Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017

 The Advocate:  See online at

Our Views (Stop paying the legislature). I agree with The Advocate's tacit claim that Louisiana lawmakers are adolescent. I add that the administration seems adolescent and should gut their salaries.

But only a civic people can reform lawmakers and administrators. “Civic” refers to citizens who collaborate for living more than cooperate with the city, state, and nation.

In 1790, 99% of the people were factional Protestants and 5% of free citizens could vote. Today, only 14% practice the Protestant traditions but 100% may vote. The majority of the population does not claim a religion.

With religious commonality gone, the people may voluntarily turn to comprehensive safety & security for public-integrity. For example, since every child is potentially an elite citizen, every child should have the opportunity to acquire an elite education. Louisiana GDP would move to unheard of high levels. Dissidents would still face statutory law but with increasing civic justice.
Today’s thought (Hosea 6:6). Justice comes from a civic people---those who collaborate for comprehensive safety and security so that each individual may pursue their person’s fidelity.

New York Times mendacity (Cal Thomas). I agree. Global warming is a hoax.

Other Forums.

President Trump is human and that is why I voted for him twice: once against the GOP and second against the DNC; both times against the media and for a civic people---citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city, state, or nation.

What we saw in the Comey June 8, 2017 public statements is the consequence of the nanny state and moreover, the amorality of American politics that emerged over the last five decades with Alinsky-Marxist organizing (AMO), a confluence of at least five erroneous religions.*

Many times, Comey said, I recall, “I was confused by . . .” or similar expression of his abject human adolescence. He was hesitant to behave with civic morality when A.G. Lynch told him not to report an investigation as an “investigation.” But nothing then inspired him to create records of the awful treatment the world was imposing on him! He was a victim! But he was hesitant and AMO-cunning when President Trump said he hoped Comey will get through the Russian falsehoods quickly.

Comey, born in 1960, was adolescent when Saul Alinsky published his book, “Rules for Radicals” (1971); James H. Cone his book, “Black Power and Black Liberation Theology” (1969); and naming the Congressional Black Caucus (1972). AMO tactics are being used by feminists, by gays and lesbians, and now by transgender thinkers, thanks to Al Capone and Barack Obama (see Adams). Comey demonstrated what James Poulos invokes: failure of fidelity to personal humanity. Poulos wrote, “The case for human freedom cannot succeed if the case for being human fails.”**

Worse yet,the media are at the heart of the amoralization of America, as President Trump so aptly expresses. What needs to happen next is for Congressional attention to turn from the perpetual foreign desires to influence American politics to the prosecution of Ms. Lynch, Mr. Comey, Ms. Clinton, and if possible, Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, I look forward to the better action from President Trump and his administration: Making America great is more important than prosecuting the guilty: Leave it to Congress.

** James Poulos, “Real-World Infrastructure,” National Affairs, No 31, Spring 2017, page 67.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of th

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