Thursday, June 29, 2017

June 29, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
Our Views (
“Great” comes from propriety I don’t possess.

MWW and two daughters are baseball fans, so my propriety is provincial. I could muster “memorable” and "Guess MWW was correct all along."

It's a shame I’m stuck with peanuts and Cracker-Jacks, but there's worse.
Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Revelation 3:15-16, CJB). “I know what you are doing: you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth!”

Dean says “Don’t go halfway with the Lord. Give him your all.”

As usual, Dean is selective, some might say blasphemous to the literature he is quoting. The evidence shows Dean represents Dean. Apparently, collaboration with Dean is good for The Advocate.


Childcare  (Conway). (

I like most of the comments that came earlier.

It seems to me Louisiana’s appropriations session just ended, so I don’t understand the purpose here.

However, I people shouldn’t procreate if they are not dedicated to the person they conceive, gestate, and deliver. (Tacit is the bond with the father unto grandchildren.)

I am reminded of my smoking days, when it was obvious I had cigarettes in my shirt pocket. A free-smoker would approach me: “Got a cigarette?” If he or she lingered with some small talk, I expected, “Got a light?” Sometimes I’d flip my Zippo and ask, “Want me to kick you in the chest to get you started?” It’s a dry objection I learned from other cigarette buyers. I dropped out in 1972, because the inspector general told me I was cutting five years from my life. After thirty-five years lung cancer came, but thanks to doctors---Gahan, Hodges, Bringaze, MCClelland, Miletello, other doctors and staffs, and MWW---I am cancer free.

When couples or others conceive without caring about the person conceived, the person suffers, but people who step forward to say, “I’ll cover you on this,” exacerbate the injustice.
Canadian health care no good (Clarisse). (

I appreciate the reminder of how bad it is to be a Canadian and to want to move there.

Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers, formerly the pundits gallery)
Obfuscated national debt (Samuelson).

Government lending houses (over 100); the majors:
Housing credit             $1.9 trillion
Student loans               $1.1 trillion
SBA guarantees           $0.11 trillion
Export-import bank      $0.085 trillion
Advanced vehicle         $0.016 trillion.
Current federal debt: $20 trillion---$5 million per newborn/year (what will stop it?)

The world seems ever new (Michael Gerson).

Comprehensive safety and security is coming into focus just in time to establish freedom-from tyranny and opportunity to acquire the liberty-to pursue personal happiness in every decade of each willing person’s life. R2D2’s will be of service.
The liberal media (Bernard Goldberg).

Good idea to address, but I did not follow the writing. Could have made more of James Comey’s perhaps nanny-state existence that empowered him to honestly suggest his privation of public integrity.

The liberal media are still praising Comey’s witness “It confused me . . . “ Oh, my! It seems someone else was responsible for the FBI director’s integrity.
ACA lies (E. J. Dionne).

Is “GOP style” a tacit admission that ACA is a lie?

Either way, it is not about citizens’ health it’s about subsidizing the medical care industry including the insurance businesses.

French Quarter arrests (Page 2B).

The high-pixel surveillance cameras paid off! The more willing people utilize the-objective-truth in constraining dissidents the better.

By observing the-objective-truth the three civil war monuments could be reinstated with plaques celebrating the victory over Bible interpretations that both condone slavery and supported the African slave trade long before the USA was established on June 21, 1788 by nine of thirteen free and independent states.

Smoking (Page 1A).
It makes no sense to sacrifice lives for the sake of the casino and bar business-opinion. Especially when a popular beer hall reports increased income after they voluntarily banned smoking in 2015.
What was more important to Mayor Broome last night?
Secondary smoke causes 41,000 deaths per year in the USA. That’s 50 lives per year in Baton Rouge! But not everybody goes to bars and casinos, so maybe the pertinent number is 25 deaths/year. Also, not everybody dies from their secondary-smoke maladies.
It’s barbaric to knowingly sacrifice people to a business.

Other forums

To John Schmeeckle: The Declaration of Independence served its purpose. It is obsolete respecting comprehensive safety and security. The thirteen colonies declared they were states, fought the war, partnered with France in their Second Hundred Years War with England, accepted Cornwallis’s surrender at Yorktown, and negotiated the Treaty of Paris, 1783. The treaty names the thirteen independent states. Independence of the thirteen states is history.

Comprehensive safety and security is introduced by the preamble to the constitution for the USA, signed on September 17, 1787 and ratified by nine of thirteen states on June 21, 1788, establishing the USA, the world’s first nation for the people more than the government. The other four states eventually ratified the preamble on agreement to amend the draft with a Bill of Rights. The articles of the constitution have subsequently been amended 17 times after the Bill of Rights that was ratified on December 15, 1791. Willing people’s trust and commitment in the preamble remain unchanged and I assert are inalienable even if neglected. To put this another way, Personal Independence Day, June 21, 1788, is essential to National Independence Day, July 4, 1776.

“On topic,” for the propriety to discuss God with a human being, a person may admit to self that he or she doesn’t know that God exists—only hopes. Otherwise, the person dehumanizes—or attempts to deify—self and takes unneeded risk. James Madison took such risks more than others. See Memorial and Remonstrance, June 8, 1785 and his thoughts on citizenship: first a person has to be a theist.

Admission to authority beyond self does not infer that it is wrong to hope the beliefs a person pursues conform to the-objective-truth. But it admits to the possibility that God, whatever that is, has independent thoughts. That is, what a person hoped for may emerge as the unexpected. For all I know, in my immediate afterdeath I will be judged by Jesus. I am prepared for that possibility, even though I doubt it.

Two persons may agree to discuss God, much as two people agree to attend a play or concert and discuss its meaning. However, they need to be in agreement that the purpose is to collaborate for living rather than to coerce or attempt to force opinion or proselytize the other party.

In agreement, the first step may be for each party to define “God.” I’m influenced by Plato to say that my meaning of “God” is “good,” and good is a satisfactory topic—no need to equivocate “good.” I prefer to trust and commit to discovering comprehensive safety and security among citizens rather than exploring the mysteries of human constructs, such as monotheism. For example, I’d like to discuss the education of children rather than the theory of “Star Wars,” the movie, or the factional theories of monotheism as expressed by Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Of course, the western thinkers prior to September 17, 1787* did not have the benefit of Albert Einstein or “Star Wars.” However, they debated the African slave trade that was “authorized” by the Church and is yet erroneously condoned in the Bible. Like all humans, they had the psychological power to observe that if they lied to themselves, they lied to humankind. Therefore, they are without excuse if they did not admit that each person only hoped their factional God existed. Albert Einstein is exemplary in that he said we do not lie to each other so that we may communicate rather than to observe a divine rule. See the Einstein essay that is published at .

However, it is not essential for willing citizens to share regard for religion, a private interest or not, any more than regard for symphonic music, in order to collaborate for comprehensive safety and security. Your claim that this phrase is not novel or common is erroneous, and you have yet to admit to or consider the modifier “comprehensive.”

*That’s the date the preamble to the constitution for the USA was signed by 2/3 of the thirteen independent states’ representatives, only 12 states represented.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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