Sunday, February 5, 2017

February 5, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. The Advocate presents the case of Obama’s wasteful hypocrisy respecting Keystone, then lets him off the hook with “it drew a bad political hand.” It faced an anti-USA president, IMO.
I’m just glad the Canadians are still interested in partnering with the USA.

Today’s Thought. Sunday reprieve.

Environmentalists fantasies-Feb 4 (Bowman and Bowman).

To JT McQuitty: "Arguably" is an annoying word, especially in this case.

Why interject, without evidence, doubt that better metals and monitoring improves pipeline safety? I speculate that the writer stuck the word in there for a warped form of political correctness. However, some readers might take it as serious doubt about improved pipeline technology.

“Our Views” is opinion. Opinion addresses controversy, which occurs when the-objective-truth is either not known or denied. Opinion is by definition arguable.

I agree with you:  opinion against the pipeline is hard to justify. What value would “arguably” add to that sentence?

James Gill column. “. . . a type that has become familiar — the alienated young man with no regard for life for whom prison holds no fear. If [Stewart’s] book should help explain what forces rob so many adolescents of their humanity, he might finally do society a favor.”

IMO, the USA is barbaric in its obsessions with adult satisfactions at the expense of children. In the first place, the state (city, state and federal government) has the duty and responsibility to inform every newborn, with repetitions at each step in education, both verbally and in writing: You are a citizen and are critical for the future of your families, city, state, country and the world. Your responsibility and duty to yourself for the next three decades is to acquire the knowledge, comprehension, and intent to live a full life according to the real-no-harm happiness you prefer.

We offer public Security and the education you need so as to understand and take charge of the civic life you want to live so that you can pursue your hopes and dreams.

We the Civic People of the United States must reform education so that the student comprehends the physical and psychological forces that are critical to civic living by about age ten, fortified at each step through college, and used to start building wisdom by age thirty or so. For details, please google “Child incentives brief” and choose the URL with my pic.

Mark Ballard column. Endowments come from donations and are invested. 
The earnings fund scholarships, supplement pay, fund research, and other expenses. How that breaks down would be of interest.
Some of the funds could be dedicated to TOPS.
Stephanie Grace column.  Many people who voted for Trump did so on the promise of safety & security.

The proximity of the Middle East to Eastern Europe produced significant problems for the EU and their socialist governments, including many incidents of extreme violence and waste. England dropped out so as to avoid the impositions on their sovereignty. Obama promised our lives and fortunes to help the EU.

The Middle-East invoked European crisis overshadows normal, essential travel. Cassidy’s comments address normal travel, and the need for exceptions. Trump wants thorough vetting processes in place before resuming immigration and travel. Liberal democrats (both Democrats and Republican by party) and the liberal media cause Trump grief, preserving the woe to the people that was invoked by Obama.

The media, erroneously motivated by schools of mass communication (LSU has one), think public opinion determines public policy, so the liberal democrats among them grab any socialist cause that comes their way. However, American citizens among a civic people deliberately march toward safety & security. That is Trump’s stated goal. I want him to succeed for our benefit.

Jeff Sadow column.  Thanks for helping us think. 
Edwards’ threat to end LSU football failed in two special sessions and the regular session his first year. I expect his failure this time, too. 
Rainy-day fund “a crutch to keep government artificially inflated.”
“Louisiana Medicaid levies no co-payments for some services,” increasing unnecessary expense.
We pay for empty nursing home beds.
Resisting Edwards’ inclinations may “slim Louisiana’s governmental obesity.”
We still have no clue what the Vatican-Edwards-partnership might cost us.
George Will column. Sorry to be repetitious, but has Will lost it? After all these years he should be capable of scholarly thought.

I cannot imagine writing to incite either revolution, Alinsky-Marxist disruption (war), or epidemic disease as possible political tools, but that’s how I interpret Will’s citation of Walter Scheibel’s work (the citation, not necessarily Scheibel’s work). And who can believe Michael Tanner’s so-called myths: inequality less now, inheritance not significant, classification doesn’t usually stick, and poverty consumes the middle class? There’s plenty of evidence that all these factors oppress the poor and pull the middle class into the poor class.

Much more applicable to solve inequality is to present the evidence that Chapter XI Machiavellianism is at the heart of the world’s chaos. In America, influenced by the Magna Carta, elite Christian traditionalists encourage the people to count on faith, family, community and work to provide upward mobility. The elite omits save & invest. The omission keeps the working class consuming but not owning (compare the “myths” above). The clergy-elite-partnership lives high on the hog by picking the people’s pockets. The elite strive to keep the poor able to consume, so that assets will grow; the middle-class cannot keep up in the coverage of the poor, so the poor class grows.

A remedy is for the people, as individuals, to separate collaboration for safety & security for living or civic morality from religious morality for the afterdeath; require the clergy to stick to religion and government to provide Security. The people must demand enough wages so that they can save & invest and must practice the principle: save & invest. It matters not if a church or other association makes this commitment: Each person may choose real-no-harm individual-independence, and collectively, a civic culture will emerge.
Chapter XI Machiavellianism emerged from canonization of the Torah and the rest of the Old Testament. Four thousand years ago, the Jews contemplated, perhaps originated, theism and considered themselves as chosen people through whom the world would be saved. With the woeful Security we experience in 2017, the Jewish belief is not of itself a threat: Religious beliefs in a civic culture are private. A civic people must have Security first and beliefs second. However, Genesis 16:10-12 is disparaging toward the Arabs. The expressions are judgmental, civically immoral, and beg woe. Seventeen hundred years ago, the Catholic Church, with no intent to resolve the Jew v Arab conflict, canonized a Bible that claims God chooses people. The chosen believe in Jesus. Thus, salvation is available to everyone who is elected by God to believe Jesus. And only 48 years ago there emerged skin-colored Christianity: Black theology. Consequently, four biblical factions are at war: the Jews, the Arabs, and the conflicted Elects. And each of the factions has factions.

The biblical factions are liable to humankind for the woe that has resulted, and all for may collaborate with us---the ones with no biblical theism---to terminate the human misery and loss. The rest of us are being robbed of our brief opportunity to live in a civic culture. We need to communicate plainly that we hold all four of the biblical factions accountable. The right negotiator can end the madness practically overnight, merely by bluntly expressing the-objective-truth and gathering the leaders of the world to work out remedies. Everyone I know wants Security so as to pursue happiness. But there are dissidents, so humankind must have statutory law and law enforcement, leaving inalienable human rights for private pursuit according to informed personal-preferences and abilities.

Pipeline (Page 1A). Seems the basin sports and enterprise will improve with good supervision of the new installation.
Submissive GOP (Page 1A). Edwards has shown he is a combative Democrat in the mold of Obama. 
If Edwards does not reform, “moderate GOP” is Obamaspeak for submission. But the caption was written by The Advocate. Go figure.
 La. trade (Page 1A). If Trump strengthens the Mexican border, it will hurt any Vatican-Edwards-partnership on coyotaje traffic from Central America, Cuba, and other places with access to Mexican borders. Saving to citizens should help Louisiana greatly. 
Pipeline approvals will help.

The Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot by not approving Trump’s cabinet so as to get into governance and contribute to bipartisan solutions for We the Civic People of the United States---those who want individual-independence-with-civic-morality. 
The Advocate could do its part by writing ideas like mine their own way. Discover the preamble to the constitution for the USA as civic rather than secular sentence: It’s neutral to religion, race, gender, and politics. It's vital for 2017 rather than a relic from 1787.
VA hospital (Page 1A). Trump is quick to fulfill campaign promises, so I bet he will assist this VA hospital startup.

Again, the Democrats may approve Trump’s cabinet so that Trump is no longer a bottleneck. Twenty-hours a day is OK for Trump's person, but who can handle 99 hours a day in decisions?
Seattle judge (Page 3A). Asking a biased question to which you know the answer is slick lawyerism.
The question Trump addresses and of interest to me is: How many terrorist attacks by people from those countries? Millions have poured into other countries, but few here and I want to keep it that way until there is change the USA administration is comfortable with. 
Voter fraud (Page 11A). Good idea. Develop some undercover agents to attract voter enrollment, enroll, and see if coaching on who to vote for or other coercion happens later.

Other dialogues:
A few months ago, I read Paul Johnson’s A History of the Jews, 1988, and it is on my re-read list. See . Because of Johnson’s knowledge, it is a history for all of us.
I followed up with Alicia-Appleman-Jurman’s biography, Alicia, 1989. See
Being Scots-Irish, one of my sayings for bad times is “Worse things have happened to better people.” If you feel you are a victim, Alicia immerses you in her trials, and you can’t wait to learn what she faces next, gruesome and tragic as it may be.
Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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