Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. IMO, it’s a question of presidential-transition priorities. 
What’s at stake is public-integrity vs dominant-opinion. Public-integrity addresses the-objective-truth whereas social morality addresses feelings, status, classism: conformity to opinion.
The human species is the most aware and psychologically powerful product of evolution---no matter what controls evolution. Consequently, whereas ancient man thought traveling to the edge of the world risked falling off and only birds can fly, modern humankind knows the earth is like a globe and both aerodynamics and jet propulsion enable persons to fly. The pioneers took risks. No other species can understand the-discovered-truth and take the risks to explore the unknowns. 
Males produce spermatozoa and females produce ova. Does the ova have dignity and equality? Perhaps not. But the metaphysical child waiting to be born has the human dignity and right to be conceived by a couple who is able and intends care during implantation, gestation, birth, the transition unto young adulthood, unto parenting, and on to grandparenting. In other words, for the lifetimes of the couple and their progeny or posterity. Children should not be conceived for abuse, subjugation, or slavery.
A civic culture nudges people to discover and practice fidelity to the-objective-truth. Persons who posit that they have the prerogative to use a child to satisfy personal wishes arbitrarily subjugate the child. It may be a form of slavery. And those risk-takers are a class of people identified by personal opinion rather than the-objective-truth. Single parents are not spouses. Partners are not couples. The US Supreme Court, in Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015 expressed an erroneous 5 to 4 opinion: A child has no dignity and equality before adult contracts. Error begs woe until corrected.
I don’t know, but it seems President Obama orchestrated the path to Obergefell, and Edwards expected Clinton to carry the torch. Edwards had the arrogance to rebuke the Louisiana Legislature. Trump has his hands full, and Obergefell is not a worthy battle at this time. I celebrate my vote for AG Jeff Landry, even though I want him to oppose Chapter XI Machiavellianism, and regret my vote for Edwards (and maybe Dardenne).
Corporations are persons and do what they deem right to fulfill their mission statements. They do not need government dictating civic morality. The state has the responsibility to serve a civic people rather than dictate civic morality.
The Advocate is a corporation with its business plan. Apparently the dignity and equality of a child is not important enough to appreciate. The Advocate seems to say: Let children suffer risk-taking civic-immorality.

To Matthew White: "And God created money..." confirms the idea I have seen others express: Liberal democracy is a religion. I deem religion impertinent to civic morality, and express that opinion daily.
To Charles Foster Kane: Trump won 84.3% of US counties.
 Today’s Thought. Dean continues to address “the Lord” rather than “God.” 
However, is Dean judging himself? Is “has taken care of me” an expression of humility vs pride? Does the care address life or afterdeath?

When Dean cites “the Lord,” is he refuting John, who in 6:37-9 cited the Father: “All those the Father gives me will come to me . . . I shall . . . raise them up at the last day.” 
What does “last day” mean? Has Dean experienced the last day? No doubt, John wrote mysteries that any man can use for egocentric gain.

I trust neither John nor Dean nor the Psalmist.

Civic Americans first (Silvestry). You may be delusional. 
An American veteran came to Baton Rouge and shot six policeman, killing three and horribly wounding the others, including one still fighting for life. The shooter seemed both 1) influenced by the extremists the President of the USA wants to destroy and 2) incited by the past president who opined that all Americans should recognize that “black lives matters” is inclusive of all Americans. What blasphemy against civic morality! 
Ms. Silvestry, I oppose your stand. We the Civic People of the United States oppose those citizens who support civic immorality for the sake of politically correct emotions. This country is divided into people who want civic morality and those who want what they want and demand it now.
To Matthew White: Civic morality can be elected but cannot be legislated. However, a civic people may defend public-integrity.

Sound science (Bradberry). “I can unequivocally state [my opinion].” So what; each student may state opinion without doubt or apology. However, many students admit a little humility in the face of the-objective-truth.
More importantly, “sound science” is a primary fallacy. Science is a study that begins with imagination about a perceived phenomenon. If the perception is a mirage, the study is useful when the mirage is recognized and accepted. When the mirage is denied by the student, waste and misery comes from further study. If the perception reflected reality, the study may involve or suggest a path to discovery. Further study may establish methods of benefiting from the discovery: risk avoidance or provisions for controlling the phenomenon. Technology.
By all means engineering should not proceed from scientific study of a mirage; it is better to do nothing.
So far, there seems to be evidence for global warming, but global cooling may be in our near future. Reviewing global temperatures with the statistical ranges rather than the Obama-climatologist-maximums, peaking over the last three years may be indicated. Cooling may be imminent. We’ll see.
Bradberry's certainty about Bradberry opinion derives from believing or perhaps hedging science rather than the object of study. The practice may be called psedo-science, which is only systematically weaker than science itself: Science, while the best system of study, is only a study.
Global warming (Davis) Feb 1. Sincere readers may be interested in Holman Jenkins' article in WSJ, Feb 4, Page A13. See .
Under Obama, "U. S. government agencies stopped mentioning uncertainty ranges because they wanted to engender a steady succession of headlines pronouncing the latest year unambiguously the hottest when it wasn’t necessarily so."
An important point: statistics is a study-tool that may be used to influence opinion about the-undiscovered-reality. Likewise, science is a study method rather than the-discovered-objective-truth.

Cal Thomas column. The Democratic party should often replay this video that witnesses to Trump’s humility, humor, and integrity in the face of huge odds and opposition: .

E. J. Dione column. The reality is that Antonin Scalia’s unfortunate passing created the opportunity for liberal democrats to offer a candidate that could win the presidential election, giving the people a voice in the future rather than the past. 
The Republicans determined to meet that challenge without dragging Judge Merrick Garland through hearings that promised negative results. Obama was willing to allow the political victimization of Garland---IMO civically immoral politics. 
The Democratic Party’s candidate, Hillary Clinton, was not up to the task----was not elected by the people. The party itself did not, perhaps could not, strategize according to the system: the Electoral College. Trump won 84.3% of counties in the USA.
Garland’s qualifications stand without blemish, and to be “Merricked” is to have your person defended against political tyranny. The Republicans defended Garland against Obama’s egocentricity.
Now, the Democrats can’t wait to attempt to denigrate the life of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Woe begets woe.
Dione just can’t resist nonsense: “. . . there will be no reward for the abuses that have led us to this point.” Obama could have prevented many abuses.

Stephanie Grace column. A table of Gov. Edwards’ pretenses might have made her case clearer, but I did get the message: Edwards’ “cuts” are pretenses.
Stephanie Grace Feb 5.  IMO, the Washington judge is a slick lawyer, who posed the question on which he knew he would make his decision.
We the Civic People of the United States (citizens who use the preamble, a civic rather than secular contract) perceive that the terrorism EU countries have suffered is due to their liberal-democratic, socialist, communist, secular attitudes and the fact that the EU borders on the Mediterranean Sea. Refugees boat and sail to Greece, Italy, and . . . I haven’t noticed where else.
We want Security first then to help people who want to join We the Civic People of the United States. Others must be constrained by statutory law and law enforcement.
Robertses column.  George Washington: “. . . asylum to the virtuous.” 

There is no shame in a civic people demanding virtuous immigrants. If an applicant does not know, comprehend, trust, and commit to the civic agreement stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA, I do not want them here: That's for my sake and yours. 
IMO, we already contend with about 1/3 of the population who bristle with animosity on reading the idea that the preamble is a civic rather than secular contract for willing citizens. If that's because I wrote it . . again, they are foolish to pay attention to me.
Shame on liberal democrats who as a society within a civic culture adamantly deny the right to safety & security. Shame on the Robertses.

Welcome the stranger (Page 1B). I support this effort, not to increase the fortunes or enrollment for the Catholic Church at the expense of citizens, but as a means of helping people here for however long and with whatever destiny. 
IMO, the Abrahamic religions have the responsibility to We the Civic People of the United States, indeed to the world, to resolve their internal conflicts so as to contribute to Security. I refer to both the three factions and their internal factions.

If there is any way Phil Beaver can help, I want to. In particular, I encourage immigrants to consider the preamble to the constitution for the USA.

Unfortunately, I do not think Christianity promotes the preamble. Perhaps the Church falsely labeled it secular. The preamble is a civic agreement, which is what citizens, including Abrahamic citizens need to collaborate on for Security.

Officers leaving (Page 1A). The article illustrates political-pseudo-science: False statistics to mislead public understanding.
Looking at the graph on Page 6A, BRPD resignations and retirements for 2015-6 averaged 32% more than in 2013-14 and 64% more then than in the four years 2009-2012. The overall increase for 2016-6 vs 2009-12 is 116%! With enrollment the same, there had to be more recruiting, a necessity that keeps qualified officers off the beat.
Citing the summer of 2016 is misleading as well.

Anarchists rioted in Ferguson Missouri in August, 2014. In October, President Obama visited Chicago to speak to police and “minority concerns of overaggressive policing.” In December, he announced a task force on policing in the 21st century. Their report issued in May, 2015.

IMO, Obama attacked the civil rights of first responders, including the police, crime investigators and district attorneys. Thereby, Obama attacked We the Civic People of the United States, IMO.

Maybe citizen-Obama could take the time to address 1966 civil rights icon James Meredith's recent statement that since the march the black race neglected duty and responsibility. Maybe the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus or Mayor Broome or F. King Alexander could address Mr. Meredith's claim.

I do not think most black citizens neglect duty and responsibility---only those influenced by Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) or black power and black theology. IMO, Obama is the prince of AMO. To them, a person's life may be sacrificed for the AMO cause. 
The Advocate reported these events already, but neglected them---failed to connect the dots from 2012 until the summer of 2016. A series on black power and black theology in Baton Rouge would be helpful.

Travel halt for some (Page 1A). I hope Presidential authority on immigration halts is restored soon. I imagine plans for Secure vetting are underway. IMO the most important question: What paraphrase of the preamble to the constitution for the USA would you privately trust and commit to?

Most citizens could not respond to that question, and I work for reform.

My paraphrase today: We the civic people in our state, in order to iteratively-collaborate for the goals stated herein, maintain this constitution for civic justice in the USA.

Loved ones (Page 1A). This hobby probably does not cover people who were cremated by choice and otherwise. I guess what they did for humankind has to witness for them.

Presidential authority (Page 9A). I appreciate the educational insert.
U.S. not innocent (Page 2A). President Bush’s invasion of Iraq on false evidence and influence from his higher father is known by the world. Trump, a human being first, offers integrity, IMO. People may take it or leave it.

Israel (Page 2A). The world turned its back on the Jews. They must stand up for their own Security.

Turkey detention of 445 (Page 2A). Liberal democrats march in the streets to import the anti-terrorism action to the USA. Talk of in sanity. We already have too many anarchists. If you are an Alinsky-Marxist recruit, please look in the mirror and ask why?

Other dialogues:
In my eighth decade, I don’t think I compromise. I like people very much and offer to converse. If the other party does not want to talk, I honor their privacy.
If he or she talks, I let the conversation go where it will without breaching either fidelity to the facts, self, families, the people, the nation, and the world, both respectively and collectively. I have a purpose, public-integrity, and if I detect that the other party does not want to discuss it, I drop it and follow a different thread, perhaps one the other opened.
I treat friends the same way. I always have something to say about my quest, but am more interested in what the other wants to say. I love conversation that deviates all over the place yet often returns to interrupted threads for completion. But I do not fret if some threads are lost.
I maintain this approach by my private reading and writing habits. They keep me so interested and learning that what I am missing from conversation is acceptable to me. I like to think of writers, old and new, as acquaintances and friends.
After a couple decades reading, contemplating and writing about Plato’s “Symposium,” Agathon’s speech, it occurred to me that Agathon’s message is this: appreciation of other people neither imposes nor brooks coercion, but remains alert against violence. I offer iterative collaboration toward public-integrity but do not want anyone to compromise or submit. Therefore, if the other stops talking, I accept their decision.
BTW: the word “society” is vague to me. Is it all the people in the world? Is there a separate society for each the elites, the middle-class, and the poor. Does social morality require propriety or civilization or subjugation to that society? To realize the civic dream of safety & security in public connections and transactions, with the liberty to pursue personal hopes and dreams, I think people need to collaborate for civic morality rather than social morality. In a civic culture, each person has individual-independence and no one compromises beyond contributing to safety & security. Since there are dissidents to safety and security there must be statutory law and law enforcement, and therefore even the society of safety & security is not inclusive.
Society refers to members of a civilization, ethnicity, association for activity or art; some form of convention to which members are expected to conform. Community is the entirety of people living in a place or people with a common interest but no rules to conform to.
Unsatisfied with those two terms, I write about “a civic people.” “Civic” refers to people who collaborate for safety & security in public connections and transactions because they live at the same time in the same place. Thus, in the USA, we the people is divided into a civic people and dissidents. Dissidents are ignorant, criminal, evil or otherwise alien to a civic people. Dissident behavior that causes harm may attract enforcement of statutory law.
Hopefully, 2/3 of people in every sub-culture, society, and community willingly collaborate for an overarching civic culture. In a civic culture, every real-no-harm association may flourish.
I answered a related question at .
No, but the issues should be understood. Gender equality is a vague term created by liberal democrats. Males and females are not equal respecting family.
Females differ from males both physically and psychologically. Both females and males may acquire personal autonomy by puberty. The female may be aware that she is in collaborative association with her viable ova.
The female may care for her health not only for her sake, but for her ova. Also, she may take care about bonding with a male. She may seek a male who will appreciate and respect both her and her ova. She may sexually bond only with protection from pregnancy or freely if the couple have bonded with integrity to form a family.
An authentic male is aware of and protects the female’s collaborative association with her viable ova. A couple may educate themselves to parenting before forming a family and establish fidelity among the family. Psychologically, the female is prone to caring and naturally fulfills the role of mom. The male is prone to support the female’s collaborative association during her fertile years. Each of them is a specific gender role model for the family.
Respecting labor, people who fulfill a needed job may be paid by the job. If a female is not always available, and the absence is critical to the job, she may be paid less. The potential that at any time a female may decide to resign the job for family may make it impractical for employers to pay the same wages as males.
If an employer perceives that a female will perform the work with the same dependability and quality as a male, the employer may pay her on par with the male.
These are my views: What are yours?
1 View · Answer requested by Jenish Kafle
Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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