Sunday, February 26, 2017

Naivete to Alinsky-Marxist organizations (AMO) and OFA

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

The Advocate:

Our Views. I stay confused about the budget, and first wanted to see where Gov. Edwards’ plan $29.7 billion plan for 2017-8 stacks up with the past. In a time that, IMO, calls for caution, Edwards proposes an all-time and 10-year high. See , with a Katrina spike followed by 8 years averaging $24.2 billion/year, followed by Edwards jumps to 26.9 then 29.7. That’s successive increases of 11.1% and 10.4% and 2-year increase of 22.7% . No thank you, Gov. Edwards. 
If you think your representative is your friend, you probably benefit from the above evidence of Louisiana largesse. I am very upset that this recent special session took $2 million from the people’s fiscal monitor, Louisiana Legislative Auditor, Daryl Purpera. I wrote to my representative and my senator asking them to restore that $2 million and then some. We the civic people of Louisiana need all the help we can get. Please note: it was not a reduction of the auditor’s budget, merely a $2 million taking to reduce the $99 million taking from the rainy-day fund.
BTW, the recent proposal by Louisiana’s Rep. Steve Scalise to repeal the Johnson amendment raised my interest. See . Before too long I was studying philanthropy in general aided by an eye-opener I’ve needed for over seven decades:  Philanthropy competes with the-rule-of-statutory-law-and-statutory-law-enforcement and thus competes with the people. See . In their view, it’s “the nice guys” v “the brutes.” I am a brute in their opinion but not mine. I will be writing to my representatives to eliminate tax advantages to all philanthropic groups, not just churches. Fat chance, but it’s a start.
I find googling to learn about the budget frustrating and this morning went to a standby, . Thank you, Jan Moller and staff.

Today’s thought. Today, I am prayerful for reform by the media in the USA and worldwide.

After supporting for over eight years a “nice-guy” takeover of the American republic to replace it with liberal-democracy, or (“I demand it all and I demand it now”) the media is fighting to stay on track for continuous conflict---Alinsky style.

You may have been wise through the entire experience, but I was oblivious to perhaps amoral, newly named Organizing for Action (OFA). See . This is the new, registered name for what I call Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO). See D. L. Adams, who opines amorality in American politics, at . I still like AMO, because it suggests the tactics, but certainly want to stay in the know about obfuscators’ transitions, lately to OFA.

Don’t forget, in their view, it’s the nice guy v the brutes, but as we have seen in the objections to the duly elected President Donald J. Trump, OFA is vitriolic, violent, and perfectly happy with destruction, injury, even incidental death and eternal conflict for conflict’s sake---pure Saul Alinsky.

Jeff Sadow column. Two years of Edwards' governorship entails 23% increase in Louisiana largess. It is outrageous!

Stephanie Grace column. Thanks for prompting interest in . I saw at that Louisiana losses were ten times other states for 2016. However, Pew has $2.4 billion and I had in mind $8.7 billion.
I did not find the map you referred to. Did find a 2013 map that showed Louisiana not too bad.
Construction debris (Page 1B). It seems a person rather than debris confuses citizens. 
If I were in Councilwoman Erika Green’s district, I would ignore her and require my contractor to remove construction debris. 
When an elected official acts independently from administrative policy, the official begs woe, but woe comes to the constituent rather than the elected official. The Advocate makes it clear that Green recommends a crap shoot, but the homeowner takes the risk.
AG escrow (Page 2B). This Associated Press rehashing of old events is an example of pseudo-news, in this case with no pseudo-writer signing. It seems intended to keep the donkey-trying-to-kick-the-elephant in readers’ attention. The plan may serve to help the elephant at the right time.
I looked it up the other day and found that AP is in the group with the New York Times, perhaps the most liberal publication we have.

Accidental shootings (Page 1A). It’s the tip of an iceberg of child abuse (6 million reports/year) and abuse of women, some of whom are themselves irresponsible.
I want credibility on the right---the brutes according to the “nice guys” propaganda. Gun owners and NRA, get behind appropriate laws to reduce child abuse.
A civic culture protects children from adult amusements such as guns for drug-fun (including child procreation and abuse merely in order "to have someone to love me”, BTW). We appreciate The Advocate drawing attention to civic immorality.
The barbaric abuse of children the "nice guys" in the USA promotes is appalling. These days, the liberal-democrat “nice guys” violently lobby against fidelity to anything, let alone children. Lately the liberal-democrats, including some in the Democratic Party lobby to label a civic people “the brutes.” President Donald Trump confronts the “nice guys,” at last. There is hope that my vote will count, but I need help from the right.
A statutory law and appropriate enforcement to hold adults responsible for children accessing guns in no way limits guns or freedom to own them: It only addresses child abuse. Gun lobbyists can establish a little credibility by advocating child-protection from wayward parents and providers.
DNC chair (Page 2A). I would have thought after the Hillary Clinton questions in advance discovery the DNC would protect their reputation from Donna-Brazile-celebrity, but no. There she was announcing the vote count. 
The DNC may realize that they could own a share of President Donald Trump policies by getting serious about helping “the brutes,” who collaborate according to the civic agreement in the preamble, against the nice guys, who push OFA, formerly Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO).

Church (Page 3A). Church has always been the hole in the fabric of civic morality.

The problem with church is that it demands 100% attention to an opinion, whereas civic morality is founded on broadly-defined-civic-safety-and-security,  hereafter Security, so that each participating citizen may pursue the happiness they perceive according to personal-opinion, whether church is involved or not.

This country was reared on the classical-liberal notion of the overall good of the community, and the overall good is defined by Christianity. The wonder of the emergence of the USA is the recognition that Security is the overall good. It is our generation’s privilege to promote Security to make possible public-integrity, at last.

Muhammad Ali’s legacy (Page 3A). This is another example of pseudo-news by the self-styled “good guys” vs “the brutes” who ineluctably march toward public-integrity, which knows neither race nor religion.
It smells like a cooked up story involving something suspicious in luggage or other circumstance that the media-plaintiff turns into a black-power and black-theology issue. I’m reminded of . “Whites are our common enemy,” says Ali.

Guantanamo policy (Page 11A). This is another example of pseudo-news. 
In the first place, Trump has made it clear that he defers to Secretary of Defense James Mattis. The psuedo-writer can’t even bring herself to recognize Mattis cleanly, so inserts the modifier “new.” 
The sooner the media wake up to the people’s administration, rather than the “new” administration, the better the media’s possible future. Meanwhile, We the Civic People of the United States are on the train, while the media views only the back of the caboose. 
The self-styled “good guys” are ignored by the people the media regard as “the brutes”.

Black belt region (Page 12A). I don’t pray often, but earnest hopes for relief from misery and loss calls for appeal to the collaborative power of the people. 
I’m reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s 1861 plea, “Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world?”

State of the Union Address (Page 12A). The Associated Press, taking their imaginary high ground of self-styled “good guys” do not refer to President Trump’s State of the Union Address as such.

It will be interesting to see if the Democratic Party can control the liberal-democrats enough to avoid public-violence on par with OFA. (BTW, in checking this new acronym for me, I happened upon Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, probably closer to actual “nice guys”.)

Remove officals (Page 14A). Changing the requirement from 1/3 of registered voters to 1/3 of ballots cast in the pertinent election is excellent. I wrote to my representatives to support Rep. Paul Hollis’s bill.

Obamacare dilemma (Page 15A). More pseudo-news. This one borders on taunting. Tom Price became Secretary of Health on February 10, only two weeks ago.
 Other dialogues:

Any expression that caused real harm should have been censored. But if there is no real harm caused by the expression, nothing should be censored.
Once this condition was discovered, everyone who wants to express something should be aware of any potential for harm. If they express and harm happens, they should be discovered and prosecuted. I they realize that fidelity is essential to their life, they will turn themselves in, even if it was a mistake.
The standard example is falsely yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater and someone gets trampled to death.
An alternative issue is expression by burning a national flag or other symbol. A flag is an inanimate, replaceable commodity. If my neighbor has a situation about which he feels he wants to attract my attention by burning his flag, trust me. I will go there and say, “What’s going on? How can I help?” I want him to have this mode of communication.
If another neighbor arrives and punches the flag burner, he is liable for assault. The first neighbor burned his own flag with no harm to the second neighbor.
In summary, any expression that will actually lead to real-harm should be censored by the source. 

Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, an education non-profit. See online at

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