Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in a phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" as in citizens for the people more than for the city.

 The Advocate:  See online at
Our Views (decrease public safety and security). The Advocate attempts to coerce legislators into making bad decisions for bad reasons.

I encourage legislators to keep public safety and security and public integrity foremost in their decisions.

There is no integrity in returning habitual criminals to the streets where they may harm the public and threaten first responders.

There is no integrity in talking of rehabilitation services but not funding them and demonstrating with years of evidence their efficiency compared to incarceration.
Today’s thought (1 John 4:19). The problem is that Jesus's love is expressed using the word "hate." See Luke 14:26. I get the argument that Jesus's love is desperate, but I do not tolerate "hate." It's a personal choice.


Damn the victim, we back the accused (Esman). The ACLU sent me a serious request for money decades ago. I read the long, detailed request, because I am interested in private-liberty-with-civic-morality, where "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for broadly-defined-public-safety-&-security more than for the municipality or an ideology. I hoped to help my children more than myself and MWW.

I never contributed, and am happy to say I will not contribute.

Landrieu (Bellipanni). “Removal of all traces of [a more erroneous] Christianity . . . is an attack on history.”

A civic people collaborate for justice for each other more than for a municipality or for an ideology. It seems Landrieu excludes himself.

I borrowed words from the Declaration of Secession and its conclusion: the North holds “a more erroneous religious belief.” I think the erroneous belief was expressed before “a packed sanctuary at the First Baptist Church of Macon, Georgia, [by] Ebenezer W. Warren, pastor . . . [who delivered] a sermon defending black slavery as biblical. (The Macon Telegraph printed the sermon in its February 7, 1861 edition.)” See .

Quoting the sermon, “Both Christianity and Slavery are from Heaven; both are blessings to humanity; both are to be perpetuated to the end of time; and therefore both have been protected and defended by God’s omnipotent arm from the assaults, oppositions and persecutions through which they have passed. Why are our slaves still peaceful and happy, notwithstanding the incendiary spirit of abolitionism?” The evil of slavery was plain to everyone who did not want to be a slave.

The Bible’s approval of slavery is another evidence that the Bible itself is erroneous, and ministers who fall prey to its errors can motivate their church to beg woe. This is the historical reality Landrieu’s gestapo obfuscated. The reality does not imply that St. Louis Cathedral should be torn down.

However, if slavery is an institution of God, what woe is coming? I propose none: I’m placing my trust and commitment on ultimate justice of a civic people, against which Mr. Landrieu seems to dissent.

Will Europe let Russia take over (Cal Thomas). Mr. Thomas, you are really writing silly ideas. Is that all writers do? You should not be paid for it.
Gov. Edwards destroys his own chance to lead and the legislature kicks in too (Stephanie Grace). With all his unexplained snafus, the Edwards-Vatican-partnership getting in the way of flood relief, the Bankston disruption of flood relief, the poor appearance before Congress on flood relief, the corporate revenue turbo tax, poor response to sheriffs on public-safety, conflicts with educators, LA 1 diverted because of Port Allen bridge, etc., I don’t see that Grace is justified to point to legislature failings. Maybe writers exercise freedom of the press expecting a free pass.

Buckley (George Will). I’ve watched mid-1960s Buckley in debate with Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, James Baldwin, and Saul Alinsky.

Buckley become so emotional with three of the four he was driven to verbal violence. Only with Alinsky did Buckley seem the less evil person.

Buckley cannot discourage my claim to be a fiscal conservative, but traditional or religious conservatism is not my preference. I want the liberalism that I express as voluntary public-integrity or private-liberty-with-public-morality.

Once again, I think Will has lost his way and should bow out of political commentary.

Writers Dionne likes are great (E J Dionne). Few anti-Trump conservatives are willing to oppose him in public . . .”does this mean that the writerly anti-Trump right is ineffectual?” Perhaps “a group of thinkers [will open] the way for political realignment.”

Dionne brags that writers can think. Based on the evidences they present daily, I think Dionne is gullible to his own importance. Dionne and friends exhibit hubris.

According to my two votes, Donald Trump is just what the Federalists were looking for: A concerned citizen who would accumulate enough wisdom to lead the nation, emerge from outside government and politics, and make unimaginable contributions.

I said it would take President Trump three years to gain control of the politics. It may turn out I was correct, but so far, President Trump is far exceeding my expectation, and the writers are proving what was always evident to readers: there are almost no thinkers or journalists.

Their primary talent is constructing doubtable mendacity.

Boy killed by repeat offender (online). This is evidence supporting my complaint that lawyers, judges, and legislators who send criminals back on the streets are denying the police, other first responders, DA's and investigators the civil right to a job with management support. The public ought to demand reform.
In the chemicals industry, 85% of safety and environmental incidents are attributed to management. It would not surprise me to learn that only 15% of the threat to first responders comes from first-time criminals.
This time, it cost an innocent boy his life! Voluntary public-integrity is sorely needed.

Bid for LGBT-favor fails and hopefully will not be repeated (Online May 31). “Sen. Dan "Blade" Morrish, R-Jennings: "Can I express today that I'm male today and a female tomorrow?"

A man can be the head of a family for thirty years, and have grandchildren who count on him. He can discover that he always felt like a woman and announce a change to a woman; dress better than his wife; compete with his wife for beauty; get a sex-change operation; get the family’s agreement to tolerate his inhumanity. But he can neither change his brain to a faster-acting woman’s brain nor erase his comprehensive infidelity.

Through technology, he has dehumanized his person.

No government should condone what a man can do to deny public-integrity.
To Julius Dooley. You are not alone in your concern. For example, read ://

Googling "Diversity Rightly Understood" to try to find the above reference (could not that way), the first URL was :// , a 1999 book by Peter Lawler. I will read that book as soon as possible. Thank you for your prompt.

(Although I am not a Christian, Walker Percy and Flannery O'Connor are great thinkers. Also, all five of the reader comments give the book five stars and the first one explains why. My trust and commitment is in the-objective-truth, but I do not fault anyone who perceives that is God, as long as the God is not a mere expression of the speaker's opinion.)
Officer Blane Salamoni (online). Apparently Mayor Broome denies Chief Dabadie the civil right to conversations without lies.

I would urge anyone who has an important conversation with Mayor Broome to do so only with mutually agreed recording, preferably audio and video. Maybe both parties wear body cams.
Actually, it seems anyone with a platform of dialogues on racism and/or church cannot be trusted. Baton Rouge needs voluntary public-integrity.
Other forums.


For a human being, equal beginnings involves many provisions, chiefly, equal genes, equal gestation and nourishment, equal delivery, equal care, equal coaching to walk, talk, and learn. The next key is equal education during the at least two decades transition from child to young adult with the necessary understanding and intent to live and continue to learn for a full lifetime.

Each human being is potentially elite and therefore, every willing child in a civic culture receives an elite education and coaching to take charge of learning for life. Civic refers to citizens of humankind more than of a municipality or ideology.

With civic care takers, each child will be coached to do the work to attain an elite education regardless of the culture. Informed care takers know to coach early. See Early Childhood Learning Center . At each stage of life, the most important learning is fidelity to integrity; honesty is insufficient.

Regardless of all a civic culture can do, the human being is so psychologically powerful and makes so many choices that outcomes cannot be controlled. A person will pursue personal interests, which too often means satisfying appetites.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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