Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. I feel any group of liberal democrats counts as “a legion of liberal loons.”

Liberal democrats are everywhere. The other day, I was in a library civic-meeting whose principals are Catholic and Baptist. My objections to the imposition of religion as civic propriety motivated them to ask if I am an atheist: IMO, I am humble. But I cannot judge myself.

They rolled their eyes and resumed wailing about the election results.

The biggest offense by liberal democrats is that they harbor anarchists who disrupt necessary life, destroy property, injure people, and even murder bystanders. For the past five decades, anarchy has been fomented by Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO).

Today’s Thought. Today, Dean quotes the ancient writer, “the Lord,” accepts “justice and judgment.” Maybe that’s better than the typical changing “the Lord” to “God.”
But Dean says, “The world is watching.” If I listen to Dean, I may think I should yield to the world’s judgment. That’s bad advice, IMO.

Global weather (Boesch). I wish Boesch would address my concerns posted under Mark Davis's letter Thursday, Feb 2. I could re-post them here, too, on request.
My key points: 1) population control is humankind’s viable tool for reducing CO2 and other hot-gas emissions, 2) humankind has not the economic viability to control global weather and we can’t count on warming indefinite, 3) best to draw back from building on the sands off the Louisiana shore, and 4) rather than take a chance on predictions, prepare to live with what will come.
Hyde Amendment (Shields). "As a Peace Corps volunteer, I became pregnant."
Liberal democrats overtly shirk responsibility and don't even perceive the transparency.
The USA is barbaric in its failure to educate adolescents about human reproduction; beneficial bonding; monogamy for lives of spouses, children, and grandchildren; personal autonomy; collaborative association; fidelity; and responsibility. This education is a national, civic duty.
Abortion for fun should not be funded by the public. Approve the Hyde amendment as permanent.

To Eric Hoffer:
In the 50s, my classmates, whose education system (parents and churches) did not teach them personal autonomy; human reproduction with its system of chemicals to enhance mutual attraction; collaborative association; human bonding; monogamy for life to fulfill spouses, children, grandchildren, and beyond; the authentic man, and fidelity, got hurt really badly. One girl took leave then returned pallid and psychologically wounded. Another just disappeared.
Ms. Shields, in 2017, tacitly claims her pregnancy was mysterious and a Peace Corps responsibility, as though you and I don't imagine she had fun getting pregnant. Abortion for fun is infidelity to humankind and to civic morality, let alone the couple and the fetus.
The education system that fails the nation's youth, adolescents, and fertile adults is barbaric. The churches that resist the kind of education I mentioned above are civically immoral.
We live in the best of times, because we are at last discussing civic morality and public integrity. But many people, both liberals and traditionalists, are still hung up in mystery and infidelity to the-indisputable-facts-of-reality.

To Didier Foie:

I am educated about the foster-care system through CASA training. It is a desperate measure to try to assuage the damage our barbaric system causes the metaphorical children-waiting-to-be-born. Volunteers in the system are so noble in their restoration of wounded children they shun focus on the cause of child abuse and possible remedies.
"A non-CPS study estimated that 1 in 4 children experience some form of child abuse or neglect in their lifetimes." At a birthrate of 4 million/yr., that means 1 million cases per year. Reported cases totaled 0.7 million. See .
If we say a generation spans 20 years, then each generation involves perhaps 20 million persons in the range infant to 20 years who were abused. That's 6.25 million young people. US lifespan is 79 years, or 3.5 generations, which translates to 79 million living people who were abused as a child. No surprise, that's 1 in 4.
Frequently we are informed about the inadequacy of Louisiana DCFS budgets and ability to handle the child-abuse cases. There will always be a need for foster care and CASA.
However, we need to reform our education system so as to gradually end religious, civil and commercial subjugation of women. We need to educate that fidelity is egocentrically better than promiscuity. The authentic man protects both the woman and her viable ova. See my earlier posts for more detail about our barbaric education system.
Froma Harrop column. “. . . protests can grow old. They occasionally provide a stage for anti-social behavior. And they inconvenience motorists, businesses and locals in their path.”
Harrop is so accustomed to liberal democracy she does not realize she is weakly admitting her erroneous thinking, IMO dishonesty in answering to her mirror. 

 To label the anarchy that accompanies many “protests,” as “anti-social behavior” is civic immorality. The politically-correct crowd is being confronted with its civic immorality and Harrop hasn’t waked up yet.
To go on to talk about “inconvenience,” is to tacitly claim she is not aware of Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO), whose prince now out of the closet is IMO Barack Obama. See the rules at, for example, .
Pushing anarchy as “anti-social behavior” is akin to Rule 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.I think Harrop is a master-radical for liberal democracy. Maybe someday she’ll become attracted to integrity. (That’s Trump’s hope for all writers, IMO.)
Stephane Grace column.  Liberal democrats are so out of touch with fidelity it does not even enter their minds. Grace seems so far out on a limb she can't see the tree.
Plato, via Socrates, was thinking, in 2017 terms: the life worth living discovers and practices fidelity to the-indisputable-facts-of-reality, self, family, extended families, the people, the nation, the world, and the universe, both respectively and collectively. Those 2400 years ago Plato attempted to suggest the examined life.
Liberal democrats egocentrically demand rather than examine.

Byron York column.  Thank you, York. Trump’s order on Mexican border also: ends “catch and release,” disfavors “sanctuary cities,” speeds deportations, follows the law on illegal aliens, keeps asylum seekers out until verified, and informs the public. Thank you, President Trump.

E. J. Dionne column.  The media should be embarrassed over its dishonesty and reform to integrity.

Count Dionne among the writers of nonsense: “No, facts are facts are facts.” Conway is correct to challenge media facts with alternative facts. Perhaps the media will get Conway's clue and start publishing the-indisputable-facts-of-reality or the-objective-truth when discovered and “We don’t know” otherwise.

Can you imagine a writer routinely writing “We/I don’t know” when he or she does not know? He or she would be a tentative candidate for journalism---discovering and reporting the-objective-truth.
I do not know the-objective-truth about inauguration-crowd-sizes, but I do know an early or late picture does not depict the peak size. Let’s see some videos covering the entire events.
Patriot: “one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” A liberal democrat writer “calmly point out the obvious,” I disagree with you, is a pundit rather than patriot. A patriot pursues the-objective-truth so as to strengthen the nation’s president, knowing that he or she is a follow citizen and a human being.
I cannot imagine Dionne asking then President Obama, “How is it advisable for you to agree that We the [Civic] People of the United States will take Australia’s unwanted refugees?”

Road rage (Page 3B). People inclined to road rage have another reminder to reform as soon as possible: Second-degree murder is a charge that may ruin the accused's life regardless of the outcome.

AMO coalition and Broome mismanagement (Page 1A). In my career, safety was the highest priority. Incident data shows that 85% of mishaps are caused by poor management. Chief manager here is Mayor Broome.
There were many times, especially during startups, after incidents, and during tests, when one person’s humanity overcame his or her professionalism. Unexpected risks were taken; I was especially risky a couple times. Observers, both instinctively and by training, jumped in to relieve the professional, moral tensions.
For example, a sonic-vibration consultant and I were on the scene when pressure in a start-up compressor loop approached three thousand psi. A safety valve at my feet started vibrating and I knew vibration would escalate to burst the pipeline. I stupidly wrapped my body around it. The consultant, yelled “Hold on,” ran for a 2 x 4 board and wedged it under a distant pipe and stopped the vibration. He had collaborated upon my stupid reaction. Who knows if vibration would have prevented inserting the board without my 220 lbs. dampening vibration?
The provision that officers intervene respecting a colleague’s use of force invites disaster. I encourage the police union to consider and perhaps reject that provision and the Mayor to respect their views---they are the first responders being authorized to ensure her public safety and mine.
As always, I reject the notion that ministers and their coalitions are authorized to dictate civic morality. Churches should focus on salvation upon dying not civic Security for living. Elected officials who involve the church are shirking their responsibility to the office they were elected for. IMO, it is unconstitutional to form religion-government-partnerships.
IMO, community policing is an application of vigilantism. The special community has not accepted the civic agreement stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. One black person responded to me, “Our people never thought that sentence was for us.” That is a lame excuse, IMO, and I want to discuss how it has been used since 1964-5 to demand un-civic attention and bids for favor. I think therein lies 1966-march icon James Meredith’s statement: the black race has ignored the duty and responsibility of citizenship. Vigilantism is immoral whether coming from the community, the church, or the police. It is especially immoral when it comes from Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) and other protesters who know that anarchists will come along. Our state constitution defends freedom of expression but also requires responsibility for consequences; we should use that provision to require riot insurance for civic protests.
Baton Rouge need not be a divided community, but Mayor Broome must face the indisputable facts. Already, we have had one pastor witness that his church is for the oppressed and white church is the oppressor. How many pastors in this town are that extreme? I don’t care, as long as they keep their errors in their church. But why should people like me, who prefer civic morality rather than religious morality suffer erroneous church squabbles? It is outrageous if Mayor Broome leads the squabble.

Nevers (Page 1A). I celebrate your retirement!

Anglola crime arrests (Page 1A). Don’t cut Street’s budget. Don’t cut Landry’s budget.
Limits churches (Page 2A). Also stop the tax favors to the religion business.

Congress scraps Obama rules (Page 3A). Good to reduce federal excesses and restore power to the civic people in their states.

Australia deal (Page 3A). How this turns out will determine Australia’s civic worthiness or not. I’d a thought Australia would have responded, “Yeah, we pulled a fast one on Obama’s plans. We apologize.”

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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