Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.

 The Advocate:  See online at
Our Views (fly your flag with political correctness). Flag Day, commemorating the US in 1777, may remind citizens that Jun 21 is the Ratification Day that in 1788 established the USA. See .
June 14, designated Flag Day in legislation signed by President Harry Truman in 1949, is not a federal holiday. The flag was authorized in 1777 by the thirteen colonies that in 1774 changed their style to “states,” then in confederation appealed to England for recognition, and when it was not forthcoming, declared war for independence.
The next national holiday is July 4, commemorating the declaration of independence from England in 1776. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln memorialized 1776 as “Four score and seven years ago.” See .
The battle at Yorktown, VA in 1871 that decided the war for independence was also a battle in the Second Hundred Years War between France and England. Consequently, treaties were negotiated in France. The Treaty of Paris, 1783, is between England and thirteen independent states rather than the confederation. It was ratified by the Continental Congress on January 14, 1784, unofficially called Ratification Day in the United States. See .

However, after four years as independent states under the United States Continental Congress, statesmen realized that there must be a nation. They drafted a constitution for the USA in 1787, with 2/3 of delegates signing for government of by and for the people rather than the states. Nine months later, the necessary 2/3 of states ratified the draft with commitment for the 1st USA Congress to add a bill of rights. Thus, the USA, governed by the people rather than the states, was set forth by the ratification on June 21, 1788.
Because of the preamble, June 21 is a day for celebration of each willing person’s responsible freedom-from political oppression and opportunity to acquire the liberty-to pursue the happiness he or she perceives rather than someone’s image. The preamble defines a voluntary civic contract to collaborate for freedom-from violence and liberty-to live, as described above, “civic” referring to citizens willing to use the agreement stated in the preamble. Past generations have left to us the opportunity to establish freedom-from and liberty-to at last.

You are invited to the 4th Annual Ratification Day celebration, Goodwood Library, 7:00 PM, June 21. See .

Today’s thought (Hosea 14:2). Is “Take away all iniquity,” an offer? Reading the Complete Jewish Bible prompted my concern. I no longer assign my responsibility to others.

Long ago, I learned harshly that I am responsible for my errors, and when I realize a bad practice or habit my only option is to stop it, quoting Bob Newhart. See (Thank you Dona Bean for this resource.)

I do not mind what G. E. Dean seeks for Dean, but when it comes to influencing other people I think he should . . . Stop it!


School renaming (Felterman). Your letter motivated me to check how my representatives voted. Sen. Claitor gets my thumbs up. Rep. Foil gets my thumb down.

Approving President Trump’s infrastructure plans (George Will). Will’s person seems to want to encourage the people to support President Trump’s push to deregulate and thereby cut the cost of infrastructure by half or more.

Will’s long standing desire to be a write might be getting in his way. I especially thought the focus on poor children was awful. A blunt statement, for example, the real victims of regulation are the nation’s children.
Low child well-being (Page 1B). With so many dissident adults and enterprises that thrive on them, we cannot expect Louisiana’s children to fare well.

However, I do not want to wait for adult reform. I want to inspire children immediately to take personal charge of their two to three decades transition from infant to civic, young adult, where “civic” refers to citizens who collaborate for freedom-from violence and acquisition of the liberty-to pursue for a full lifetime personal interests rather than someone’s image.

Google “child incentives brief” and choose the first URL to read more.

Other forums

You have an interesting question, but I would not attempt to respond without understanding your meaning of human equality. For example, I do not think ova from the same woman are equal. I think each ovum is unique. Further, I doubt spermatozoa from the same man during the same moment are equal. If my thoughts are correct, the question seems out of place and time.

Perhaps I have answered that human equality seems a false idea.

To a dear friend on FB who took his American flag down on January, 20, 2017 after many years of care. His message taught me that burning your flag is not the only way to express dissidence to the USA:

Aw shucks. That means you were unhappy with my two votes; one in the GOP primary and the other in the election. At each step of the way, I wrote that I felt it would take three years for President Trump to become presidential, but that is what I expected and voted for.
I do not assume you hope I was correct, but now that my votes worked, I hope you will consider joining my belief that every human has the psychological power to perfect his or her unique person, including Donald Trump.
(That idea is not mine; I learned it from Ralph Waldo Emerson in Divinity School Address, 1838. You may like Emerson's source. See . The poetry is fascinating and extensive, so it is easy to miss the important parts. Read especially the first three sentences of the thitd paragraph. Then skip to the paragraph beginning "These general views, which, whilst they are general . . . " and read until ". . . appreciated the worth of a man.")
I don't claim Emerson was correct, only that the idea that I can perfect myself is wonderful; powerful; appreciated. I am grateful to Emerson for so much consideration of his resources. We have more.

To local politicians: Today may be one of the most challenging in your political life. You may be challenged to either satisfy the demands of people who gain authority by obstruction, protest, disruption, and the threat of violence that often erupts from emotion and passion versus the people who collaborate daily for the American dream: Freedom-from violence and liberty-to live.

There is hope that is emerging from meetings at EBRP libraries during the last three years. The hope is so new it is not well known. Its impetus is widespread use of the preamble to the constitution for the USA rather than mere claim to “we, the people.”

However I want to share an emerging idea: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and the USA is a place where citizens may celebrate each willing person’s responsible freedom-from political oppression and opportunity to acquire the liberty-to pursue the happiness he or she perceives rather than someone’s image. Dissidents may be inspired to collaborate.

I hope this thought will strengthen each of you and your committee of twelve today and in the future.

Know this from me. I am grateful to each of you who sacrifice in your own way to establish freedom-from violence and liberty-to live, as described herein.


Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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