Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. Getting local traffic off I-10 and I-12 would help. Is there enough Hammond-Livingston-Denham Springs-Baton Rouge traffic to justify a fast-rail-and-shuttle business? How about Gonzales-Prairieville-Baton Rouge?

Today’s Thought. Today, Paul refers to God and Dean goes with “God.” Is there a Dean convention: Cite the power suggested by the author you quote? Hmmm. I wonder if the power condones the-Dean-convention.
Paul never convinced me he understood fidelity to the-objective-truth, to self and to people. The need for self-discipline is made known to every person, if not by coaching, by experience and observing other people's misery and loss. In humility, a person exercises self-discipline for fidelity. In pride, a person may invite woe.

If prayer or meditation strengthens fidelity, good.

Medicaid vital (Sutton). “As a health care professional . . .” Sutton regards herself highly, and perhaps that is justified, from a narrow viewpoint. 
However, consider some of her justifications for service: “We rank first in adult obesity and incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, third highest in cancer mortality and fourth highest in adult hypertension.”

These physical maladies often emerge from adolescent-adult-behavior. Does Sutton’s profession exacerbate bad adult behavior? I think so. 
Systems that promote bad behavior are not sustainable.
MWW taught me, “I oppose and do not want to pay for abortion for fun.” Likewise, I oppose sexual-disease-transmission-for-fun, obesity-for-fun, single-parenthood-for-fun, sex-for-fun and professions and non-profits that sustain such fun.

I think the State of Louisiana should redirect its attention from sustaining adult-bad-behavior to education for authentic, sustainable living. We the Civic People of Louisiana should hold the Governor accountable.

Sound science (Bradberry) Feb 6. Over the years, I acquired the thought that global warming is pseudo-science at its worst and the individual is better off to prepare to survive using common sense. 
My thought is grounded in the evidence that humankind has no tools with which to manage the earth’s atmosphere. The people don’t admit that population control is a viable option that might have a small affect in the face of cosmological forces.
In the last few years, we have experienced in these parts a relatively severe winter a couple years ago, and 2015 was a hot summer, but 2016 not so much excepting catastrophic rainstorms. In the severe rain events, I fear tornadoes the most and only know to get in or around our cast-iron bathtub. 
But it seems I should be alert to radical scientists and judges. Quoting the Wall Street Journal, February 6, Page A 17, “Michael Mann sues to silence critics, and errant courts ignore the First Amendment.” See secure.marketwatch.com/story/a-libel-suit-threatens-catastrophe-for-the-climate-of-public-debate-2017-02-05 .
It seems eight-years-liberal-democrats have an opinion stranglehold that threatens the legitimacy of US courts! The political power struggle would not have been so obvious if Hillary Clinton not failed---had never said in the Senate hearings on Benghazi, “. . . the fact is we had four dead Americans. [Why]? What difference at this point does it make?” Liberal democrats attempted to defend Clinton’s failure: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2013/may/08/context-hillary-clintons-what-difference-does-it-m/ . But her non-election had the last word.
Happily, we have President Donald Trump, and Obama’s man calls him a denier. See citation of a couple “deniers” by the liberal democrats: https://www.democracynow.org/2016/10/6/atmospheric_scientist_donald_trump_mike_pence
Liberal-democrat judges ought to look in the mirror and say to the person reflected, “We have a new president. He has so much integrity he seems human. I need to conform to the literal preamble to the constitution for the USA and its demands.”

Retirement funds (Richard). I'd like Louisiana Legislators to look for a better system. Maybe consider Wisconsin's: http://projects.jsonline.com/.../wisconsins-fully-funded... .

Froma Harrop column. Harrop tacitly asserts that Trump has not the propriety for the society of liars that dominate federal politics. Therefore, as long as Trump is president, the liars must form a coalition with maverick grandstanders. 
It won’t work, because Trump and Pence are authentic citizens and no longer politicians. They were elected by the 2/3 of the people who steadily march toward civic justice.

Michael Gerson column. I appreciate a view into Justice Kennedy’s mysticism: “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life."
But Kennedy is mistaken to think a human has the freedom to define existence, meaning, and universe. The-objective-truth exists and a human can only discover, comprehend, and make use of the-indisputable-facts-of-reality. Those who behave according to mystery beg woe. 
Personal autonomy addresses the choice between fact and fantasy; fidelity and immorality; success and failure.
“Kennedy’s version of liberty is the right of competent adults---by definition, the strongest members of the ‘human family’---to define and pursue their own universal mystery.” Gerson arranged that sentence without regard for “strongest members.” Gerson and moreover Kennedy allows families wherein one or both of the partners may eventually fall in love with the children in the family. Perhaps the partners will divorce over the romance; perhaps not.
I contend that a child is born for a time the male who donated the sperm and the female who donated the ovum cannot imagine. And they have not the decades to prepare for the march to the child’s future. Therefore, I assert that the youngest child is the strongest family member. (I draw from Kahlil Gibran’s poem “On Children.”) Gerson’s word jumbles are typical of liberal democrat writers: arrogantly uninformed.
What use is “social message” or “social ethic” or “social duty” when a person does not belong to that society or civilization? What is the “shadow world” and who specified it? Gerson writes for liberal democrats. Most people need and want safety & security. When there is private-liberty-with-civic-morality, neither person nor community has the prerogative to force a person to live.
Gerson quotes Gorsuch, “all human beings are intrinsically valuable.” IMO, each civic human has individual-independence. A civic human does no harm to other persons.
And here’s the worst part: the Declaration of Independence has nothing to do with the aims and purpose of the constitution. It addresses the separation of thirteen states from England, declared in 1776 and granted in 1783.  The moral and legal promises of the 1791 constitution are stated in the preamble. Gerson’s scholarship is disappointing. 
I doubt Gorsuch will overlook the dignity and equality of the child to be cared for by the couple who conceived him or her.

Dana Milbank column. Milbank illustrates why Milbank did not run for president: Milbank could not stand up to Milbank inhumanity. Thank you, Donald Trump for running for president, for winning, and for being human. We have needed a human president for a long time.
Stephanie Grace column.  Each time I express regret that I voted for Edwards I do not follow with wish I had voted for Vitter. I beyond hope this job is obscure enough that I don’t read his name again. But I am not counting on it.
Public defense monitor (Page 1B). The last thing the people need is another dead-head attorney. I think a lawsuit brought on by lawyers to create a lawyer’s job should be thrown out of court. If it is not unconstitutional, it should be.

Council on aging (Page 1B). The legislature may stop throwing these tax grabs out for the-liberal-democrat-majority-vote. Unbridled taxation is not sustainable.

Gov. details (Page 1A). Gov. Edwards’ arrogance toward AG Jeff Landry is arrogant toward the people of Louisiana and begs woe. I hope the Legislature increases Landry’s budget and decreases Edwards’s budget enough to curtail Edwards’s world travels and promotion of any Vatican-Edwards-partnerships.

Israel (Page 2A). When the rest of the world is against a nation, it may as well be for its citizens.

Trump cabinet (Page 3A). Never before has the losing party been so arrogant against the people. However, eight years from now, the USA will be reformed, IMO.
Obamacare slowdown (Page 3A). Much as I hate the slowdown, it is wise. I was disappointed by Cassidy’s proposal.

Trump claims (Page 3A). Who can settle the dispute? The media, by being so careless with the-objective-truth has discounted its claim. It is hard to imagine how they will establish credibility.

Public schools (Page 5A). Education’s plan is to wear down the reader’s interest.

Against travel policy (Page 6A). Tech companies take a false position, I suspect to favor liberal-democracy. Employees are vetted and get passes.
Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at promotethepreamble.blogspot.com.

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