Monday, June 5, 2017

June 5, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.

 The Advocate:  See online at
Our Views (President Trump negotiates trade). Congratulations to The Advocate for recognizing a negotiation led by President Trump that incidentally benefits Louisiana people.

I suppose the derogatory quotation of a doubtful opinion perhaps coming from the Associated Press was included for “balance” in the congratulations. I look forward to the day when The Advocate kicks in with, “Of course, based on the evidence, it seems the Associated Press cannot be trusted.”

I think President Trump is a positive influence who overcomes silly attacks on his persona. He certainly won my vote against the GOP field and my vote against the DNC weakness, even though I do not condone behaviors that have been reported about him and may be true. I hope for the day The Advocate feels no need to ridicule this person, regardless of what the liberal -democrat media does and the liberal-democrats, clergy coalitions and AMO, and worse think.

We’ll see.
Today’s thought (Psalms 122:1). With G.E. Dean around to judge God’s people, there seems no need for God . . . whatever that is.

Dean’s blasphemous practice (Matthew 7:1) seems like personal hubris or pride---egocentric gullibility. Humility is a good shield against egocentric-gullibility.

Regarding the mysterious coercion Dean practices, doubt can empower the reader to disbelief. I don’t trust Dean.

Dionne’s agendumb (Stadler). Some people erroneously belittle Albert Einstein's political knowledge, but he expressed the truth about lying.

Einstein resolved the competition between dominant-opinion and the-objective-truth, pointing out that they come from the same source. His only illustration was to state that a civic people don’t lie to each other so that they can communicate. “Civic” refers to citizens for the people more than for the city. (This paragraph is my interpretation of Einstein’s 1941 speech delivered in modern public vernacular, which obfuscates meanings. For example, by "religion" perhaps Einstein meant trust and commitment that your noble work will help.)

Writers like Dionne train readers in the art of detecting liars (as in know the lies), empowering civic people to know their preference when it is time to vote for personal benefits rather than for a cause that wants your sacrifices and those of your posterity (children, grandchildren and beyond).

What I object to is The Advocate choosing too many writers that seem to lie. Sometimes two columns by one liar in the same day. Maybe there’s a paucity of writers who express the-objective-truth rather than somebody’s agendumb.

Lying media (Harrison). I agree with your assessment and vision for you.
However, I hope President Trump will help fulfill some of my dreams or better---bring enough attention to a civic people (citizens for the people more than for the state) to accomplish the following:
1.    Convince 2/3 of inhabitants that it’s not “We the People,” it’s “We the People of the United States.” And the United States are no longer 13 in number but are 50. And that secession is not a consideration for a civic people---those who read, comprehend, modify for modern living, practice, promote, and celebrate the agreement stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA.
2.    In his speeches, President Trump already makes it clear that the people are divided into a civic people and dissidents, dissidents being those who do not want “safety & security.” Trump clearly emphasizes freedom of religion yet favors Judeo-Christianity for reasons he understands. I think it’s because despite believers’ spiritual hopes and comforts, most Judeo-Christians collaborate for safety & security.
3.    Help establish voluntary public-integrity rather than conflict for either dominant-opinion or chaos.
4.    Clarify that America has always offered freedom-from oppression and the opportunity to earn the liberty-to responsibly pursue preferences rather than someone else’s idea of happiness.
5.    Convert the Americans who want a nanny state into people who understand “freedom-from and liberty-to” and intend to live their unique, full life.
6.    More, but that’s enough for now.

(If you like or would like to refute/debate these ideas, please attend our next library meeting and collaborate to make something better happen.)

Food not the right variable for controlling population (Walter Williams). Thank you, The Advocate for a column to my liking in a deluge of liberal writing.

I especially like Williams’s recipe for personal liberty: private property rights, the rule of law, and near capitalism rather than socialism’s cousins. This may be sufficient for adults, but it falls short for children---the most vulnerable persons.

A man and a woman should not conceive a child, whether directly or technologically, if they do not appreciate the child as an elite being. Since the child is an elite being, he or she is due an elite education. With the power of the Internet, parents can coach their children into elite educations. You may need a coach, I think, but I like courses at, for example.
Marshall plan renewed (Gunter Bischof). To David Martin: What a spineless writer you express! You must be mimicking some writers for the Associated Press.
You call on another writer (who, however, by your act cannot claim anonymity) and then defend Japan’s opinion and Germany’s opinion instead of President Trump’s bold action, in my paraphrase: “No longer can you free-load on the USA. You must deliver the armies, the technology, and the funding to defeat our mutual enemies together. The Marshall Plan ended in 1952.”

You won’t find me in your audience or buying your book. I have better books to read and speakers to hear.

Besides, I have sworn to avoid Mitch Landrieu's influence. People there call me "old, white, man." All those years they picked my opened pocket I erroneously thought they just looked at me as a person.
$5 million more (Page 1B). Drake got one Phil-demerit when he changed him mind about a charter school. This is the second demerit. One more and I’ll want him gone. My prime public-education-interest is children coached to take charge of their acquisition of understanding and intent.
Low interracial marriage rate (Page 1B). The main cause of the local segregation is five-decades of Alinsky-Marxist organizing (AMO), its use by black-power and black-liberation theology, and local beliefs.

Alinsky was the leader of poor church in America. Marx was a classic predictor of the oppressed overcoming the oppressor. The historical sequence is Marx in Germany, Al Capone in Chicago, Saul Alinsky in Chicago, Jeremiah Wright in Chicago, and Barack Obama in Chicago. Google "D. L. Adams + Alinsky."
The idea is that whites are the oppressors and blacks are the oppressed, but AMO disruptions will overcome. Together Baton Rouge solidarity arises from AMO and dialogues on racism aim for money rather than public-integrity: see .
There is nothing wrong with people preserving traditions, preferences, and other distinctions, but most citizens may choose to collaborate for voluntary public-integrity. In other words, collaborate for broadly-defined-public-safety-&-security.
Nothing good ever came from more erroneous religious opinion.
19th District Court Judge management (online). Reminds me of the Legislature: Send the bill to a committee you know will vote your way.

The Honorable R. Michael Caldwell will not get my next vote, and I apologize for my last vote.

Council on Aging saga grows (Page 1A). The misery and loss won’t end until the Metro Council acts. I commend you: rescind the tax the council made possible.


Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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