Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 8, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. SE of Tiger Stadium? Seems almost off campus.

Today’s Thought. Oops! In only one day, Dean disproved my correlation. Ezra addresses the Lord, and Dean credits God.
Perhaps Ezra lived in 480 BCE, which would be 2500 years ago. He wrote about creation of the sky and the earth. The earth emerged about 4,600,000,000 years ago. Relatively speaking, Ezra is as young as Dean.
Humankind now thinks that the sky emerged 13,800,000,000 years ago. Why does Dean let a youngster like Ezra inspire Dean to try to influence readers? 
Should Dean observe Exodus 20:7: “the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name”?

Nuclear power (Williams). I agree.

And I appreciate learning about "a traveling wave reactor . . . designed to run on . . . a waste product from the enrichment process."
It seems other versions don't even require enrichment. See .

Unity (McCall). A civic culture advocates Security but neither tolerance nor unity. The goal is public-integrity.
We the Civic People---those who comprehend and observe the preamble to the constitution for the USA---discourage harm to others. However, a civic people are too humble to judge other peoples’ motives. Therefore, a civic culture shuns the antonym of intolerance: tolerance. A civic people neither impose nor brook force but nudge dissidents to reform.

Among the Holy Bible interpreters, there is unity of thought: There are chosen people. But what constitutes “chosen”? Factions war over the four extant branches: Jews, Arabs, and Christians divided white and black. The unity of war over “chosen people“ ruins the world.

A civic culture nudges people towards public-integrity; civic-morality; individual-independence; private-dreams; Security.

As a father to three school-children, I coached them not to try to address the-objective-truth with their peers: Honest as they may be, people cannot face integrity. In my eighth decade, my appreciation for people reformed. I think almost everyone wants safety & security; thereby, they can enjoy the freedom from oppression that empowers the liberty to pursue private hopes and dreams.

It seems to me at least 2/3 of people in the USA want Security. The remaining 1/3, the dissidents, beg constraint through statutory law and its enforcement. Tragically, the 2/3 are kept from appreciating one another by the erroneous idea that there must be unity and tolerance. The human species is so psychologically powerful that there will always be difference of opinion respecting the-objective-truth, and the opinion that harm is acceptable cannot be tolerated.

If we can overcome false notions and establish We the Civic People of the United States, the world may improve, and we may begin to approach We the People of the United States as defined by the preamble.
Amending the First Amendment (Guillory). I am sympathetic to your thoughts but think there is a simpler solution to the dilemma. 

Revise the religion clauses of the First Amendment so that they uphold the duty and inalienable right to think, a human condition, rather than religion, an institutional coercion. 
With that reform, the 1787 draft constitution would be upheld and the 1791 ratified constitution would be improved. Erroneous court decisions that happened because of the erroneous First Amendment could be slowly weeded out.
In the meantime, laws against harming people could be upheld without interference from religion.
Rich Lowry column. How can a mere writer feign to advise Trump---an astonishing victor?
A civic people hold Democrats responsible for not considering the evidence: Trump knows he is a novice as president. The evidence is in his independent stand for torture as a useful approach to the-objective-truth. However, as soon as Trump had a Secretary of State, Trump yielded to the US Secretary of State. 
Gorsuch is another Trump nominee with independent excellence. Trump is humble enough to yield to his nominees. Writers may observe and mimic Trumpian humility, but few will do so.
Writers assemble words, appreciating neither thought nor the-objective-truth. The habit prevails among liberal democrats and self-styled conservatives.

David Ignatius column. A civic people observed the evidence that career Republicans had not the human humility to stop the liberal democrats.

Dana Milbank column. Milbank illustrates why Milbank did not run for president: Milbank could not stand up to Milbank perfection for Trump. Thank you, Donald Trump for running for president, for winning, and for being human. We have needed a human president for a long time.

IMO, Trump referred first to the liberal democrats when he said, “We will face challenges. We will confront hardships. But we will get the job done.”

Just now, Trump is confronted by eight years of liberal-democrat-hubris. The hubris will pass. In the meantime, the USA is denied perhaps the best cabinet in history. The Democratic Party is at fault and their liability is building. Democrats should march on the offices of the leaders and demand reform.
Lanny Keller column.  I suppose Keller is imposing his impressions from the press meeting with TBR against the taxpayers.
I suppose TBR spoke for “Baton Rouge member congregations” who subscribe to black power and liberation theology: White Christians are black-person oppressors.

So far, I know of only one BR minister who has declared that thinking. The dots to revelation from within a minister’s Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO) is evidenced in articles by The Advocate in 2011 through 2017. See “While we have minor differences of opinion about the major issues, ‘We are one accord,’” Sept 2, 2011, online at and in “Faith matters . . .,” Jan. 27, 2017, “[White people’s] approach to Jesus is from the standpoint of the oppressor," online at . See my blog for some intermediate dots.

Keller and the rest of The Advocate staff have the moral obligation to flesh out a five-decades curse on public-integrity: Black power and liberation theology.
Also, Mayor Broome, the Metro-Council, and Gov. John Bel Edwards have the obligation to citizens to stop giving ministerial coalitions and AMO groups a place at the table of constitutionally elected offices. Ministers do not speak for a civic people.
Dana Milbank column.  Milbank seems to irony-writing what Hillary Clinton is to political-candidacy.

Online prompted shooting (Page 1B). Statutory-law policy is that online threats cannot be used for law enforcement. However, it seems these incidents should be followed up somehow.

State constitution (Page 3B). The state constitution should be upheld.

Pipline (Page 1A). That’s $1 billion one-time impact and $10 million/yr for the first five years. This added to the savings in lives and injuries due to reduced trucking. Approve the pipeline.

13,000 hangings (Page 2A). I am shocked with black power and liberation theology in my hometown. I do not need to intervene in Syrian atrocities.

Afghanistan (Page 2A). The administration is trying to get a Democratic Party log-jam out of the way.
Chicago murders (Page 3A). Last year’s murder rate, 28 per 100,000 residents, restores the high-crime era of some three decades duration that began in 1970. Trump speaks about the-objective-truth and the media lie about the details, IMO. See

Trust me: This curve was hard to find. If the media had integrity, the facts would be at the public's finger-tips.

Trump claims (Page 3A). Who can settle the dispute? The media, by being so careless with the-objective-truth has discounted its claim to readership. It is hard to imagine how they may establish credibility.

Senator’s career (Page 3A). Forfeiture seems good when a drug lord is the victim. However, it can be very bad when the accused is innocent. I doubt Trump has considered forfeiture.

Activist judges (Page 3A). Activist judges are by definition unconstitutional, IMO.

DeVos confirmed (Page 9A). Thank you Vice President Pence and approving Senators. Now the people can discover whether President Trump nominated a worthy person or not. No thanks to the Democratic Party for the long process.

Property (Page 10A). Government addresses statutory law rather than religion or other beliefs, including environmental religion.

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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