself a favor to fire her failed advisory council and open dialogue with a civic people.
Flood victims (Page 1B). Never before, in my 50 years here, has government seemed so inept let alone corrupt.

Dramatic tax changes (Page 1A). I’m beginning to doubt The Advocate competence more than imagine intent to deceive. First, they imply that revenue from sales and income taxes could be $14 billion, then they report the strange phrase “$9.5 billion in state money.” (I speculate the balance of the $29.7 budget is federal money.) If I am correct, The Advocate could assign someone to assure useful, relative reporting across time.

On March 11, The Advocate reported “The state did not collect $6.8 billion last year in sales and income taxes because of tax breaks, according to the Department of Revenue’s "Tax Exemption Budget . . . while it collected $7.2 billion.” See . That’s $14 billion in collections plus exemptions.

If the state merely collects the $14 billion, there’s plenty to rescind the $1.2 billion in extra sales tax and create the $1 billion/year child incentives to take charge of learning. Google [phil beaver + child incentives brief] to learn about achievable care for children with a promising future for adults.

I suspect this “dramatic change” has more to do with shell-gaming exemptions rather than efficiency. Questions I have weren’t touched. How much revenue improvement would result from corporate taxation of sales rather than earnings and how much more would result at a floor of $50,000/yr instead of $150,000/yr? Please ask.

Prison reform (Page 1A). Savings going to sheriffs is a red flag to me. The task force would add to the people’s risk for sheriffs’ benefits. Also, I did not see indications that facilities for mental health are being considered.

Federal budget (Page 1A). Looks like Louisiana residents need to anticipate taking more responsibility for their future. One thing I do for my health is consume little, exercise, and tend to hygiene.

No space to handle Mexican corpses (Page 2A). With a civically moral government, the Mexicans would gladly pay for a wall to curtail drug trafficking through Mexico to the USA border.

Trump’s words (Page 2A). Liberal democrat judges should be held responsible for counting a person’s claim to Islam more important than the possibility that the Muslim might be amenable to killing infidels. And if Sunni, might be amenable to murdering Shiites. The point is that statutory law prevails over religious beliefs.

Buckling up (Page 3A). I am among the 88% who buckle up now but not way back when MWW appreciatively nagged me. This is another evidence that at least 2/3 of the people are of We the CIVIC People of the United States, where “civic” refers to collaborating for civic morality according to the-objective-truth, in other words, public-integrity.
Also, by a civic culture publicizing the importance of the aims and purpose of the (civic) preamble to the constitution for the USA, dissidents may, by example, be encouraged to join a civic people and thereby may accelerate the approach to the totality We the People of the United States.

Civic morality, after mutual security, has nothing to do with religious morality, a private pursuit; or social morality, a civil pursuit; but has everything to do with statutory law, the protection of a civic culture.

Document details (Page 3A). I trust neither the Associated Press’s word choices nor Rep. Elijah Cummings’s word choices and consider them misleading. The entire Russian contacts story seems fabricated---an act of opportunism after the DNC was embarrassingly hacked.

GOP pressure (Page 3A). The GOP never regarded President Trump as their man. Why may anyone expect them to stand by the White House?

Civic immorality (Page 9A). (Want more evidence to mistrust the Associated Press? Check the impertinence of “GOP lawmaker.” The AP makes me literally visceral in their civic immorality.)
It’s always been obvious that religious morality opposes civic morality. For example, the Christian Bible, both old and new, condones slavery. However, the Church’s immorality, exposed more clearly in the last 100 years, has added to believers’ frailty respecting authentic humanity.
The human being is so psychologically powerful, that with coaching, and sometimes privately, each person may discover that civic morality is made possible by, both respectively and collectively, a nest of fidelities: fidelity to the-objective-truth as it is discovered, fidelity to self, fidelity to family, fidelity to extended families, fidelity to the people, fidelity to the nation, fidelity to the world, and fidelity to the universe.
Whatever was in charge of a person being here is also in charge of his/her afterdeath---that vast time after his or her body, mind, and person have stopped functioning. Religious beliefs provide hope for the afterdeath, but fidelity assures hope for living. 
If you like these ideas, please share them with other people. My heart is crying for Ralph Shortey, whatever his story is.

Scotts should have acted before Brexit (Page 9A). Confrontation of immoral civic proposals happens everywhere. Right here in river city some people, perhaps Mayor Broome, want to prevent a St. George vote by changing state law. Pity and shame.
Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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