Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 19, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. It is amazing how shallowly people in power think.

Eric Holder powered same sex marriage onto the Supreme Court’s artful pallet, starting with Windsor vs US (2013), before Holder resigned. The June 26, 2015 opinion Obergefell v. Hodges was rendered.

Justice Kennedy, the self-appointed lord of dignity and equality authored the 5:4 opinion. Fidelity was sacrificed to adult appetites. The opinion denies a child the dignity and equality to be cared for by the couple that supplied the ovum and sperm that determine the child’s heritage. It subjugates the child’s person to adult civil contracts. Infidelity is civically immoral. Humankind’s quest for civic justice ineluctably marches. Woeful opinion is ultimately corrected.

But a deeper infidelity opened the USA to Holder’s evil. Congress’s Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA, 1966) was founded on Judeo-Christian tradition---clearly unconstitutional.

An even deeper infidelity empowered the Congress. The-objective-truth informs the people that theism, a belief based on faith cannot be imposed on people whose faith is based on evidence. And the human being is so psychologically powerful that he or she will not yield to imposition.

Glory in the NBA visitation plays unto a fundamental, institutional tyranny and begs woe. North Carolina understands and represents fidelity.

We the Civic People of the United States may, by example, help establish fidelity in the USA.

To JT McQuitty, Quoting Singer, "This does not make sex across the species barrier normal, or natural, whatever those much-misused words may mean, but it does imply that it ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings."

The human species is the most psychologically powerful of the species. For a human to invite sexual arousal in another species is tyranny by awareness vs ignorance. It's worse when the human whets appetite for the other species.

As long as a human limits his or her intimacy to sexuality, he or she limits his or her psychological power and is unfaithful to the other human, IMO.

Today’s thought. There was so much to enjoy today.
Vatican support (Weishar, Feb 18).
To GM King: It does not get much plainer than ". . . run by the Roman Catholic Church.”
A liberal democrat is a psychological adolescent in a chronologically adult body.

To GM King:  No, King. I'm nothing you imagine, especially “old man”. I plan to serve another 48 years.

IMO, I'm fiscally conservative and classically liberal yet committed to the-objective-truth.

Let’s try something: I’ll tell you something I did, which I think you can egocentrically appreciate. Then you do the same: tell me something you did that I can selfishly appreciate.

I served as a chemical engineer and designed chemical reactors in several cities you might visit. None of the reactors can blow up and some could have before my work. Thus, you move about in safety, partially because of my career-service.
To GM King: To put it kindly, your ignorance is showing (you and I live in a republic), but your energy could chip in and help reduce mine. So far, your ignorance is most blatant in your will to tell me I am a liberal democrat rather than accept my opinion about me: Fiscal conservative and classical liberal except with faith in the-objective-truth, which I usually do not know.
It is said that on exiting the signing of the draft constitution for the USA on September 17, 1787, Benjamin Franklin informed us we have a republic if we can keep it. I understand the republic Franklin referred to is specified by the draft constitution. This republic is a statutory organization with written laws and representative officials, some elected by majority in their states, some appointed, and one, the president, elected by people in their states through the Electoral College. By the Electoral College, members in Wyoming represent about 130,000 Wyoming citizens and members in California represent about 650,000 Californians. The representation of citizens in their states is in about the same proportions in the House, but in the Senate, each State is represented by two: Thus, a California Senator represents about 19.5 million citizens, whereas a Wyoming Senator represents about 0.3 million citizens. Thus, if you’d like to have 65 times more presidential-electoral power than a resident of California, move to Wyoming. BTW: Wyoming voted 68% Trump while over 31% Californians voted for Trump. By the brilliance of the signers of the draft constitution (the only founders IMO), this country is a republic and liberal democrats don’t like it---want to change it to “western democracy.” As my friend Hugh (an Army veteran) says, fat chance. BTW2: you might enjoy reading and my dialogue with the author. Also, classical liberty is studied by a ChE who seeks (does not possess) the-objective-truth; google “Phil Beaver + Private liberty” and look for my pic. Quoting the essay, “
we review libertarianism, conservatism, paternalism, and the founding American story according to Foner, hoping for collaboration by readers to further reduce our ignorance respecting how to establish a civic people.”
Regarding your rebuke of my appreciation, you failed to make the connection to my selfish interest. For all I can tell, you like deep diving and found a way to get paid for it, but you did not come away with an ability to express how the pay you received can be stated as contributing to my Security (broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security). As usual, you satisfied the visions in your mind without regard for appreciation by me. How can neighbors be neighbors without appreciation for Security? Lastly, as expected you did not express appreciation for the fact that without my dedication to chemical engineering ethics for public Security, reactors that operated for decades with the potential to blow up, now operate without that potential.
You want to hold me to the-objective-truth rather than accept my faith (not religion):  I trust and commit to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Respecting the Vatican business of funneling refugees from Central American entry to Mexico and on to the USA, it is a theory based on connecting facts. Observing evidence and imagining an explanation is the first step in discovering the-objective-truth.

I cannot admit what I do not claim, and what I claim is more important to me than what you wish.
To GM King: I hope you appreciate your exercise of Alinsky Rule No. 5, "'Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.' There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions." according to . People who believe Alinky rules imagine enemies and beg woe.

Also, I consider your persistence on par with JimmyD7, whatever that may be. Yet JimmyD7 seems to have joined a sort of absence, a test you have so far failed.

Maybe you'll do better. Hoping so, I updated "Private liberty." Updating, I always discover errors. Thanks.

George Will column. With senators like John McCain on the prowl I do not like the idea of Congress “reclaiming” its constitutional duty. The chaos of 100 opinions trying to mesh with 435 opinions seems far worse than being ruled by 9 superior opinions. Until We the Civic People of the United States, as defined by the preamble, demand public-integrity, I perceive no possibility for a better future for We the People of the United States.

Mark Ballard column. Keep the fires for civic morality by the legislature burning, and expand the pressure beyond behavior to broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security, hereafter Security.

Sadow column.  I prefer keeping the rainy day fund. Reduce state spending that goes to special interests.
Child care (Page 1B). This is more funding for adult satisfaction at the expense of children, some of whom are abused.

Troopers’ trip (Page 1A). Much as I hate it, Edmunson may be fired.

National Guard (Page 1A). Here’s an example of fake news:  a discarded idea makes the front page. The real news is that criminals illegally here are actually being deported (Page 7A). It seems to me The Advocate priorities are pro-liberal democracy if not un-American. I hope for reform any day now.

Trump rally (Page 2A). Stirring as First Lady Melania Trump’s prayer was, civil prayer is tyranny over the minds of the people. 
But it is tyranny for which neither she nor President Trump may be civilly questioned. The responsibility lies with the US Supreme Court and its Greece v Galloway opinion (2014): political prayer is for the politician and has no import to the people. People who are niggling enough to object may leave the ceremony.
Politician who take advantage of erroneous Supreme Court opinion such as Greece v Galloway may independently reform so as to represent We the Civic People of the United States, as defined by the preamble to the constitution for the USA.

NATO (Page 2A). Trump said NATO is obsolete, and with Trump and Pence in office NATO agreed to reform. How come AP does not report that?

Voter fraud (Page 2A). Fraudulent voters may offer to admit their offense in exchange for leniency.

Japanese (Page 8A). The Japanese present a strawman fallacy: Incarcerating people during war is not immigration suspension while vetting is reviewed.
Why does the AP report the Japanese fallacy and their hope that Trump will be impeached? Because the AP wants to establish that they create fake news?

Border fences (Page 12A). With 196 countries, perhaps there are less than 98 two-country borders. Yet there are 70 border barriers. That’s 70% of borders.

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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