Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 18, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. Liberal democrats are so confused they can’t recognize a contradiction when they write one. Trump’s administration is so dysfunctional they swiftly helped Louisiana’s tornado victims.

Liberal democrats also don’t share my dissatisfaction with Gov. John Bel Edwards’s slow pace at applying for relief after the $8.7 billion flood damage last July. The first $0.45 billion approved is still not available to spend. Unbelievable incompetence from the high and dry view; unbearable neglect to flood victims. Never have I seen anyone do so little with so many in need.
The fact that The Advocate does not hold Edwards responsible does not surprise me.
Today’s thought. Who would battle the Lord? Dean champions God.

I discern theism but trust and am commit to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood to human advantage.

Theism ponders death; discovery addresses life.
Anti-American (Robison). It seems The Advocate created the caption to interpret the letter, which suggests, IMO, Policies of The Advocate seem anti-American.
Maybe The Advocate suffers from mendacity in captions they publish. For example, “Europe shares in Trump’s wish to ban Muslim immigration,” Page 3D, is false. Trump wants to suspend immigration from seven terrorist-laden countries until vetting is sufficient to assure US-citizen-Security. Europe’s religious basis is Europe’s, and it is born of refusal of Muslims to turn from sharia law and terrorism (not simply voice opposition).

For Mr. Robison. Consider Cal Thomas’s successful walls (column today). Mexico willingly serves as a highway for fugitives and drugs to the USA: see It's a supply chain for Vatican relief-operations in Latin America to Louisiana Catholic Charities. Cubans and Muslims join the coytaje services. Imagine the reduction in drug infestation in the USA once that highway is shut down by the USA!
Second, imposing “the factional-Christian things to do” on a nation whose first premise is Security is civically unjust. In other words, imposing factional-Christianity on a free people is civically immoral. (Does that equate to Gov. John Bel Edwards’s “the right thing to do”?) Moreover, Islam imposes the confusion of religion and raw-power/civil-government. Therefore, either Islam must reform to USA law or Muslim immigrants must commit to USA law in order to immigrate. I have written for two decades in favor of amending the First Amendment so as to protect thought, a human responsibility, rather than religion, an institution. The urgency of that reform has never been more evident.

Third, Trump did not ban refugees. He temporarily suspended immigration from terrorist-laden nations. The liberal democrats still thinking under the Obama regime disobeyed Trump's order, causing the confusion.

To Matthew White:A consideration, but one that would be relieved by revision of the First Amendment so as to protect thought rather than religion. I hope you support that idea.

“The religious test” is merely a judicial opinion that has no evidence to support it. As Trump stated, a judge who cannot/will not read the law rather than the president's mind should be removed.

The factual concern is damage and death caused by the recent influx of immigrants from terrorist-laden countries to Europe. An American president is obliged to observe the global facts and protect the Muslims in America, along with the rest of us. It's just common sense.
Common sense will catch up to the judge, and he will lose his job, IMO and my hope.

 Vatican support (Weishar). The Vatican runs a tax-sheltered business supplying Latin American refugees to the Mexican coytaje services for delivery to Catholic Services in the USA. Jesuit social advocacy is logical.

Okay, you made that up. Where are your reliable, verifiable sources?

To GM King:




People from all over the world go to Latin America, hire a cayote, travel through Mexico to the USA and Catholic Charities helps them.

In my conspiracy theory, this refugee business was discussed in Gov. Edwards’s recent trip to the Vatican, delaying Louisiana’s next application for federal aid after the floods.
Phil Beaver Beaver: complete and utter crap. Total bullshit you posted. Your first three URLs are nothing more than articles about illegal immigration. A wikipedia article about coyotajes? Crap. Not one of those articles mentions Catholic support for anything. The word "Catholic" doesn't even occur in them.

You're fourth URL is the facebook page for Catholic Charities in the Diocese of BR. Here is the first line from their description: "Immigration Legal Services assists refugees, immigrants, victims of human trafficking and torture to rebuild their lives by providing legal services, case management and translation services to access services, gain employment, and become productive members of our community."

Is this how you jump to your outlandish and totally undocumented claim that the Vatican supplies refugees to coytajes?

You are a FOOL and a LIAR of the highest rank. Disgusting. You should be very ashamed of your blatant mendacity. You, however, are incapable of shame. You make a mockery of civic responsibility and morality when you post lies.
Like · Reply · 53 mins
The first step in the process of discovery is to observe evidence and imagine explanations. Next, the student selects the explanation that makes the most common sense and might lead to the-objective-truth.

In trying to understand why Gov. John Bel Edwards would schedule a week in Rome when flooded people needed federal money and the next president was being inaugurated I thought the former was a good excuse for missing the latter. That left me in the lurch. Recognizing that a real border at Mexico would end the refugee flow to Louisiana, I guessed that might be the motive. After all, despite your foul hatred, rescuing children is a noble cause. Also, adding to both the Church roles and democratic voters seems noble to a liberal democrat.

Domestic Catholic Charity is a noble cause; but not as a Vatican business. Now that I know your ignorance exceeds your meanness, here are some specific references to global Catholic business that are more specific than the earlier ones. The depended on a reader who could connect dots.

Most are Guatemalans, Hondurans and Salvadorans . . . heading north to the United States . . . a few nights' sleep at an immigrant shelter. It is one of dozens in Mexico run by the Roman Catholic Church.”  

Long history of Church involvement. Also info on liberation theology:
“In Guatemala, Father Barilli and others described cases of police forcing Salvadoran and Honduran immigrants to disembark from buses, where they take their documents and demand money.”
I leave it to your scholarship to discover the Cuba-Mexico-USA evidence. I already referenced the Nepal connection.
They say a good dot connector could have saved the US from 9/11. 
My momma taught me not to call someone a fool. Thinking it good, I share her thought, but to each his/her own.

Cal Thomas column. List of successful walls: Paris (planned for Eiffel Tower), Israel west bank, Algeria fr Morocco, Cyprus fr Turkish protion, India fr Pakistan, Turkey fr. Syria, Saudi Arabia fr. Yemen, and other walls in Greece, Hungary, and Spain. Go with a Mexican wall and block drugs, "coyotes," and other stuff.

Richard Cohen column. Who would have predicted that 57% Electoral College vote and 84% US counties vote would have left the liberal democrats so demanding as to not allow a regime transition? Cohen highlights the resistance but blames the people who voted 57% and 94%.

I consider it a hangover from 8 years of Alinsky-Marxist organized (AMO) regime, led by its current prince, Barack Obama. See .

Edward Pratt column.  “And it was all senseless. One was killed as he was trying to illegally enter a house when a resident shot and killed him.”

With “shot and killed” Pratt immorally implies that the resident was senseless. Writing a column carries a responsibility to teach and influence. Seasoned as he may be Pratt, just cannot grasp that the crime culture is not about Pratt’s emotions. It’s a culture that needs reform. I only express my opinion.

The Advocate is responsible for any real immorality in the column. IMO, the awful suggestion is in the caption: “murders now seem routine.”

Byron York column.  It is refreshing to read a writer considering accomplishments rather than the resistance. And the duty to sell the accomplishments, probably authored a week ago, seems prescient to Trump’s media press conference followed by two days with city speeches on the way to the weekend.

Housing athorities (Page 1B). Combined budget should be lower after merger. What’s the sum now?

Raping children (Page 2B). Two: one 9 years old the other 4 years old.

Martin Luther (Page 1D). After 500 years, you’d think Christianity would be a recognized business---good for adult customers only.

Trump and LGBTQ (Page 2D). Trump remains true to campaign pledges.

If conservative Christians want to work with Trump (perhaps We the Civic People of the United States), they’ll benefit from realizing (before their mirrors) that in the USA, it is better to iteratively collaborate for broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security, hereafter Security, than to struggle for dominant ideology. Likewise for GLAAD. If they want public-integrity, the train has left the station.

In the USA, it civic-morality rather than religious morality; public-integrity rather than social morality. Just now, the Democratic Party, acting like Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) but claiming “Tea-Party tactics,” is isolating itself from the quest for civic morality and public-integrity.
Europe wants to ban Muslims (Page 3D). The caption on this article is an example of fake-Trump-news. Trump wants to hold immigration from terrorist-laden countries. 
Europe, which is tends secular, meaning separation of religion and state, wants to ban Muslim immigration. Europe has suffered misery and loss due to Muslim immigrants. Trump wants Security for US citizens rather than religious bans.

Civic insurance plan (Page 1A). Increased deductibles for smokers seems like civic equity. The department of health should get involved and add to the list: common-sense-obesity, sedentary living, alcoholism, drugs, sexual promiscuity, and other matter-of-fact bad behaviors. Talk about health-care reform!

National Guard (Page 1A). Here’s an example of fake news:  a discarded idea makes the front page. The real news is that criminals illegally here are actually being deported (Page 7A). It seems to me The Advocate priorities are pro-liberal democracy if not un-American. I hope for reform any day now.

Target stores (Page 7A). How can the media pretend the new administration is dysfunctional when Security in the USA keeps on working?
Some career officials are able to change regimes, as the constitution for the USA requires. However, not liberal democrats: They want it their way or else intend to disrupt civic order.
They had their 8 year run, but it is over, and Alinsky-Marxist influence (AMI) will not return to the USA. Its prince, Barack Obama, will fail in sovereign citizenship just as certainly as he failed in the most powerful job in the world. People who may accuse me of mixing politics with my cause, to establish public-integrity may realize that I disagree: IMO, politics and public-integrity are inseparable.

The sooner the Democratic Party wakes up---we have entered the age of Security first, opinion second, they may pressure the media to reform. Healthy political competition may be restored anytime the competitor perceives the need.

Wells Fargo (Page 8A). Infidelity does not pay.

Choice is good (Feb 17) To JT McQuitty:  I once imagined starting a charter school based on the principles I often express: coaching from appreciated detachment from mom and dad to preparation for civic adulthood. I contacted a best friend who was also a school principal and discussed it. Before long I realized that creating the books, vetting the program, acquiring teachers who would be willing to cooperate, plus finding a board to assure financial responsibility, would be more than I would want to undertake.
When I started reading reports of higher admin costs at charters it did not surprise me. The EBRPSS oversees 42,000 students with 2743 staff and 3509 teachers. See .

I tried to find comparable numbers for a charter school but did not see it. I found but not the three numbers I sought.

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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