Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 17, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
Our Views (

Quoting Smiley Anders’ column, The Advocate, June 13, 2017, Sandra Adams: "I would suggest that legislators be asked to consider the impact of their actions on both today’s children and future children.”

Often, protecting children requires curtailing adult appetites rather than spending for satisfaction.
Our Views, June 16 ( Rj Jackson By all means you are correct. 

For all I know, the guy who shot Scalise thought he was defending the right according to his definition.

However, AMO knows its neo-Marxist work can incite violence. It's in the training. If you read the references I shared, you perceived the trail from Al Capone to both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

I am a fiscal conservative and individual liberal. For that reason, many people oppose me. Trust and commitment to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood does not position a person for easy acceptance by most groups, whether they be religious, areligious, secular, or AMO (supporting conflict for chaos).
However, when I voice political collaboration for comprehensive safety and security I observe big grins and the will to know more.

To GM King: I collaborate for comprehensive safety and security and perceive there will always be dissidents.

GM King Please join the next library discussions I plan to attend, 1) the Gumbo Book Club, led by Lorraine Davidson, a Baton Rouge activist, today at 1:00 PM, Carver Branch Library, 720 Terrace Street or 2) the Fourth Annual Ratification Day Celebration. 

See These meetings are scheduled for over two hours, but a few participants come and go as their lives allow.  

Our Views, June 11

Kimberly Kunst Domangue I appreciate your comment.

I did not understand the bridge from EL Connector Standards to restricting some people to be roofers rather than . . . nor did I understand the "change-agents" requirement.
However, I think you said you want education that coaches students through the two to three decades' transition from child to authentic young adult, regardless of community forces to limit the individual. Further, you think John White empowers teachers to so coach students.

Please let me know if I understood your not so “hidden” agenda. I want to say something upon your response.

Today’s thought (Joel 2:13). Verse 14 removes all doubt that “repents him of the evil,” refers to God: “ Who knoweth if he will return and repent . . . ?” In this passage, it is God who repents---on God’s terms, not Dean’s. That is, the answer to “Who knoweth” can be known by neither Dean nor Phil Beaver.

Dean quotes, I think misquotes, KJV. The reader may be helped by also considering NIV and CJB to resolve Dean’s representation of mystery.


Work together (Pucket). A quote from June 8, 1783, months before the king of England agreed that his former eastern seaboard colonies were thirteen free and independent states, shows why the father of our country is George Washington:

“There are four things, which I humbly conceive, are essential to the well being, I may even venture to say, to the existence of the United States as an Independent Power: 
An indissoluble Union of the States under one Federal Head;
A Sacred regard to Public Justice;
The adoption of a proper Peace Establishment;
and The prevalence of that pacific and friendly Disposition, among the People of the United States, which will induce them to forget their local prejudices and policies, to make those mutual concessions which are requisite to the general prosperity, and in some instances, to sacrifice their individual advantages to the interest of the Community.”

Washington defined collaboration for comprehensive safety and security.

Trashing FB (Dileo). Facebook is just another tool to serve the user.

It empowers users to direct messages to interested parties. I am inept so am not the best "FB friend." However, I have yet to experience anyone objecting when I express appreciation, late or infrequent as my expressions may be.

Also, I express many ideas I could have posted on FB, but don’t regret a single omission.

Overall, I think FB is great, except when a party of four at a resaurant are looking and tapping on four i-phones. It seems tragic to me, but it's what they prefer. On the other hand, the other day I saw a party of three in hearty dialogue using one i-phone. It was cool to see.

Restoring the religious left (Cal Thomas). (

I appreciate the alert to the NYT article: “Those in the forefront include blacks and Latinos, women and gays, Catholics inspired by Pope Francis . . . Jews, Muslims . . .  Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists [reflecting] the country’s religious diversity. Such a loose alliance of people of many faiths, many causes — and no small number of intractable disagreements — may never rival the religious right in its cohesion, passion or political influence. And its mutually standoffish relationship with the Democratic Party, dating to the 1970s, stands in stark contrast to Christian conservatives’ sway over the Republican Party.” See .

The struggle for dominant religious opinion has existed since humankind emerged, and it is likely persists into eternity, however long that lasts. So far, humankind has entailed some 7,000,000,000,000 man years. The consequence is dysfunction in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the USA, and the world. To get the most of some 90 years as a human, it seems personally prudent for an individual to collaborate for public morality as comprehensive safety and security keeping spiritual morality a private pursuit. “Private” includes association with like-minded believers who also maintain safety and security.

This way of living can be achieved when most people collaborate to discover the-objective-truth and maintain personal trust and commitment therein, knowing there will always be dissidents to safety and security.

British lessons (E. J. Dione). (

Dione’s fallacies: First, Europe understands the USA enough to react to it. Second, Europe is not leftist. Exception: Canada announced it will increase defense spending 73% over the next decade, signaling it believes President Trump supports NATO yet requires NATO to support itself.
Presidential behavior (Clarence Page). (

Some writers start with their hopes and construct and essay. Page seems to hope Trump is ignorant. Political candidates took Trump for a loser. I think writers underestimate Trump’s knowledge of events.

I hope so.
Abortion laws (Page 2B). (
A woman may have 400 fertile ova during her fertile years.

An authentic woman protects each one of her ova, confident that each one is unique. She seeks an authentic man: One who will protect not only her but her ova.

Not every fertilized ovum becomes a blastocyst that attaches to the uterus. Not all of those that attach embed and survive gestation and delivery. In fact, natural abortions far exceed live births, especially if unattached blastocysts are considered.

Doctors and mothers deal with these uncertainties in private and among their concerns is protecting a potential child from an unlivable existence.

There are people who want abortion for fun, but those may be under 10% of cases. Abortion for fun should be discouraged through education and assurance of preventive aids. Men may be encouraged to be authentic rather than willful appetite satisfiers.

Legislators and judges should stop harassing women and doctors over management of private affairs.

Other forums

Of course I do not know. But Plato wrote as though he was reporting the arguments of many people. “Symposium,” for example reports thoughts from about eleven characters. My favorite is Agathon more than Socrates.

Many people regard Agathon as too poetic for practicality, but I think his idea, in my paraphrase, that a person who appreciates life neither imposes nor tolerates force is one of the best ideas ever written.


Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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