Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
Our Views (

The Advocate ignores the Cuban community in America. I know some who favor President Trump’s caution with Cuba.
Today’s thought, G.E.Dean (Amos 5:23-24, CJB). “Spare me the noise of your songs!
I don’t want to hear the strumming of your lutes! Instead, let justice well up like water,
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”

Dean says: “Real worship and holiness will involve justice and righteousness.”

The-objective-truth does not seem respond to worship and human bargaining. It exists; humankind may discover it and take advantage of the discovery. Nothing wrong with celebrating discovery.


Canada health care (McIlwraith). (

The costs sound good. The wait times not so good. Single provider not so good. What if you want new cardiology?

Against the people (Ellis). (
It is instructive that the readers trying to silence Sadow are both members of the education community.

LSU is another haven for leftist-liberal democrat professors. As long as that is so, I am for not giving them another dime of money from the people of Louisiana. Our students are being cheated!

Election money (Stovall). (

I doubt election money can be controlled.
Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers)
Bad twist? (Walter Williams). (

Comprehension is difficult for me, and Economics 101 was not my favorite. However, more distraction would not help me.

But if it helps others, good for them.

Congress together (Melinda Deslatte).

Edwards invents bad leadership as he goes: The constitution requires him to balance the budget. Legislators are not impressed. And the people are demanding. They don’t want new tax to replace the sales tax fiasco. They don’t want services cut. They want giveaways and favors to end.

And Edwards and The Advocate can’t fool the people by constantly depicting a Republican vs Democrat or Legislature vs Administration battle. It’s the Governor against the people of Louisiana---those he claimed to honor as No. 1 in his administration. And it’s not taxpayer’s who are Edwards’ victims: It’s all the people.

I commend The Advocate to start nudging---needling---Edwards to end giveaways. I don’t even want to read those other phrases.

On the other hand, I want a 20 cent gasoline tax and budget integrity and reporting by the DOTD.
Other forums

“The question is what the implications are if Americans as a people are today ill-suited for the Declaration’s argument, and what the implications are if the Declaration’s argument is ill-suited for America.”

The preamble to the constitution for the USA offers hope for life much as a person’s religion may offer them hope for death.

In our proposal for an achievable, perhaps better way of living, the Declaration’s argument served its purpose for the people past and present: the USA is independent of England. However, it is time to put English-derived “common good” aside so as to collaborate for the promise of the constitution for the USA.

Willing citizens today may collaborate for comprehensive safety and security (worthy of another post and a book) so that each person may responsibly pursue personal interests during their brief journey in life rather than accept imposed religious-political doctrine. By “responsibly” I mean observing statutory law and cooperating-with if not collaborating-for comprehensive safety and security; amend the law when injustice is discovered. Institutions that cooperate for comprehensive safety and security may flourish in the USA, and dissident institutions may face constraint by statutory law. Thus, international institutions with canon that conflicts comprehensive safety and security must have accommodation that assures believers, both domestic and foreign, observe US statutory law.

It seems self-evident that the Declaration became obsolete when on June 21, 1788, nine states ratified the draft constitution for the USA. They established a nation of nine states which the four remaining free and independent states could join. The 1788 ratification was a consequence, but not a purpose of the Declaration of Independence.

The history is boring to some:  The loyal thirteen were English colonies until 1774, when they changed their style to states. In 1776, they declared war for independence. In February, 1778, the states signed a military alliance with France. France was in the Second Hundred Years War with England. France strategized and helped execute entrapment of the British at Yorktown, VA in 1781. England surrendered to France and the states. The Treaty of Paris, 1783 recognized thirteen free and independent states, naming each of them; the Continental Congress ratified it in January, 1784. The states struggled to remain a confederation, but some concluded they needed a nation.

Two thirds of delegates signed the draft constitution on September 17, 1787, leaving 1/3 dissident-delegates for their reasons. Among reasons were 1) desire to include theism, in particular Christianity, in particular factional Protestantism, and 2) preference for governance by a confederation of states rather than by the people in their states. The purpose and aims of specifying the nation are in the civic agreement stated in the preamble. However, most people, encouraged by the political regimes, have neglected for 230 years the agreement stated in the preamble.

The First Congress erroneously re-established factional Protestantism by hiring congressional chaplains. Today, in Greece v Galloway, a citizen who complains about legislative prayer is labeled “niggling.” I’m niggling. Further, they established theism, in particular factional Protestantism, now Judeo-Christianity in the practice of the First Amendment’s religion clauses. Islam seems to differ from Christianity and Judaism in that it is first a political doctrine and second a religious one. The religion clauses may be revised to promote thought, a human duty, rather than religion, an institutional imposition on the people.

Political regimes revise history to advance their agenda. For example, in 1863, Abraham Lincoln said a nation emerged in 1776 and Civil-War-soldiers died so “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” However, a government with sufficient citizen-involvement had not existed and yet does not exist. Benjamin Franklin’s republican form of government has not been established much less preserved by the people. The people will always be divided between the willing and the dissidents to the moral agreement stated in the preamble. Likewise, President Trump is revisionist to say “Make America great again.” America cannot be great without a super-majority, perhaps 2/3, of citizens willing and collaborating to observe the civic agreement that is stated in the preamble.

Inhabitants of this land have never been uniform. Daniel Boorstin in The Americans: the Colonial Experience (2010) quotes the Rev. Hugh Jones, in 1724: “If new England be called a Receptacle of Dissenters, and an Amsterdam of Religion, Pennsylvania the Nursery of Quakers, Maryland the Retirement of Roman Catholicks, North Carolina the Refuge of Runaways, and South Carolina the Delight of Buccaneers and Pyrates, Virginia may be justly esteemed the happy Retreat of true Britons and true Churchmen for the most Part; neither soaring too high nor drooping too low, consequently should merit the greater Esteem and Encouragement.”

Ending the African slave trade was a subject of the First Continental Congress as well as the Constitutional convention. Inhabitants of 1790 were 20% slave and among freemen 99% factional Protestant with 5% able to vote. Today, 100% of non-criminals may vote and less than 15% practice the traditional Protestant factions. A black faction, perhaps 3%, that holds white Protestantism as the oppressor cannot be ignored. Today, nearly 25% of citizens are non-religious, and the next nearest faction is Catholic at near 21%. The non-religious are the largest faction in the USA! They (we) will not yield freedom-from oppression.

The human being seems too psychologically powerful to negotiate or collaborate about another person’s God or none. In other words, no one enters a public forum to disclose his or her God and consider amendment. If soul is involved in the-objective-truth, no one wants to take responsibility for another person’s soul: Responsibility for one person is enough. Naïve or arrogant people cite their God hoping to appear to have the higher opinion, but the people don’t subjugate to personal opinion. The days of dominant public opinion beyond comprehensive safety and security may be over. There seems no place for “God talk” in collaboration for comprehensive safety and security.

National independence was accomplished on June 21, 1788. That day, government according to the preamble to the constitution for the USA was made possible: government by willing people. When a super-majority of the people recognize the promise and power of the preamble, there may be a quiet revolution toward comprehensive safety and security according to the-objective-truth---collaboration for civic justice.

We now celebrate each June 21 as Personal Independence Day. We think it is an appropriate holiday before the 4th of July, because personal independence is required for national independence without tyranny against the people.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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