Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 27, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
Our Views (theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/our_views/article_a1ee4822-5a6c-11e7-a0af-4b5a2ddc2b53.html)

Regarding opinion, there are two institutions that seem exempt from the-objective-truth and thus exempt form a civic people’s influence: the media and the courts. (A civic people collaborate for statutory law that promotes living in justice rather than conforming to dominant opinion.)

Foremost in opposition to the-objective-truth is the media, which freely lies, for example, by reporting opinion in supposedly factual articles. Daily, Associated Press writers like Ken Thomas in “Trump seeks to redefine obstruction,” Page 3A, submit opinion for the articles-section of the paper. Typically, the entire article is opinion, but egregiously, Thomas interviewed an opinionated person as the basis of Thomas’ claims, without interviewing anyone with contrasting opinion. It reminds me of an FBI director going before Congress and saying, in effect, “I used a friend to leak my opinion to the media.” The director’s bosses, the director, the friend, and the media are involved in the scam. The Advocate chooses to publish the AP opinion as news.

Perhaps worse is the judicial system, as we see in this case with a judge’s injustices supported by “justices” for a couple decades. There are other errant judges being protected by the “justices.”

But the very worst is the US Supreme Court, where a committee of nine nourish this country’s 228 years of opinion springing from the constitution for the USA but bent by opinion for and against Blackstone, the sacred literature inherited from England. It dates from the 800 year old Magna Carta. The fabric of opinion rendered during the past 12 generations have moved from a hope to pursue the-objective-truth to a free-wheeling journey to apply judicially satisfying opinion on past opinion to construct imaginary pursuits, like dignity and equality. It concerns me, for example, that the court considers adult contracts that may ruin the lives of children as a case wherein children have no standing: A child is not a person with dignity and equality, and therefore may be subjected to just about any adult contract adults can imagine. But the court informed me in Greece v Galloway that I am niggling. Maybe so, but I am also a sovereign citizen.

Much as The Advocate has served the people by exposing Angola mismanagement and Gov. Edwards failure to replace the management, feature articles on judges strengthen public awareness of the need for better oversight by the judicial system. Thank you, The Advocate.

Further to this application, we work generally to persuade people to collaborate for comprehensive safety and security by discovering and using the-objective-truth to progress toward statutory law that promotes justice. We hope that by Constitution Day, 2017, 2/3 of Baton Rouge citizens will be practicing, promoting and celebrating the preamble to the constitution for the USA. (Only willing citizens can make this happen, by acting and spreading the word. We do not coerce or attempt to force anyone; we do not organize.)

Willing participants will be ready for a new annual holiday, Personal Independence Day, June 21. That day in 1788, government by the people was ratified by nine states, leaving the four remaining independent states the option to join the USA. Thus, the USA, the first ever possible government by the people, is 229 years old and we are 1 year from the 230th anniversary. It is fitting each year to celebrate Personal Independence Day, June 21st then National Independence Day, July 4th, because without responsible, personal freedom, national liberty can be tyranny, as in liberal democracy.
Perhaps the American dream is freedom-from tyranny so that each citizen may responsibly acquire the liberty-to pursue what makes them happy during every decade of their full life. America can be great if most of the people are voluntarily great.

Today’s thought, G. E. Dean (Amos 8:11-12, CJB). "The time is coming," says Adonai ELOHIM, "when I will send famine over the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of ADONAI. People will stagger from sea to sea and from north to east, running back and forth, seeking the word of ADONAI; but they will not find it.”

Dean says, “There may be a day [Bible preaching] will be hard to find.” Oh, my! Dean see’s hope for an end to erroneous thought.

However, I doubt Dean: There will always be dissidents to comprehensive safety and security.


Catholicism for the institution (Prejean). (theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/letters/article_a3a92c06-5853-11e7-ab9d-cf7caeb6654f.html)

Good grief. First we have an FBI director, perhaps a nanny-state person in high places, who sees no harm in honestly admitting to Congress privation of integrity.

Now, Prejean freely publishes her privation of regard for the-objective-truth--her preference for papal opinion. Mimicking a divisive phrase, perhaps she is a papal-American. I write in serious good-humor, not knowing the-objective-truth.

First, Congressional acts that promote responsible living are not death sentences. Respecting health care, adult satisfactions are being paid for by saddling the nation’s children with debt. Studies show that personal care is more than four times as effective as medical care for maintaining well-being. Each person’s right to take care of themselves is inalienable. That is, each person cannot deny the right to take care of their health even if they want to.

Pope Francis asserts that my health insurance is someone else’s responsibility. Insurance is a free-market product designed to reduce financial risk rather than provide health. Pope Francis is simply wrong, regardless of Prejean’s opinion.

Among her other claims that she opines from higher ground, Prejean cites “the common good.” She seems to perceive that she, perhaps following the pope, specifies the common good and the people pay the bill. That’s always been the Church’s tack: Promise infinity and send the bill to the civic people. However, what Prejean does not take into account is that many people are not good.
I will do everything I can to not pay no-good bills---bills to cover for no-good people. There are and will always be dissidents to the common good: comprehensive safety and security. I consider Prejean and Francis among the dissidents. That's right: The pope seems and always has acted like a dissident to civic justice.

Non-dissidents to the common good encourage people to take care of their lives. They do not promote the erroneous idea that living their life can be left to either their government or their God.

Non-dissidents live the example that the responsible life they want is in their hands, yet they always extend a hand to those who need a hand in order to gain the personal independence to live the life the recipient wants rather than submit to providers. But the person who receives that hand must rise to independence in order to live the life they prefer. Viability to extend that hand requires the discipline to not offer the hand to people who are simply dissident to responsible living.

The Church has always tried to build fortunes by picking the pockets of the people who have the strength to extend the helping hand. The nanny-state democracy plays right into the Church’s coffers.

Like the FBI director who seems to leave his integrity to others to cover, Prejean may take into consideration that America, in the preamble to the constitution for the USA, proposes freedom-from tyranny so that each person may earn the liberty-to pursue personal happiness rather than the dictates of some institution or cause or other personal alienation. In collaboration for civic justice, the people utilize the-objective-truth about how to live together, and there is no place for traditional religious doctrine---perhaps hope for afterdeath.

On the other hand, if Prejean would like to collaborate with me about her religion; I'd be happy to tell her what I think if she'll agree to let me share my religion. Three people today invited me to their religious conference and I responded, "I'll be glad to come if you will give me a five-minute spot to speak about trust and commitment to the objective truth. They said: No; no. This is our conference. You cannot speak.

They expressed integrity, and I declined the invitation yet gave them some plants.
Fake governor (Perret). (theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/letters/article_ff3d3660-5a8e-11e7-81be-6f647702515d.html)

The gas tax proposal with dedicate funds for roads was ruined for me by two events: 1) the restricted use of the La 1 bridge at Port Allen, which indicated DOTD does not know what it is doing and 2) repetition of the claim that maybe 10% of DOTD funds go to roads.

It seems to me that Gov. Edwards could get on TV and explain these problems and urge the people to call their legislators to call a special session to pass a 20 cent gas tax increase with assurances that 1) current budget will be disclosed and corrected and 2) future revenues will go to roads.

I think we suffer fake leadership in the Governor’s office. However, I am tired of saying so and may cease unless I change my mind.
Smoke-free (Simon). ()

I agree.
Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers)
Puerto Rico bailout (Cal Thomas). foxnews.com/opinion/2017/06/22/cal-thomas-puerto-ricos-sorry-state.html

On July 1, 2016, President Obama had signed PROMESA, creating an oversight board for Puerto Rico so that they could refinance $72 billion in debt. See washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/18/puerto-rico-post-bailout-economy-must-stick-to-con/ .

Losers were the bondholders who were forced to re-negotiate.

On June 11, 2017, Puerto Rico voted for statehood, so that the USA could take on its debt, now $123 billion.

Thomas poses the question as to whether or not a republican president and Congress would take on such debt for a Democratic territory.

Every day, I encounter media mendacity by omission of pertinent information.

Thomas did not share that PROMESA was supported by Paul Ryan. I do not trust media writers. See thenation.com/article/just-in-time-for-the-july-4-break-congress-imposes-colonialism-at-its-worst-on-puerto-rico/ “Sponsored by Congressman Sean Duffy, R-Wisconsin, with encouragement from House Speaker Paul Ryan, this assault on basic democratic and constitutional premises won the support of Republicans and most Democrats. It is now the law. But it is bad law.”
Ridicule people (Richard Cohen). troyrecord.com/article/TR/20170621/NEWS/170629968

Apparently, Richard Cohen is an Alinsky-Marxist organizer. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals#The_Rules , where Rule #5 is "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
Citizens may avoid AMO, much as people avoid the plague.
Baseball evidence (George Will). Will could stick to baseball: there, he supports opinion with evidence.
Medicaid (Stephanie Grace). theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/stephanie_grace/article_651397ce-5a8d-11e7-a693-e38cd89134af.html

A couple decades ago, I learned that brushing and flossing my teeth diligently; diligently; diligently keeps them clean enough to mostly keep me out of the dental chair. (The key is keeping the gums clean more than the brushing the enamel.)

However, when I do need the dreaded chair, the cost has become enormous! Based on Economics 101, with a guaranteed business provided by Medicaid, providers charge very high rates to paying customers. Perhaps this is why AMA and others in the business support Medicaid expansion.

I does not make sense to pay for medical care when your taxes are paying for the free services that hike your price for service.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at promotethepreamble.blogspot.com.

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