Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.

 The Advocate:  See online at
Our Views (Gov. Edwards no villain in opposing John White). Every time I expend energy trying to find actual data regarding John White’s performance for children, I encounter the same kind of brick walls I find respecting the state budget, DOTD budget, and other vital evidence.

My general impression is that White scores well among a class of educators who consider their agenda too vulnerable to disclose. I suspect they're in it for the money. If I had to say, my impression would be similar to Milkovich’s: The agenda does not have the interest of children at heart. But then Gov. Edwards favors unions and retirement funds---adult satisfactions at the expense of children.

It is not surprising that Milkovich’s bill would be rejected on blunt talk. People take candid talk not as personal integrity by the speaker but as offense against the listener. For example, I write and speak all the time that what we need is voluntary public integrity.

Talk about a conversation stopper! It seems people know what’s coming next from this preacher: A proposal for morality from comprehensive fidelity. We cannot collaborate for fidelity if we lie to each other by stonewalling.
Today’s thought (Psalms 126:3). Perhaps David was musing about satisfaction of his appetites: We don’t know.

However, contrary to the notion that God provided for me to be born in sin but elected to believe in my salvation, I think, based on the evidence, that I was conceived by two people dedicated to each other for life and intending to share their monogamy with a family---their children, grandchildren and beyond. I am not an error destined for correction.

Since I am human, my contributions were not required for my conception and nothing from me will affect my afterdeath. However, my accomplishments in life will live on, and that is what I work on.


Bad news (Jones). Candidate Trump said you can’t get the news by reading the media that were working so hard to get Hillary Clinton elected. People like Jones and Clinton scoffed at Trump. Such people might enjoy a humble speech by Trump: .

Trump’s humility constantly attracts media hubris. The media don’t seem to appreciate an old saw: The truth will out, not from constructs, but from the facts.

Before November 8, 2016, I wrote that it would take three years for my two votes for President Trump to prove themselves. It seems on the way the nanny-state mentality of the media will unhide many victims, the second of whom may be James Comey, the FBI director who seems honest enough to claim that he needed someone else to take responsibility for his integrity during the Obama administration and beyond.

What’s your story, Mr. Jones? Are you a nanny-state victim?

Veterans (Prager). I appreciate your service without considering it much less evaluating it.

However, I appreciate my preferences about how to spend my time more than your opinion about my options.

I have no intentions to travel to New Orleans for any purpose but will do what I want to do when the opportunity is presented. I had not realized in the past that people there really looked at me as an old, white, man, and I accept their wishes for their home town.

The window of opportunity for me to go there is closing.

Press: give yourself a chance (Guillot). If Trump is guilty, I want him out of office, even though I voted for him twice.

However, I think the press is entrapping itself in its own construct and will never be the same. Hopefully there will be a nadir then ascent.

No gas tax until DOTD integrity (Sadow, June 11). To GM King: That's your opinion.
In my opinion, a civic people live their private lives and keep track of justice. When they discover injustice, they express it and depend on other civic people to conduct themselves accordingly.
In this case, I spent a lot of time trying to learn about how much of DOTD's budget goes into projects. I could not find the data. Lots of writers, like Tom Robinson, I recall, were reporting that only 9% of the budget goes for projects. The rest into secrecy.

Because of my concern for the working people suffering time loss, I (now think erroneously) supported the tax, unable to confirm Robinson's claim.

Sadow's figure of $85 million is, at 14%, close to Robinson's 9%. Since I can trust neither DOTD nor the administration, I go with my two neighbors and now oppose the tax. (Obviously I comprehensively do not trust your opinions, Mr. King.)

I admit ignorance: I do not know how much of $600 million of DOTD funding goes and think that is what DOTD and the administration want---secrecy. I cannot be concerned about your motives.

I hope you will give some consideration to my approach at civic morality: Do all you can to be informed about injustices you perceive and speak out. Adopt the-objective-truth when it is discovered. Otherwise, pursue your private dreams in private and expect other civic people to pursue theirs, knowing there will always be dissidents who seek to impose their opinion unto dominance.

Perhaps we saw dissidence to public-integrity in James Comey. Perhaps he honestly thinks its OK for the administration that hired him to circumvent the law; he has no need to make a back record of subsequent objections. But when a new administration inspires him to write notes of conversations and they discover Comey-honesty, he whines to the public that no one was overseeing Comey’s integrity! Such a public claim is incredulous if true! I don’t know anything, but think we are witnessing the unbelievable amorality of the nanny-state.

Were you born in Comey’s decade? Are you perhaps a product of the nanny state? For example, do you think the USA should have stayed in the Paris Accord on global warming?
Regardless of your opinion, I do not have time to respond to you. I am sprigging a portion of my yard that is washing with all these rains we're having. (Shows me what 35 years of ignorance about yard maintenance did for me.)

Trump doomed (Froma Harrop). Don’t forget, according to polls, Hillary Clinton is President of the USA. Perhaps it is time for liberal democrats and other aliens to wake up.
Ready for self-government (Anders column, Page 1B). Dear Smiley, an old idea emerged from EBRP library meetings with input from perhaps 50 people over the past three years: A super majority adopts the preamble for personal use.

Adopt the preamble to the constitution for the USA as the focus for individual collaboration for civic justice within our existing state and federal constitutions, but with intent to amend the constitution when civic injustice is discovered. “Civic” refers to citizens who collaborate for living more than compete for dominant opinion.

Most people want what the preamble offers: comprehensive public safety and security for selves, children, grandchildren and beyond (posterity), which requires voluntary public integrity. However, political regimes influence the people to compete for advantage under dominant opinion. Perhaps the people are divided 1/3 civic, 1/3 passive, and 1/3 dissident to public integrity.

With 2/3 of the people collaborating for the opportunity to live according to personal hopes and dreams in comprehensive safety and security, elected officials would have no choice but to join the civic people vs the dissidents. When citizens exercise integrity---do not lie to each other, lying elected officials are easily discovered.

Let’s use the preamble at last.

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Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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