Friday, June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
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I would not venture a guess as to whether The Advocate writes in ignorance, obfuscation, business plan or what. However their obfuscation begs woe to the people. (If it seems I am disappointed in my hometown newspaper, it’s true.)

Their review of the past hides the past five decades influence of Saul Alinsky, the neo-Marxist radical organizer who taught Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton and influences leftist democrats in our city to deviate from comprehensive safety and security toward conflict for chaos. To Alinsky, violence is justified according to his definitions and demands---life as equality and dignity. Listen and watch him in the last minute of .

In any case, it is important for readers to explore beyond The Advocate. For example, “When radicals descend into violence,” March 1, 2017, The Washington Times, . It quotes Antifa, ““Every dead Republican is a step toward progress.”

And D. L. Adams, “Saul Alinsky and the Rise of Amorality in American Politics,” January, 2010, New English Review, .
I cannot imagine a more fitting tribute to our breath-pounding concern for Steve Scalise’s survival and recovery than for most Louisianans to dedicate themselves to comprehensive safety and security as our transcending civic integrity, where “civic” stands for citizens for life more than for a political cause.
Today’s thought (Jude 1:20). Justice comes from a civic people---those who collaborate for comprehensive safety and security so that each individual may pursue their person’s fidelity.

It’s a circular way of living. Because a person chooses comprehensive fidelity, he or she always chooses justice. By not repeating human errors, he or she gradually approaches perfection of his or her unique person. Thereby, he or she realizes the perfect purpose for living. Not many achieve such personal perfection, but more would if the idea were taught (Emerson, “Divinity School Address,” 1838).

Substituting justice with a spiritual mystery seems a distraction to me, but if the mystery empowers Dean to behave with justice, I like it for him and for me.


Don’t move the zoo (Manhein).

I did not know anything but learned from Ms. Mannhein. I especially liked the point about demonstrated flood protection for the animals in the present location. I’ll look up the LSU study.
Past articles on moving the zoo left me cold. I now support increased interest in keeping the zoo where it is. Perhaps the NBR taxing district will consider locating a hotel to support the zoo as a tourist destination. For example, a hotel to also serve Southern University could be located north of the university rather than south.

Coup against the people (Dysart).

Dysart's writing is delightful.

However, I think his target, the media is incomplete. He did not identify the leftist media as part of the radical for chaos Alinsky-Marxist organizing (AMO).

To Philip Frady: Perhaps you overlooked the first deadly error: gullibility. One defense against gullibility is humility.

To Paul Spillman: Wrong: The right constantly seeks comprehensive safety and security.

Unfortunately, Judeo-Christianity has been a stumbling block in the USA, but it is being retired to privacy, where it belongs. 

The people are well into recovery toward civic justice, but the religion-politician-partnership is desperately hanging on. See Machiavelli, “The Prince,” Chapter XI.

To Elaine Coyle: On the web, refutes your claim but quotes Lynch: We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our founding fathers. And it has been people, individuals, who have banded together – ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals – who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled – yes, some of them have died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.

This is the call by AMO for soldiers to risk their time, fortune, body, even life, for the neo-Marxist cause.

Thus, the responsibility for violence as a purpose, which you cite is valid, but the quotable specifics not so much, IMO. Citizens should avoid AMO like the plague.

Impeachment war (Rich Lowry).
Trump announces siege on June 8, and right away Lowry fakes to warn Trump.

I don’t get it. Are there any media writers who can think?

Congress together (Dana Milbank).

The column does not agree with the caption.

For example, Rep. Joe Crowley, D-NY, reminded the media about the top. Crowley and his colleagues need a civic people to notify them that “starts at the top,” refers to the sovereign people who collaborate for justice.

Milbank opines “Trump’s incitements to violence,” conveniently overlooking Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables.” Twice a Trump voter, I am happily her deplorable in the worst way.

Milbank and his cohorts made short shrift of the notion that “opponents aren’t . . . enemies.”
Salvation not a civic topic (Michael Gerson).

I appreciate Gerson’s attention to a deplorable Sanders offense reported here: .

However, Gerson, well representing writers for the media, does not understand the American “freedom of religion.” It specifies theism, in particular Christianity, especially factional Protestantism, which encompasses Unitarianism. It opposes peace-appreciators like me.

In support of my claim, I cite James Madison’s “Memorial and Remonstrance,” June 20, 1785. “Before any man can be considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe.” I was born in Knoxville Tennessee, conceived by a couple who were than and always citizens of the USA, and am therefore a citizen.

I reject civilization in competition with justice: I will not submit to society’s opinion. Instead of “Civil Society” I belong to a civic people---those who collaborate for contemporaneous living more than cooperate for the municipality. We are well aware of the dissidents, intentional or not, to comprehensive safety and security, such as Bernie Sanders, Michael Gerson, and James Madison (deceased).

I work for comprehensive safety and security as the American dream. Thereby, religion is appreciated as a private matter rather than a legislative privilege or tradition. The US Supreme Court, in Greece vs Galloway (2014) is dissident to comprehensive safety and security.

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Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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