Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. Don’t forget. Charter schools and individual-church schools are heavy in administration costs, which means light on information-delivery and coaching to children at same spending.

Perhaps making the charter concept more integral to public education rather than entrepreneurial would favor the child’s opportunity to acquire education. Unfortunately, the persons in charge of Louisiana education are adults vying for the huge tax dollars. Same thang on the national level.

Quality of service to the persons who are children ranks around 48th of 50 in a nation that ranks maybe 25th in the world. I've forgotten how to calculate the compound ranking, but I think it’s 625th.

To JR McQuitty: The art of education administration is to keep the public bemused while adults pick the people's pockets.
Today’s thought. I didn’t see it here, but in Romans 12, Paul cites “God.” Dean cites “the Lord.” Interesting Paul to Dean switch.

In civic life, appreciation begets appreciation. Eventually, love may emerge. But love cannot be expected where there is no mutual appreciation.

Greater appreciation has no person than this: To keep religious pursuits private so as to civically collaborate for public-integrity.

It seems to me Paul may have used ideas from Plato, presented as Agathon’s speech in Symposium, 2400 years ago. Philosophers discuss Eros, and it seems to me Agathon keeps the symbol but describes appreciation. Appreciation neither imposes nor brooks force yet remains prepared to defend. Perhaps the last phrase is beyond Agathon’s speech.

Child care (Hookfin). Children are persons who in a civic culture are not subjected to the whims and desires of adults.

Civic adults who do not intend to be faithful to their progeny do not procreate.

Liberal democrats do everything they can to avoid fidelity and responsibility.

Clowns (Nolan). In terms of art and enlightenment, we are in the best of times. However, there is never a time for clownish word arrangers. Better to keep a bedside complete-Mark-Twain than waste life on Nolan’s favorite, IMO.

To Andy Ringswold: Very good point.
Yesterday, Michael Gerson erroneously IMO predicted Trump's failure then used “aggressive authenticity" to describe Donald Trump’s openness to the people. Wonderful writing!
With aggressive authenticity, he gave the competition deserving labels to nearly 20 GOP candidates and won my vote. I was appalled to hear him tell Hillary she did not have the stamina to be president. Then I learned how much time he spent campaigning---reaching people to speak his intentions.
Trump told liberal democrats who tried to disrupt his rallies, "Go home to mommy." Still, many liberal democrats think they can shout Trump into not acting on the expectations of the people who voted for him. Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) imagine that disruption can defeat the American republic. Yesterday, my army-veteran friend said, "Fat chance."
Liberal democrats think that Paris style---socialist, communist, worker marches do more than cost them a days pay and expenses. America is neither France nor any other foreign country.
President Obama repeatedly said, I recall, "Congress won't act, so I will continue to what I think is best for the American people." I laughed and cried each time he said that. Now, no more tears from that clown. President Trump is doing what his voters agreed he should do.

(I want Trump to eventually let go of the religion-government-partnership that ruins this country, but he cannot accomplish the task even if he wants to. That change must come from a people who value and practice religious-privacy-with-public-integrity.)

To Elaine O. Coyle: Ms. Coyle, respecting Democratic Party accepting the election, you are so correct. 
As long as they act like Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) they cannot function in the American republic. They take themselves out of public service. The DNC must overcome 8 years of training by the prince of AMO, who is more freely operative in privacy.

Tobacco (Pittman). At age 26, after 10 years smoking Camels, I woke up the 150th time and thought: smoking is killing me. It was 1972. My friend Bob and HWW Loretta came for dinner and gave us the benefit of a seminar they had attended on smoking session. The next day, MWW and I quit. I’ve never smoked since. 
However, nine years ago, my right lung gave up one lobe and a carcinoma in surgery. No one would volunteer for that experience. The pain under that right arm lasts for at least six months after the six weeks of severe pain.
I don’t know how taxes help smoking victims, but if so, increase the tax.

Rich Lowry column. Young writers are so foolish. 
Plainly, judicial opinion that does not comport to the-objective-truth is false. 
One writer about this incident claimed that Trump had better be careful not to alienate judges lest they team up against him. Good grief. 
Trump only said that some judges can’t read statuary law. If such remarks influences them to “opine” for revenge against Trump, their folly will catch up to them and they’ll be out for life.

Froma Harrop column. Pick any day Harrop is featured and you have an example of fabrication. Even lovers of opinion-reading may be visceral over her word arrangements.

Walter Williams column.  The text may revise the caption to “Undermining police creates more black victims.”

Mayor Broome should arrange some dialogues on race with Walter Williams. Absent that, just read his column and archives.

Dialogues on race as known in these parts is an attempt to impose guilt onto white people for the colonial-commodity-business in slaves conducted by Africans on Africans. The African kings sold Africans to Europeans. As a member of We the Civic People of the United States, there is no way another citizen may impose slavery-guilt on me. Every citizen is free to adopt the preamble to the constitution for the USA as an agreement for civic morality.

Coastal funds (Page 1B). They say Gov. Edwards opposed use of rainy day funds, but Dardenne opines it is OK between regular sessions. It’s just an excuse to keep spending $26 billion instead of $18 billion. That’s the real story.

Flood aid (Page 1A). After one of my life-failures I thought metaphorically, “I will never put my head in a nose and stand on a chair again.”
Flooded homeowners observe: time is passing on getting dollars to people. Also, moving into a home that is not more than 1 foot about the recorded flood level falls within my personal metaphor. I often write personal-liberty-with-civic-morality, and these two issues, government promising relief then keeping the money longer and inviting future flood risk illustrate my concerns.

Legislature (Page 1A). The people of Louisiana may benefit from the Senator Troy Brown moral-challenge if there is a self-examination of and by the Louisiana legislature.
A good follow-up would be for the legislature to discuss rights-march-icon James Meredith's 2016 statement “Not only rights and privileges are part of citizenship. Duty and responsibility are an equal part, and that's the part the black race has failed to pay any attention to." See .
If there’s future agreement that Meredith has a point, the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus might review its influence and accomplishments. Perhaps consider disbanding, to join a civic people---those who read, understand, and collaborate-to-establish the civic agreement in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. Let the agreement divide the country as a civic culture vs dissidents rather than skin-color.
A civic culture uses just-statuary-law to constrain dissidents to public-integrity. Dissidents may be ignorant, unfaithful, criminal, evil, or otherwise aliens to individual-independence-with-civic-morality.
Civic-morality could be used to establish new standards for members of the Louisiana Legislature regardless of race or gender. Religion is a private rather than civic issue. I have read the GOP statement on this unfortunate event and do not endorse its exclusive tone. The Brown event should end, but there should be long overdue general reform.
The stage is set for Baton Rouge to lead the USA to the greatness the preamble promised but which the people have not yet achieved. A civic culture is achievable here, and only here, because the necessary ideas exist here, ready and waiting for iterative collaboration.
It is shocking, but a civic people can achieve public-integrity. Some of my words and phrases are plain to me but new to others, and I want to explain them.

Restaurant closings (Page 2A). At F. King Alexander’s symposium “Moment or Movement,” on October 3, 2016 someone at the LSU School of Mass Communication informed me that public opinion determines public policy (and Mass Comm controls public opinion). I objected, saying this is a constitutional republic. I was told to take some college courses.
I think many college professors are part of Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO), and their victims are people like the Philadelphia recruits, persuaded to sacrifice for injustice and against the will of the voters expressed a month after King’s symposium. America is not Paris. Liberal democrats cannot merely disrupt and reverse the American republic, and when their disruption erupts into violence, they may face the consequences.
It is important for people, upon hearing the word “organization” or the phrase, “let’s organize,” to consider:  Someone is trying to persuade you to sacrifice for their cause. The person who states “Disruption is the only way to get meaningful attention,” errs. Also, ask, “If AMO succeeds, what it the outcome? A better civic future or more social conflict?”
A Civic People of the United States invites iterative collaboration to establish public-integrity, a phrase which perhaps did not exist before our library discussions began. We think public-integrity is attractive and will overcome AMO disruption for the sake of disorder.

Schools debate (Page 3A). Will the adults ever address the-objective-truth respecting the persons who are children, or will they continue to struggle for dominant opinion?

Religion a private matter (Page 3A). Once again, the First Amendment is used by the court any way the court wants to use it. In this case, in a really distorted opinion, the court demands travel despite terrorism concerns merely on the fact that the country of origin has a religion. All countries have religions---even the ones that demand atheism.
We the Civic People of the United States have long since needed to revise the First Amendment to either delete the religion causes or revise them so that they protect thought, a human duty and responsibility instead of religion a private practice that is not involved in civic morality.

Cabinet action (Page 4A). Trump’s resilience against the Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO) hangover from Obama is amazing.

ACA (Page 7A). “. . . Democrats have mocked . . .” Reportable news or pseudo-attempt?

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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