Tuesday, February 21, 2017

James Meredith 50 years later

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views online on Feb 20 This is great! Never miss a chance to appreciate civic-morality many of us might not deliver. 
Vickie Williams-Tillman's speech when she was honored today shows great caution for her own safety, which is the first element of courage. I will try to remember her thought processes if I find myself challenged as she was.
I also appreciated a question for Police Chief Carl Dabadie and his response, I recall:  We do not recommend heroism like this and rather encourage citizens to call for help. We are grateful that in this case Vickie's courage worked out.

Our Views. Vickie Williams-Tillman answered rights-icon James Meredith’s 2016 claim that the black race has not practiced the duty and responsibility part of citizenship since Meredith’s 1966 march. See https://www.concordmonitor.com/Civil-rights-marchers-U-S-still-needs-to-address-inequality-3635924 .
Vickie exemplified: Most black citizens are responsible, sense duty, and act accordingly. It’s the Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) that are irresponsible. AMO severely hurts every American who wants to join the civic agreement stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. Whether civic people can recite the preamble or not, most, I speculate 2/3, behave according to its goals by the example of the American spirit---in other words, by the spirit of the people who live now in this place. The civic agreement in the preamble is what sustains America's promise of greatness, yet to be fulfilled.
Recall: AMO emerged as black power and black theology during 1969-1971 on the developments credited to three events following the civil rights and voting acts of 1964-5: the Congressional Black Caucus, James H. Cone's book, and Saul Alinsky's book. Today’s AMO champions are, IMO, Jeremiah Wright and the prince, Barack Obama. Obama, Wright, and Alinsky share Chicago organizations.
We publicize, promote, and practice the preamble so that from this moment forward our generation may willingly establish public-integrity at last. We know this can be accomplished, because it is being expressed right here in Baton Rouge. Almost everyone wants broadly-defined-safety-and-security, hereafter, Security. Meeting that “broadly-defined” modifier counts on discovery of the-objective-truth as civic-morality and it will not be easy. But willing civic people like Vickie Williams-Tillman will get the job done. The question is, will Baton Rouge enact what is possible?

In my heart, Vickie Williams-Tillman has a possible place in history on par with the greatest activists for public-integrity. Plato, George Washington, Thomas Paine, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Albert Einstein, Rosa Parks---lots more, but the others don’t come to mind just now. To make Vickie Williams-Tillman's legacy that great, We the Civic People of Baton Rouge may rally for public-integrity—an idea that for now is expressed in no other city or state or country.
Public-integrity is an idea from over fifty people's iterative-collaborations originating in EBRP libraries since June 21, 2014, so I cannot claim it. It belongs to Baton Rouge.

Today’s thought. Dean’s will to coerce people is his responsibility.

It is intolerable that The Advocate participates in Dean’s evil.
I know my death is coming, and I prefer dedication to life rather than death. I was relieved of Dean’s threat “Are you, Phil Beaver, ready to meet Jesus,” when I read Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Divinity School Address,” 1838, and discovered a second opinion to what I had thought for at least four decades: When Matthew reports that Jesus said, “Be perfect,” he is expressing a reality: Phil Beaver can perfect his unique person. I’m working on it and am prepared to face my afterdeath.

The Church and ministers like Dean obfuscate Jesus’s message (according to Emerson): Each human has the opportunity to perfect his or her unique being. What a difference that message could make in the world if the clergy would just get out of the way! Each of them could invent a new career I label civic practitioner (rather than indoctrinator).
Pet death (Nolan). I know the pain of death in the family. 
I cried for my friend’s loss when his pet was hit when the dog jumped out of his arms and ran for a car. I cried when a neighbor’s two dogs came into our yard and left with Stymie in one of their mouths. I chased them hoping to recover Stymie until I recalled I was waiting for heart surgery and slowly returned to my home---sad, sad, sad for the loss and the duty to report to my family. I cried when a dear neighbor about 5' tall was pushed over and somewhat mauled by a big dog.

However, every time I go to the BREC park to walk, when I return MWW asks, “Did you see any dogs?” I dutifully respond with a count of leashes and non-leashes. When well-behaved dog owners pass with no leash, it does not bother me, except for the knowledge that MWW might be by my side if the dog demanded a leash so as to welcome MWW. MWW needs to walk.

When dogs come by completely free and interrupt my walk, it makes me angry. The people the dogs are walking have no care about my well-being or the fact that MWW will not walk there. They expect me to patiently wait for the dogs to resume their walk rather than smell me and test my fear. I protect the dogs but rebuke their people, usually with silence but sometimes with a message about MWW's absence. Henceforth, I will address the dog and ask him or her to get a leash for his or her person.

I have no sympathy for dogs who cannot appeal to their owners to care enough about civic-integrity.
Bigotry (Bannick). Something in your statement excited my objections to our abusive laws. My thoughts seem strange IMO.
Once you get past the Arab will to mutilate and kill one another, what do we really offer? Why let cultural killers in only to discover their evil and then deport them? But we offer child abuse.
We already abuse children at an appalling rate; "confirmed child abuse cases increased from 679,000 in 2013 to 702,000 in 2014." See americanspcc.org/child-abuse-statistics/ .
That's 17.6% of the 3,988,076 live births/yr! About 30% of the population has been involved in child abuse, or 96 million Americans.! My thoughts seem strange IMO.
READ act (McGee). I read the "introduction to the House," 1/23/17 at congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/601 , and your question mark by "full text" is well justified. There's more at the intro.
I oppose this bill for many reasons, not the least of which is the need to reform education in the USA. Demonstrate that every child born here is a person and that his or her nation Secures their individual best interests and incentives. Please Google “Phil Beaver + Child incentives brief” to learn more.
Also, consider asking your representative to kill H. R. 601. IMO, it is a proposal by liberal democrats to impose their will on other cultures when the USA culture is not what it could be.
Cal Thomas column. “DeVos believes that not teaching values and character development in our relativistic and politically correct age is a “significant factor” contribution to lack of achievement in many schools.”
Her sentiment seems a misguided, politically correct set of code words for getting prayer back in schools. If so, I oppose the notion adamantly and will do everything I can to establish education that coaches children to take charge of their acquisition of knowledge, understanding, authenticity, and intent to live a full life. Google “Phil Beaver + Child incentives brief” to read a genuine proposal. Choose the URL that starts cipbr.

Paul Hollis column. HB6 might be a good idea, but Trump has already killed the tax (unbelievably imposed by President George W. Bush’s “trusty” Chief Justice John Roberts---he of legislation from the court to fantastically tax inactivity). See washingtontimes.com/news/2017/feb/14/irs-weakens-enforcement-obamacare-individual-manda/ . (I guess The Advocate does not read seven-day old Washington Times reports.) I say, don’t waste any more time on HB6.

Stephanie Grace column.  Liberal democrats in general should hang their heads in shame. Civic morality is founded on fidelity. Grace herself seems a liberal democrat IMO.

David Ignatius column.  Flynn talked to Russia on December 29 and on December 30 Russia announced that the regretted Obama’s late rebuke but would wait for Trump policy—no Russian retaliation for now. See cnbc.com/2016/12/29/russia-retaliates-to-obamas-sanctions-cnn-reports.html . To me, this seems like the kind of negotiations I would want the administration to conduct, protected from speculation by the press. Secret conversations should be kept secret and agents who reveal them should be prosecuted.
Trump’s policy in his trusted circles is integrity. Liars who approach Trump with lies receive lies until they understand that integrity is required in order to communicate with Trump. Insiders who have not learned that and lie, find themselves outside. I think and hope it is that simple. Meanwhile, the press speculates in very negative way they can.
The press tries to produce failure out of success. This column by Ignatius is an example, I think.
Small Housing (Page 1B). Developer Steve Myers makes a name for himself. I certainly don’t want him developing in these parts. Projecting in to parts of town that seem none of my business, I hope the Metro Council turn him down.

Captured (Page 1B). It seems authorities capture escapees promptly. Thank you. Once the news is out MWW lets me leave our home to run errands and such.

Concern over BR police (Page 1B). Holding a civic meeting at the Mayor’s church is un-American, and I hope officials will in the future refuse such invitations.
It’s true: the out-of-control, unconstitutionally opining US Supreme Court turned politicians of every rank and file lose for legislative prayer and however the politician may interpret prayer with Greece vs Galloway. However, a civically moral person would not take advantage of an errant court. Everyone understands the harm of imposing religion on the people.
People like Broome, Edwards, Graves, Trump, and so many more, who exercise the religion-government-partnership beg woe, and woe has a way of showing up when it is least expected.
People who think I am niggling can learn more about niggling by reading both Greece v Galloway and Machiavelli’s The Prince, Chapter XI. A civic people may stop the pain and suffering from religion-government-partnerships anytime they decide they want to.

State Police chief (Page 1A). Never looked weaker.

Recall bill (Page 2A). Excellent idea.

DOTD (Page 2A). How can we not increase the gas tax so as to improve our roads?

Pence and NATO (Page 2A). How can the AP write such a fallacious caption? European countries are committing to actually pay their 2% of GDP so as to reform the obsolescence President Trump refers to. The press simply cannot stand to credit the administration for anything. The press demonstrates daily that they are un-American liberal democrats. Thank goodness the elite democrats were voted out of office and the novice Donald Trump has replaced them. Now, if we can find a way to replace/reform the media, we’ll be on our way to establishing American greatness that was always promised but never achieved.

Trump taps (Page 3A). Could it be that Flynn-was-in due to the very noble human trait of mutual loyalty and McMaster was all along the right choice according to the-objective-truth? Could it be that Flynn’s friendship with Trump caused Flynn to overlook Trump’s mutual loyalty with Pence? They are, after all human beings.

Age tax (Page 5A). “This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to increase the permissible variation based on age for health insurance premiums for coverage offered in the individual or small group market from a factor of three to a factor of five, or to a factor determined by the state. This applies to plan years starting on or after January 1, 2018.” See congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/708 .
I think potential seniors and seniors would oppose this bill. Wonder how high a state could go; it seems there is no limit.

Mattis and Iraq (Page 6A). Trump stated clearly that he will depend on Mattis to exercise Mattis’s office. The Associated Press needs to set a date certain when it will admit to itself that the USA has a new administration. Attempting to cling to the old be disparaging the new just ain’t gonna work.

Smaller protests (Page 7A). Some AMO recruits may have seen the light: bearing expenses for AMO causes does not pay.

Other dialogues:

After conception, gestation, and birth, a person is due equality and equity. However, neither happens, because even the best parents are not able to provide equality and equity: Parents are human.
Beginning with the ovum, the physics and biology of conception is imperfect. That’s why in the US there’s 1.1 natural-abortions per live birth. That ratio excludes the perhaps pin-head sized blastocyst that fails to implant into mom’s womb (and leaves her body unnoticed).
We say the newborn has natural abilities. The variations spring from physics and its progeny, biology. From birth, the newborn advances according to two factors: natural ability and quality of parental care.
The question of equity addresses distribution of a nation’s net gross domestic product (GDP). Net GDP may be distributed per capita or according to contribution. That is, contribution to the people’s needs and wants, to the extent that people can afford wants.
Perhaps needs equates to reasonable living with leisure time for relaxation, personal development, and attention to civic justice plus enough to save & invest for retirement. As a person improves earning capacity through education, it is possible to increase earnings so as to fulfill some wants. If not, the wants should be constrained.
In a civic culture, the most labor-dependent needed/wanted service or product pays wages sufficient to fulfill the person’s needs, leaving the wants to his or her future growth. Such a culture offers equity. It is up to the citizens to take advantage of the equity offered, but there are dissidents to a civic culture.
Dissidents lose the freedom to participate in equity—-become dependent upon the state and create an imbalance in the use of GDP. Dissidents who harm others must be constrained by statutory law and law enforcement, further detracting from GDP.
People who understand free enterprise work, save & invest, and pay the taxes required to support the dissidents. In a welfare system, the percentage of dissidents increases, reducing the size of the middle class. The consequence is that participants in free enterprise must earn even more to carry the increase in dissidents. The welfare state, socialism, and communism all encourage persons who do not participate in the free-enterprise system to be less than they could be.
The human being has the psychological power to perfect his or her unique person. Participation in the free-enterprise system is essential to the possibility of reaching psychological maturity in a lifetime.
Returning to your question, I think a person has equality if his or her parents rear him or her adequately. Equity comes with participation in free enterprise and it is up to the person to participate.

Perhaps free-enterprise needs to be tweaked to 1) assure that the poorest wage earner is paid enough to save & invest and does save & invest and 2) the system continually increases both the middle class and the upper class, reducing the size of the poor class.
Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at promotethepreamble.blogspot.com.

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